Minas Ithil/Trial Records/Trial Records/Himoura v. Vermeer

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Himoura v. Vermeer


Trial opened by Sidd Kingsley on 28/3/10. Raziel III Himoura accuses King Dead Angel Vermeer of abusing his power.


Letter from Raziel III Himoura Message sent to everyone in your realm (62 recipients) As a matter of fact,

Justiciar Sidd, please start a trail against King Dead Angel Vermeer for Abuse of Power and Wartime Crime. His actions interfere with the war effort and stink of corruption. For evidence I refer to my previous letter.

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Lord)

Plaintiff's Evidence

Letter from Raziel III Himoura Message sent to everyone in your realm (62 recipients) This has been troubling me for some time, and I think you all have the right to know. Especially you, Duke Raoul. The King has hired assassins to kill Duke Raoul, mostly because he disagrees with his politics and his religion, as far as I can tell. I ask you, is this the act of a noble King, of a realm of warriors? No, it is not. I can guarantee you that he will attempt to discredit me somehow after I post this, but you cannot listen, for our King has fallen into disgrace.

Letter from Dead Angel Vermeer (5 days, 1 hour ago) Dear Raziel

i have not send this note, but please take out Raoul. He has a 500 gold bounty on his head.

Sir Dead Angel Vermeer King of Minas Ithil

Letter from Dead Angel Vermeer (5 days ago) Dear Raziel III

Raoul will be brought up on trail as soon as the danger of him seceding is gone. I have another problem of the region being a legionism region too.

Unfortunately, due to your insults against our enemies, i will not implant you on any position of power right now. It would just complicate peace process more.

I hold enough evidence against Raoul, to get him punished for his crimes.

Sir Dead Angel Vermeer King of Minas Ithil, Ambassador of Minas Ithil

Letter from Dead Angel Vermeer (4 days, 23 hours ago) No problem Raziel

I already requested foreign infiltrators to do the job.

I can just not openly protect you as long as Duke Raoul has his duke seat. This will cause a direct secede.

Sir Dead Angel Vermeer King of Minas Ithil, Ambassador of Minas Ithil

Sir Raziel III Himoura (Lord)