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Region Details
Continent Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Region Type Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set."Error: no local variable "regtype" has been set." is not in the list (City, Townsland, Stronghold, Rural, Mountains, Woodland, Badlands) of allowed values for the "Is regiontype" property.
Geographic Area Error: no local variable "area" has been set.
Population Error: no local variable "population" has been set."Error: no local variable "population" has been set." is not a number.
Economy Error: no local variable "economy" has been set.
Realm Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Part of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

[[Category:Error: no local variable "continent" has been set. Regions]] [[Category:Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.]]


The city of Makar is the namesake of the Barony of Makar and home of some of the older Vikings in the Barony. Situated on the far east coast of the Barony it was for a short period of time flying Norland's banner, but was returned to the Barony a few years ago.

The city itself is a rough and boisterous city thanks to the citizenry's fondness for the Viking life and the port that brings a variety of unsavory people from around the world. It is not uncommon to see crowds of people stumbling down the street from tavern to tavern singing drinking songs or to see fights breaking out between vikings (Sometimes these brawls are called 'duels'). Meads and ales flow freely in Makar and some believe it to be the primary source of income for the city. Indeed, it is said that vast stores of alcohol are hidden all around Makar and legend speaks of a massive brewery that churns out meads and ales lying beneath the Duke's estate.

While Makar has the appearance of a lawless city at times, there can be nothing farther from the truth. Many of the laws reflect the brutality of the former executioner, Ender, who wrote them. Many crimes are punished by a variety of brutal methods; from removal of limbs to decapitation. Above each of the main gates to Makar spikes bear the heads of any person who crossed the law, and they are replaced frequently as a reminder. Some may think this means the city is ruled by fear, but many vikings simply see this as a natural course of things and stay on the right side of the law.

Noteworthy Locations

  • Makarian Port
  • Bones and Boar Tavern
  • a Large Temple of Hörgr of Makar
  • The Duke's Estate
  • The Makarian Tournament Grounds
  • Guildhouse for The Warriors of Valhalla (Rumored)

Regions in the Duchy of Makar