Kazukin Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

Rebbec Kazukin (Countess of Erahol)

Rebbec Kazukin


~Rebbec as a young girl grew up always wearing dresses and skirts. She was your average blond haired girl always playing by the books, but as she grew older and became more developed the boys began to notice her more. She knew this meant nothing but trouble, so against her families orders, she trained in the art of the sword. Mastering her skills, she knew that not only would her sword skills be a noble weapon, but she could also use her blessed looks as well.~

~As Rebbec grows in age she is ever learning more, and passes the knowledge she learns down to her younger brother Kenshue who ever since saw his sister's skill has been following in her footsteps.~

Kenshue Kazukin (Baron of Zolon)

Kenshue Kazukin


~When word broke that Rebbec had become a Knight of Zolon, Kenshue was so proud of his sister, where as the rest of the family shunned her. Kenshue constantly visited his older sister traveling from their home in Erahol to Zolon to see if she had learned anything else new that she could teach him.~

~Kenshue follows Rebbec's every order. He loves his older sister and would fight to the death for her. The bond these two have will never be broken, and when you watch them fight, you can tell Kenshue was taught well by his sister because if you watch close enough every move is in perfect sync~

Jeska Kazukin (Adventurer)

Jeska Kazukin


~Jeska never got along with anyone of her family in Erahol. She would constantly be told she was wrong for everything she ever did. One day she had enough, and snuck out of her family estate and headed toward Idapur to catch a boat to Dwilight, a continent she heard was full of adventure~