Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 72

From BattleMaster Wiki

Rolling the Dice Again

One of the wounded soldiers openly gawked at what the captain was telling them.

"Uh, sir? Attack Haul? But we just took a major beating here! That..that's just madness!"

The captain sighed, closing his eyes as he tried to gather his thoughts. Yes, it was another one of the duke's reckless plans, but--

Another soldier suddenly cut off his train of thought, "Madness? Nay, Erik, 'tis pure brilliance! They will be too busy trying to keep Taop from falling apart that Haul will fall!"

Erik was remained unconvinced. "He's going to get us all killed..."

"Hey now! Show some respect!"

Sighing again, Captain Mathias merely kept silent and decided to just walk away, as he was too exasperated to find words.

"What?! Now we're staying? Madness, I say! MADNESS!!!"

"Oh shut up already Erik! Hey, healer, you there! Yes, come over here please. Good, now give this silly man something to knock 'im out, will you? There's a good healer..."

"W-what? Hey! How dare you! YOU'VE ALL GONE MAAAAAAA--zzzzzzz!"

"Wow, that stuff works fast..."

Xarnelf glowered hotly at the messenger who had delivered the news.

So everyone had decided to leave the field, even though victory was at hand... How very disappointing. Well, he refused to leave without giving it one more try, and he vowed never to rely on others again for crucial military support. If no one else had the will to see things through to the bitter end, then the hero would forge ahead entirely on his own. Indeed, Xarnelf thought grimly to himself, if it must be so, then so be it!

He would return soon with all the finest infantry of Aenilia, a veritable army unto himself, and strike deeper into enemy lands than ever before; and he would not stop, would refuse to relent, until he brought Osaliel itself to its knees.