Kalmar Islands/JasinPoints

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Kalmarian Noble Jasin Libre proposed five bills that now play key roles in the Kalmar Islands. All five bills were passed by a vote of all Kalmarian nobles. The bills are as follows.

  • After a vote has been called, voting shall take place for 48 hours. This should be sufficient time for all active nobility to vote. If after 48 hours a quorum is not reached, voting will continue for an additional 12 hours. If by then it has not been reached, the matter will be considered closed and the measure failed.
  • The Chancellor shall have the duty of presenting a report to the realm every 24 hours detailing all current bills, the time that voting shall end of them, and who has voted yea or nay. At the Chancellor's discretion, this duty may be deputized to another noble.
  • The Chancellor or other body directed by him shall have the duty of ensuring that all bills that have passed the Assembly are dutifully acted upon.
  • The High Judge or such body as he shall designate shall maintain a wiki page detailing all passed bills and resolutions of the council, which shall be made publically available for all of the realm to view.
  • Upon either passing or failure of the bill to move the capital, I suggest that all resources of the realm be expended to enhance the productivity and fortifications of the city of Kalmar.