Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 14

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Battle in Larmebsi

The rising sun's rays gradually revealed the battlefield and the two opposing forces standing ready upon it. Less than one hundred men bearing the colors of Ethiala stood facing a combined force greater than ten times their own both in strength and numbers. Xarnelf stared quizzically across the field at the two infantry units.

"What are they thinking..." the young knight muttered to himself. He turned to his captain, who was standing beside him with his arms crossed and rubbing his chin in thought. "What do you think they're planning, Jint?" I can make no sense of this. Xarnelf gestured towards the Ethialan army.

Captain Feralgem frowned and furrowed his brows as he gazed at the foe. "Well, our recently acquired scouts have reported no signs of a larger, secondary force within our immediate vicinity. It would appear that they may have been sent to lure us into a trap, which suggests that their main force is hiding somewhere close." He shifted his head to look at his leader. "That is the most logical conclusion I can draw from this peculiar situation."

Xarnelf nodded and proceeded to tap his forefinger against his nose in thought. He stopped in mid-tap after he noticed the Ethialan force awakening with movement throughout their lines. Turning to his troops, the young knight gave out his orders. "Farsighters! Prepare yourselves; we may soon see action!"

Just then, several horns sounded from the opposing side, and they moved forward at a quick trot. In response, General Helios sounded the advance, and the allied troop leaders shouted out commands. Xarnelf ordered his unit to move.

"Farsighters, advance! We will attack first with the other archers as the enemy closes!"

The armies of Arcaea and Taith Aenil surged towards the Ethialan infantry like a gigantic tidal wave preparing to crash down upon a tiny sailboat. Thunderous hoofbeats accompanied the singing bowstrings of the archers and the earthshaking footsteps of the infantry as the cavalry charged in wedge formation to split up the enemy and wreak havoc.

The battle was over almost before it even started. Vastly outnumbered and without reinforcements, the soldiers of Ethiala were almost annihilated; little over a dozen or so wounded men were able to escape with their lives, running recklessly in all directions away from the allied forces.

Xarnelf watched them flee with a slight, heartfelt twinge of sadness. They had not even had the remotest chance of success and had accomplished nothing but throw their lives away. He muttered to himself again, "What were they thinking..."