Lightstar Family/Adaria/Roleplay 04

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A Lesson in Tactics

"Well... it looks like we moved out just in time, eh cousin?"

"Hahah, indeed, little Ada, indeed. Do try to keep up... Your men are not looking so good..."

"Hmph, I can't tell stories like you can to inspire them! Even if I had stories to tell in the first place, which I don't!"

"There, there now... You'll have plenty of stories to tell the other nobles at least, once we get ourselves out of this... interesting ...situation into which we have stumbled."

"Xarn, I thought you had a plan! What was all that talk in Anacan before we left for Pates??"

"Hah...well... plans can be too restrictive at times. Therefore, improvisation is necessary for victory, once in a while, that is."

"Okay then. Line formation again for the next fight?"

"Well, line formation is generally the most widely accepted setting for siege warfare, but--"

"But knowing you, you're probably gonna do something crazy like wedge formation again, huh? What, you gonna break the walls with your head??"

"--ahem, BUT, as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted..."

-girlish snicker-

"...against mostly defending archers, staggering your men in a skirmish formation can be ideal to prevent losses. As for the wedge formation, that is one of the worst settings to use for a siege, unless of course, if you have a battering ram... Then maybe it will work, but only if you are lucky. So as much as I like to spearhead a charge, I will not be so reckless whenever we arrive in Haul. We do not have a ram to use, anyway."

-murmur- "Like that will stop you..."

"Hmm? Did you say something, Ada?"

"Wha-huh? Me? Nope, not me!"


"So how are you going to line up your men?"

"Well, I will wait to see what we are up against before I decide. But you should choose skirmish, because you have barely a score of men remaining."

"Got it!"

"Now let us hurry away from Leod, before they catch up to us!"

"Really? I almost thought you were going to order everyone to turn around and catch them by surprise!"

"Hmm, now that you mention it..."