Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 69/Epic Saga 29

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Part 20: The Ending Resolution

The duke nodded, satisfied at how matters had been resolved. Before turning to leave, he casually remarked, "You have my leave to depart off to wherever you must go, but I doubt the registration office is open at this late hour. Take care, and may you find solace in the teachings of the Aenil..."

After they had re-entered the palace proper, Marcus could hold back his curiosity no longer and asked the question that had been bothering him since before their exit from the stables.

"My liege, why were you so generous to that commoner, especially after realizing that he may have even been an assassin? Surely twenty gold pieces was more than enough for the likes of him. And a letter of recommendation as well? I hope that Irdys fellow knows how to keep his mouth shut, for if word of what occurred at this meeting ever broke out, I daresay my liege's reputation will suffer for it."

To this, Xarnelf snorted and shook his head.

"Have faith, Marcus. I have a strong feeling that no harm will come from this encounter. And as for the extent of my generosity? Well, to be honest, he reminded me of someone who was very dear to my heart..."

The duke's eyes grew distant then, and the weapons-master let the matter drop with no further inquiries. They parted ways at the next intersection: one to finally, at long last, barring any further interruptions, all the good Aenil willing, go to bed, and the other to sit in his study, long into the night, reminiscing forlornly about the many joys of the past, as shared with a certain sibling.

P.S. - Our poor weapons-master was roused from his sleep yet again some time later in the night, though it was nobody's fault but his own. He had to use the chamber pot.