Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 42

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Second Awakening (Part 2: Questions)

Wincing without a sound, the knight immediately withdrew his outstretched hand to shade his eyes against the intense brightness. He heard someone enter the room and then pause for a short time before rushing forwards in a hurry. Turning towards the sound of the approaching footsteps, the young noble slowly lowered his hand as his eyes adjusted to the encroaching rays of the rising sun.

"By the angels, Xarne, you have awoken at long last from your deathly slumber!"

The Lightstar scion cocked his head and stared quizzically at the speaker, who stood silhouetted against the bright sunlight from his point of view. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought that he recognized that voice but could not currently determine the source of his odd inkling.

"Xarne? Are you feeling well?"

The man moved closer towards the side of the bed, admitting the light rays more fully as his body no longer blocked the brightness. He observed the young knight with a genuinely concerned visage complete with furrowed brows and wrinkled forehead.

"Xarne..?" the visitor inquired softly a second time, in an almost sad tone.

The noble returned a blank stare, remaining quiet for several heartbeats. Then he asked, "Who are you?"

Taken aback, the man found no words with which to respond, and the knight continued.

"What am I doing here?"

The visitor blinked his eyes, still speechless.

"Where is here?"

The knight paused for a moment and turned his head away from the other man, lowering it slightly in the process.

"Who am I..?"