Melhed/History/Age of Reason/Quirky

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Quirky Customs

1) No women allowed!
Or so it seems anyway. For a very, very, very long time there were no women nobles living in Melhed. (There were in fact female players, but they played men.) Things have changed since then, but not by much.

2) Ha! You call that an enemy?!
Melhedians seem to have this total disregard for such things as, superior numbers and for that matter, common sense, leading to a lot of rather stupid battles. (like the Last Charge of the Berserkers, and the Death March)

3) Respect the Prime Minister... Why?
Making fun of people in positions of athority is considered a good way to spend the evening if you've nothing else to do. Ask about the pig and the dress if you want in on the sillyness.

4) Power? Oh you mean Aldo's stuff....
More he gave it out the more they gave it back. Took quite a while for people to catch on, but they did in the end..... somewhat. (see the anotation in the election laws)