Le Craint Family/Mihel le Craint/The Life of a Courtier

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Roleplay Archive

Roleplay from Mihel le Craint
Hard at work

"Come come, bring those papers over here..... Quickly, send word to the ones in charge of the construction it is of high importance that we get that completed......"

Mihel was given very little time to rest, with each problem he solved, more problems were discovered. The looting that had taken place had left Nimraw in a terrible state with dissenters seemingly plotting from within. None of which made his job any easier. In a room within an empty manor within a central estate, a collection of tables had been set up to hold this small gathering of bureaucrats and administrative workers. Paper continued to pile up as messengers continually entered the room with more work and more complaints.

Mihel took a step back from the table of papers and walked towards the window overlooking the courtyard, a number of carts containing different materials headed for sites of construction and fresh faced messengers passing groups of tired and worn out messengers. The once dusty and unused courtyard was now swarmed with numerous people. The door to the office opened once more, this time a well dressed attendant entered the room carrying a silver tray of drinks, he made his way to Mihel.

"Sir, I thought it was time for a break and took the liberty to bring drinks for yourself and other members of staff. It seems however, you beat me to it...." The man also looked out the window, after placing the tray on the central table. "Quite a sight isnt it? You would have thought that the people here would have been broken, however they seem very receptive to the work you are putting in, Sir."

"You are quite right Searl, as they should be. I wouldn't want the work I am putting in here to be wasted." ​ Mihel took one of the cups from the table and took a deep sip, leaving little of the blood red liquid to remain. The sun just above the crest of a nearby hill, the bright glare caught Mihel as he turned around to face the view. Retracting himself from the glare, wiping his eye, the attendant offered a small piece of embroidered fabric, a simple monogram and outlining pattern, something newly ordered for Mihel and his household. Taking this, he wiped his eyes, the lighting making them weep.

"I sent out the letter you asked me to deliver, a reply has been received." He held out a small folded piece of paper with a wax seal. Mihel took this and looked over the contents, he let out a deep sigh.

"Seems like we shall be remaining here for the time being, prepare some scouts, I wish for them to be sent out and return as soon as the sun sets. For now, I must get back to my work. I shall call for you if I am in need, for the time being, send word to the chefs to being preparing my meal. All this paperwork has given me quite the appetite."
Mihel le Craint

Roleplay from Mihel le Craint
Breakfast of a Courtier

Stood on his balcony, looking out over his estate. Mihel enjoyed the morning sun as the grounds started to become busy with activity, guards began their training and attendants began to clean and prepare for the day. Another attendant came out through the glass double doors carrying a plate of food. Placing it down, along with a glass of weak ale, he bowed to Mihel before leaving. At which point, Mihel began to eat, it had been a while since he had the food of his estate. A plate of eggs and ham with freshly baked bread, he thought to himself; Nothing beats freshly baked bread, especially that of your own produce.

Before long, the head attendant stepped through the doors carrying a small pile of papers. "My apologies for disturbing your meal. The messenger has arrived with todays letters and reports. Additionally, you have received a request from Sir Behemoth Nowack to assist in the work in Zawr."

with this, Mihel let out a grin. "Pass me my quill and ink. I shall respond to this request." Mihel continued to write his letter, the attendant waiting patiently for Mihel to finish. Before long, he handed a small letter sealed in wax. "Have a messenger take this as soon as possible, I shall accept and remain here for the time being. Maybe then, I shall have some time to myself within my home."

"Very well Sir, I shall see to it right away. For now, here are the letters of the day. Enjoy your breakfast, I shall leave you in peace." As he left, Mihel let out a large sigh before flicking through the large pile of letters and reports. Wiped away the crumbs from the table and began to write responses and begin the days work.
Mihel le Craint

Roleplay from Mihel le Craint
Annoyance in the Clerks OfficeMihel sat with his arms crossed, bored and annoyed he leant forward into his chair resting his head in his hands before turning to the crowd gathered. The clerks offices had become bustling with people and complaints.

"Explain to me again. I still cannot wrap my head around this nonsense."

"Well M'lord, Barnable over there lost some of the papers about the fishery production output..." Another man quickly chimes in. "Thats not true m'lord, Jorvik was the one responsible for the fisheries, I am responsible for the farming." The bickering between the two continued for quite some time before Mihel put his hand up.

"Enough of this useless bickering. You are adults, act like one." He let out a deep sigh as the two men apologised but stared daggers at each other. "It matters not who lost it but how someone could mistake that for trash, this shall set me back further than I wanted to be you know." He stared at the two men. "You both will be staying late so that we shall sort this. I want to hear no complaints about this." The two men shrugged and went back to there desks.

"Send the next one in.... and bring me a glass of the good wine, I am in need of a good stiff drink."
Mihel le Craint

Roleplay from Mihel le Craint
Construction beginning on the Tower

The work had begun. The first of many bricks that needed to be laid. However, the tower was beginning to take shape. Mihel stood in front of his tent, a set of papers detailing the construction was strewn across, every aspect of the build had been accounted for down to the minor details. This made him smile. Something he had dreamed of since he was a youngster.

