Lightstar Family/Adaria/Roleplay 06

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Squawk Squawk

"Ooh! What a pretty little hawk! Don't you think so, captain?" the girl smiled as she admired the emblem, turning it this way and that way.

"Uhh, sure, Miss Adaria," he replied absently, as he inspected his sword for nicks.

"What, you don't think so?" she asked, as she started to imitate a flying hawk with it, while making bird noises. Slowly, she moved the patch towards her captain in an up-and-down motion.

The captain shrugged and backed away in confusion, before muttering, "Uhh, well, I don't really have--"

"Squawk, squawk!" The emblem 'flapped' closer to the man's face.

"--uhh, don't really have an opinion, Miss. Yeah, uhh, I'm going to check the equipment now. Good day!" And with that, the captain hurried off while he still could.

"Bah! You're no fun!" Adaria called after him. Then she scanned the camp for another unsuspecting victim, bored as she was...