Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 69/Epic Saga 06

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Interlude 2: Steward

"Has the Scroll been delivered to the freeman yet?" the duke asked his senior steward upon arriving at the palace very late into the night.

The man shook his head. "Nay, my lord. He has yet to arrive at the Endless Mug, at the latest report."

"Very well. Notify me immediately after you have learned of the transfer, and have someone try to keep an eye on the freeman's movements. Now, what is this about some mysterious cloaked person with a valuable sword?"

"Yes, my lord, well, no one asked the fellow for his name. Mayhaps they were too focused on the item in question to think about inquiring."

Xarnelf smirked in amusement but allowed the steward to continuing speaking.

"According to the weapons-master, the blade is very old yet still retains its keen edge. As for the commoner, Marcus offered to house him in our stables, and I believe he is sleeping there at this very moment."

"And Marcus has the sword?"

"Nay, my lord. He allowed the commoner to keep the sword, mayhaps to assuage the commoner's fears."

"But guards are posted to make sure he does not try anything inane?"

"Why certainly, my lord."

"Good. Bring Marcus to me now. I wish to hear what he has to say about the matter. I will be in the dining hall."

"At once, my lord."

Part 5...