Lightstar Family/Adaria/Roleplay 03

From BattleMaster Wiki

A Flair for the Theatrical

The girl marveled at her cousin's ferocity and charisma in battle and tried to keep up, but it was difficult, to say the least. His men followed him unerringly and without question, even unto death, while her own unit lacked discipline and had already begun to lose hope of ever seeing home again.

"How do you do it cousin? How do you keep your men's morale up and their loyalty strong?"

"That is but a simple matter, little Ada. Lead by example. Impress upon them your strength of will, your determination to achieve victory, and, above all, your willingness to risk your own life as you fight alongside them, while they risk theirs in your name, and in the name of our cause against the Soliferites and Delphians."

Adaria looked pensive for a moment. "Hm, I see..."

"Well, and of course, it also helps that I have a flair for telling rousing stories of epic battles, hah!" Xarnelf grinned, then lifted his hand to place the edge of it against a cheek, as if to speak in a theatrical aside. "Not to mention I pay them quite well..."

The girl giggled and covered her mouth until the fit passed. Then she smiled and repeated, "Hm, I see..."