Lightstar Family/Adaria/Roleplay 24

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Imprisoned Again

This time, they did not put her in a room like the last time. Instead, she was led into a much darker place, more akin to an actual dungeon. Without speaking, the guards ushered Adaria into a cell with no more than a couple sticks of candles to give her light in the otherwise shadowed area. After they turned the key in the lock and moved off, the girl tentatively approached the door to peek out between the bars blocking the small window.

Torches to both sides casted flickering shadows within her field of vision, and she was able to see two other prison doors, similar to her own and across the way. Hoping that Namenir was in one of them, for there had not been any news of his release as of yet, she yelled out:

"Chancellor Erendegard Sir? Are you still here?"

Suddenly, she felt something furry brush by her foot and she jumped up, shrieking in fear.

"Eeeek! It's a rat! Shoo! Get away!"

Adaria tried kicking the creature, but she must have missed in the darkness, for her foot did not hit anything. Finally, the girl retreated back to the dim light radius of the candle, away from the door, and hopped up on the cot. As she sank down to hug her shins, a voice called out from nearby:

"Oh hallo, I am here. Who is that? I think I'll be released pretty soon. Ask for a cushion, they're comfortable."

Brightening up at the reply, she quickly rushed to the door again, all but forgetting about the rat, to yell back:

"It's Adaria, Chancellor Sir! They got me in Leod during our stand, when Duke Lightstar's crazy plan didn't quite work out!"

The nosy rat scurried by her feet again, and she gave another shriek.

"Mister guards! Bring a nice kitty cat for me please! And two cushions! Eeek!"

The girl jumped back to the safety of the candle and huddled down again, shivering despite the room temperature not being cold. The next thing she heard was someone yelling:

"My name is Amelyne, who else is here?"

Since she had never heard of an Amelyne before, Adaria did not say anything else.