Lightstar Family/Adaria/Roleplay 21

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Fletched Flight of Fancy

There he was, next to the remaining handful of his men, looking a little bit tired and beat up, but still standing firm. She smiled and ran ahead as her men finally caught up to the back ranks of the swiftly marching allied forces. As Adaria started to call out his name, war horns sounded the attack at the sight of the enemy troops.

Frowning at not being able to greet Kenshue before the fight started, the girl resolved to seek him out immediately after their victory. Soon enough, the two sides met with a crash that made her wince and bite her lip in worry. She stayed out of the way and behind of her archers, trying to gauge the course of the battle.

However, as the soldiers pushed forwards, the knight disappeared from her line of sight, and she quickly looked for something upon which she could stand for a better view. Spotting a convenient boulder nearby, Adaria hopped up and squinted to differentiate the various units from one another.

Suddenly noticing that her men were no longer firing their bows, she called down, "Why aren't you guys shooting?!"

"Milady, 'tis too dangerous with the lines mixed up like so! We might hit our own side!"


Refusing to let the matter be, Adaria bent down to relieve one of her men of his longbow and yanked three arrows from the surprised archer's quiver. Then, she proceeded to poke one arrow through her hair (behind an ear), bite the second one (between her teeth), and nock the last arrow (beside the--err I mean to the bow). Trying to take careful aim with one eye closed, she pointed the arrow straight into the jumbled mass of soldiers and pulled back the bowstring.

(Note: Adaria has never fired a bow before, but in her head she was thinking: 'How hard could it be, eh?')

Meanwhile, the distraught--and now weaponless--archer tried to persuade his commander against her intended action:

"M'lady, please no! You're going to hurt someone shooting like that!"

Wryly, Adaria responded, "Well duh, silly! That's the point!"

"That's not the way to do it! We usually aim up and let the arrow fall down on the ene--oh heaven help us..."

The soldier watched helplessly as the girl ignored his protests and let fly the feathered projectile. He held his breath, as did all of those soldiers around them who had noticed the excitement, but soon let it out as a sigh of relief as the arrow fell much too short and pierced the ground.

"M'lady, please, give me back my bow!"

Undeterred at her first failure, Adaria removed the next arrow from between her teeth and fitted it to the string, drawing it back as far as she could possibly pull this time around. The men around her pre-emptively cringed, fearing the results of this next shot.

"At least open both eyes? You've got no depth perceptio--oh I give up!"

The second arrow whistled straight and true... but somehow... miraculously, unbelievably, no-freaking-way-omgwtfbbq-ly... failed to hit anything at all? The men peered curiously, and those with the best vision among them noticed that it had indeed flown straight and true--too straight, actually, for the arrow passed narrowly over everyone's heads!

The archer below her kept his mouth shut as Adaria retrieved the third arrow from her hair with a growl. This time, she did not pull so far back, and she did not aim so high; this time, she spotted Kenshue amidst the struggling men--and he looked like he was in trouble! On her next exhale, the girl released the taut bowstring...

(Roleplay from Kenshue Kazukin)

Coming into this Kenshue had thirty-nine healthy, very strong men. He now struggle to find but five amongst those he brought that were in any condition to fight. However with the recent arrival of Cathay, Kenshue knew he would have those five men be in the next fight if given the opportunity. As he set them up, he let them cowardly line up behind the Cathayan forces. Regardless, he knew he was only going there to assist if they couldn't hold their own.

As the battle began however, and his men watched the others fight on, he knew it wouldn't be long until the heat of the battle got under their skins. He knew just the thing to get them to move.

"Captain Heidric, you ready?" Kenshue whispered under his breath to his captain, who was still standing around not doing anything with the other four healthy members.

"What do you -" Captain Heidric began to blurt out but before he could finish his sentence, saw Kenshue pull out his sword, and join right in, in taking down the enemy masses.

Captain Heidric quickly signaled his men to follow, and without hesitation they were in the fight too. The four men, Captain Heidric, and Kenshue did quite the amount of damage to Soliferum for only being such a small team. It was nearly over with when Kenshue could hear something.

"Sir, our allies are still firing arrows!" Captain Heidric explained, as he pointed to an arrow that had missed them by a good amount of feet.

"Well then we better clear them out quicker." Kenshue said, as he held off another one of Soliferum's infantry.

"But it's just you and I left." Captain Heidric quickly replied, pointing out how the four others that joined them would be added to either the dead, or wounded list.

Kenshue ignored the fact that his men were downed, and kept fighting regardless, but before long could hear nothing but Captain Heidric complaining.

"I've been hit" Captain Heidric moaned in pain, and Kenshue quickly looked back to see an Aenilian arrow stuck into his arm. "Why were they still firing?"

Kenshue began walking back to assess the arrow wound to his captain, but before he reached him could see Lady Adaria coming up from the back lines in a distance. He walked right past Captain Heidric and towards Lady Adaria, getting a grimace followed by a grin, when his captain had noticed Lady Adaria as well.

Adaria smiled as her arrow flew towards the hacking and slashing, right in line with the enemy near Kenshue. Suddenly, someone came up and cut that guy down, and then he raised his sword in triumph? The girl gasped as her arrow sank into that man's arm, as he seemed to be on her side.

Smiling sheepishly, Adaria hopped down from her rock and returned the bow to her soldier, who was shaking his head (but also wisely continuing to keep his mouth shut). Then, noticing that the battle had mostly ended, she ran out towards Kenshue, who was heading back towards the soldier she had mistakenly shot.

Their eyes met, and Adaria smiled shyly; unconsciously, she also began batting her eyelashes. Ignoring the wounded man, the knight moved past and then stopped a few feet away, as the girl slowed down the last few yards. Peering over Kenshue's shoulder at the arrow stuck in the captain's arm, she blushed deeply, while saying:

"Oops! Err, so! How's it going? Heh heh..."