Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 55

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"Milords! An important message!" the messenger reined in his horse to a stop and dismounted, papers in hand.

Xarnelf looked up from his position standing next to Tharion. They had both been hunched over a table, studying the reports of the defenses of Ozrat. The messenger approached and presented two identical letters to each lord; both of them stared curiously at the wax seal stamped over them to hold them closed. It depicted a three-pointed star laid on top of a hawk's feather, which was positioned diagonally.

The Captain General remarked casually, "Isn't that your..."

"My seal, yes. I wonder who..." he paused for a moment, brows furrowed, as Tharion began opening his letter, before the realization hit him. "But of course! She has finally found her good senses and returned!" Xarnelf broke the seal and scanned the contents with a wide grin.

His companion waited for him to finish before saying, "You never told me you had a sister..."

"You never asked!"