Mysterious Shield of Protection

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Blimp Belios always wanted to be an adventurer. He trained day and night to fight the scourge of the underworld. One day he found an opening to the underworld and entered.

He quickly dispatched the first group of undead. Further down in the cave he surprised a second group and sent them back to hell.

An hour later is fought hard and killed more undead.

After 2 hours, he finally find a small undead army. They were lead by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot. Because I was close to home and familiar with the lay of the land, you are able to use the terrain to your advantage. The battle rages, me against the undead. My blows landed true, shattering them to dust left and right. The champion made me sweat, he was quite the opponent. But in the end, he was just a pile of bones, too. Among what was left of the champion, I found treasures. You also find a unique item among the loot, the "Mysterious Shield of Protection"

It is a beautiful Shining shield with intricate carvings on the shield.