Melhed/History/Age of Sun/Summary

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At the time of Fifth Invasion, much of the land of Beluaterra was covered in the impenetrable clouds known as the Blight while Melhed was a republic governed by Consul Soren. Soren led a call for the unity of human realms against the daimon invaders. This call was met with agreement from almost all other realms and humanity stood united against the daimon menace, finally defeating them and lifting the Blight from some of the lost lands. But in their fury at defeat, the daimons sunk all the remaining Blighted lands in revenge, changing the shape of the continent forever.

The republic was then overthrown by Yeux Serpentis who founded the Kingdom of Greater Melhed. But during his reign Melhed was soon embroiled in the War of Ice and Sun against Thalmarkin over disputed claims to regions north of the river and lost the war, resulting in the forced abdication of Queen Maya (after her husband King Yeux had died of sickness while negotiating peace in the last days of the war) and the loss of the duchy of Agyr so that the lost kingdom of Ar Agyr could be refounded.

Queen Maya was followed by King Pavel who led Melhed into the War of Sovereignty as one of the Free Realms which fought against an alliance of Thalmarkin, Ar Agyr and Old Grehk which aimed at making King Fingolfin of Thalmarkin the King of Kings of Beluaterra. During the first half of the war it was Fronen and Melhed against the north and King Pavel died in battle, leading to the return of Queen Maya and a forced peace treaty with Thalmarkin which acknowledged northern supremacy and ceded land to the victors. In the second half of the war, Riombara, Nothoi and Spearhold joined the war allowing Melhed to rejoin the fight with the help of Riombaran troops.