Khthon/Old Khthon
Old Foundation of Khthonian Beliefs
The realm of Khthon was founded on the belief that only heroes hold the innate power to be able to efficiently run a realm. Founded by the renowned hero Predbjørn II Tyreslagter, the basic law of the realm was that only heroes can hold higher office, i.e. the posts of Ruler, Judge, General and Duke. The position as Banker is an exception to this rule, perhaps because Predbjørn himself had served as Banker in Melhed and found the experience rather unheroic.
Old Vexillology
Predbjørn's disdain for traditional heraldic art led to the young realm adopting a modern flag instead of a normal coat of arms. The national colours had a broad white stripe with the local script for "Khthon" written on it. Below this, a thin greenish stripe represented the grass plains to the south of the capital, and at the bottom a thicker brown stripe represented the soil of Beluaterra, which sprouts forth both potatos and undead at irregular intervals. At the top is a red stripe with a saw-toothed lower edge, representing the blood that must be shed for the realm if she was to survive.
Any resemblance between the flags of Khthon and Strongbadia [1] is purely coincidental.
Old Government
We were a tyranny under the complete authority of Predbjørn II, the Dictator and Executor of Khthon, Duke of Dyomoque. Our current General was Weland. The Banker was contested between Cyric and Sesucee. Sesucee won the duel, but the position was temporarily given to Cyric until Sesucee could fulfill the office. Our glorious capital was Dyomoque. It was Khthon's only city, but that was going to change as we were planning a crusade for land.
First Surrender
After an unfair fight against Plergoth, the Founder / Tyrant / Executor / Duke Predbjørn II Tyreslagter surrendered Dyomoque to Plergoth, signalling the end of Khthon. He retained control of the city.
The Story of the first Demise
The sun was higher. On the horizon, Khthonian nobles could see the Plergoth horde coming. As the barbarians of Plergoth arrived, they raped our women, mutilated our men, plundered our gold and burned our food. One noble Khthon troopleader arose to protect the people, but was defeated and wounded in the process. All hope seemed lost.
Then, Predbjørn II betrayed the people of Khthon and switched allegiance to Plergoth. Turmoil and chaos arose. Plergoth troopleaders dominated the Dyomoque countryside. In a gesture of hope, Sesucee broght order to the chaos. She, in an era where men ruled politics single-handedly, united Khthon troopleaders and gave them marching orders. Sesucee vowed to return to Dyomoque to free the people from the Plergoth barbarians. So the Khthonian nobles set out on the "March of Mourning" to Fronen, promising to avenge the Khthon people...