Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP11Ch1

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Letter from Amcastra
Lady Davendrall,

Have you manage to find an Estonian Banner for your unit yet? I see some fine ones ones in the markets of Barad Riel.

Letter from Davendrall
Erm...yes. I'll be sure to get one today...
Roleplay from Anneliese

"That's not how you spell assassin." Catharina said, looking over Anne's shoulder.

A black banner was stretched on the floor. Anneliese sat in front of it, carefully penning a message in white ink. She was doing her best to make it as clear and readable as possible by writing in bold, capital letters. "It's close enough. She'll know what I mean."

Setting her paintbrush aside, she leaned back and admired her work. Anne tilted her head, "Hm... missing something." For a few moments, she was quiet, thinking. Suddenly, she burst out: "I know!" She picked up her paintbrush and began to draw...

"There!" She smiled. "What d'you think, Cathy?"

"I wish you'd let me do that for you." At Anneliese's hurt expression, the scribe quickly added, "Although it is a improvement from your usual handwriting."

Anne beamed, "Do you think she'll like it?"

Catharina took one look at the banner. "It will... get her attention."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall woke up and got out her tent. 25 to 9? What sort of time is this?! Who wakes up at this time?! "Old Red, I blame you for this!" she said to her new Captain who had just finished some morning exercises.

"Mornings are good for you ma'am. Keeps you fit and alert. Oh, and my names Oldred ma'am"

"Thats what I said. Old red"

"Ma'am...I'm 24"

"Well your older than me, thus you are old. But for now i'll just call you Reddy."

Davendrall started munching on cookies

"That isn't a very nutritious breakfast ma'am"

"What did you say?!"

"That isn't a very nutritious breakfast ma'am"


"That isn't..."

"SILENCE! YOU DARE INSULT THE COOKIE! Thats it! No alcohol for a week"

"I don't drink alcohol..."

"You don't? What kind of soldier are you?"

"Ma'am" Oldred said calmly "I am a disciplined, highly respected Estonian Captain"

"Oh...well that explains it. We need to get some Norlander in you! Wait...did I just say that?" Davendrall coughed. "Erm...anyway. Yumyum! Nibbles! Take this...pathetic excuse for a man, and teach him how to be a true soldier"

Yuma and Nibal both appeared from seemingly nowhere beside Oldred and each took one of his arms. Oldred jumped. They were both grinning

"Yes Mistress Davendrall!" They lead him away to the tent where the mass amount of Leprechaun Wine was stored. Dread could be seen clearly in his eyes

"Well...that sorted that...whats that doing there" Davendrall looked at the strange black banner in the middle of the tent. She squinted trying to read it

"Damn. I feel sorry for the person who wrote this. I didn't think it was possible to have such bad hand-writing. 'Davendrall is the cutest...assin...ever?'" She read. "Whats an assin? Oh well. It looks cool."

Davendrall studied it for a minute.

"Bubbles!" She shouted to her scribe, who also appeared, seemingly from nowhere beside her "Make sure this banner is taken with us when we march, and held high!"

"Yes Mistress Davendrall!"

Davendrall continued to munch on her cookies.