Work was slow due to the environment only today had a stable road been established leading to the base of the tower. Now materials could be moved easier to the construction site. The scene was perfect and Mihel would not have been satisfied with it anywhere else. An uninterrupted view straight to Ibladesh.

Watching over the workers as they rushed around pleased Mihel. However he did have other work to attend too. Returning back to his tent, he sat down in a large oak chair infront of a desk and proceeded to write numerous reports and suggestions for local improvements. His daily routine now.
Mihel le Craint

Roleplay from Mihel le Craint
An invitation from... Moyale?

The rise of the sun over the mountain range was a wonderful sight. The tranquility and peace that the mountain presents is second to none. However, this morning was different. Instead of being awoken peacefully, Mihel was stirred awake by a loud commotion. The shouting and cheering of people. This confused him, "There shouldnt be another person for miles".

He pulled himself from his bed and dressed himself loosely in a cloak that hung at the end of his bed. He stormed to the balcony doors, slamming the doors open, shaking the timber frame of the balcony.

"What in gods name is going on so early in the morning?!" Mihel let out a mighty roar, the crowd stunned into silence. For a moment, nothing could break the tension, then came a voice from the crowd.

"M'lord Mihel le Craint, we have come to plea for you.. come to Moyale and lead us. We wish to be part of Perleone and wish for you to become our lord."

Mihel was stunned into silence, he simply rubbed his eyes in confusion.

"So you came all the way here... through the mountainside? Revolted from Vix and wish for me to lead you?"

There came a resounding "Yes M'lord" from the crowd of people. Mihel simply held up his hand, silencing the crowd.

He mumbled to himself, "This is going to cause a bureaucratic mess..." He let out a heavy sigh, brushing his hair back from his eyes, "Return to your homes, I admire your drive to seek out new leadership. For now I shall accept your pleas and accept control of your region. There shall be a lot of work that needs to be done. Until then, return to your normal lives. I shall travel to Moyale at sunset and begin the process of transition. Once that is comepleted, we shall celebrate your welcoming to Perleone."

With this there came a cheer from the crowd. As he has requested, the crowd began to disperse and peace returned to the mountain side. Mihel fell back into his chair and let out a deep sigh.

"I am going to need a strong pot of coffee."
Mihel le Craint

Roleplay from Mihel le Craint
A gift from Elder Rufos

The celebrations had begun to subside and Mihel returned to his office to once again begin work. While much of the land had been ravaged by lootings, the people were optimistic and open to the changes being implemented. This eased the burden on Mihel. While the paperwork had begun to pile up once again, he was filled with motivation. This was due to the determination and drive he had witnessed within Moyale. Before he could settle into the days work, there came a knock at the door.

"Representative Mihel, you have a visitor."

He put his quill down and sealed the bottle of ink closed. "Show them the way and bring some tea."

After a few minutes, the door opened. A very frail old man entered followed by Mihel's attendant. "Representative Mihel, allow me to introduce Elder Rufos. He is the village chief that comes under the jurisdiction of... Daedalus’ Hair Salon.."

The elder stepped towards Mihel, offering out his hand in greeting, "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me under such short notice. However, I wished to personally greet our new lord."

Mihel was taken aback by the confidence of the man but responded as he could, "Elder Rofus, I am glad to make your aquaintance this day. May I offer you some tea?" He signaled toward the attendant who started to pour some tea into two painted ceramic cups.

"I shall graciously accept this. However, I come with other matters that may interest you."

Intrigued by this, Mihel took a sip from his glass, "You have piqued my interest, go on."

"If you would follow me, I shall show you."

Mihel put his cup down on the table and followed the Elder out of the room. He signaled for the attendant to join them. The three of them headed out of the manor towards the courtyard where a stable hand stood with a horse. Its pure white coat and black mane, coupled with the dark brown leather saddle and reigns, looked beautiful. Its coat was impeccable, there were no blemishes, dirt or marks of any kind. It was if it had just stepped out of a painting. The Elder stepped towards it and took the reigns from the stable hand, leading the horse to Mihel.

"This is a gift to you, from our village. A welcome gift and a thanks for coming to our aid. Styled by our experts, it is our most prized horse, I hope that you like it."

Mihel was stunned into silence, unsure of what to really say. He rubbed his eyes and smiled. "Elder Rufos, I truly do not know what to say. This... this is a wonderful horse. I shall accept this with great pleasure, you have my utmost gratitude."

"I am glad that you like it. I wished to visit you earlier but we were still recovering from the recent looting that took place. The work you have done since you arrival has been a great help, I have never seen the youth so motivated to work before. For this, you have my gratitude and admiration. Should you wish to visit the village, I am certain that this would boost moral further. I would be honoured to give you a tour of our humble village."

"Elder Rufos, I would be delighted to visit the village of yours. For now however, how about we return inside for some tea. I am certain it shall not be long before I go out riding on this horse. Does she have a name?"

The Elder smiled, "Of course, her name is Hope."

The three of them once again returned inside, smiling and talking like old friends. The stable hand took care to take the horse to the manor's stable. The attendant rushing on ahead to prepare the table for them both.
Mihel le Craint