Hynes Family/Alois/Downtime/RP8

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The small pub was alive with activity, laughter and celebration, the fumes of alcohol and the perfume of the silken ladies intermingling into a suffocating, intoxicating smell. The women moved effortlessly through the crowd, laughing and flirting, the revealing nature of their dress inviting the occassional caress of bare flesh.

"Two rounds," Alois occassionally called to his men,reminding them, "Only two rounds and then we must leave!" The seventeen men laughed as one, raising their glasses in salute.

"Only two, m'lord?" one of the women whispered into his ear, her voice husky and low as she pressed her body into his side.

He smiled down at her and took a step away. "Only two," he said, his voice steady and uninterested. She flashed a toothy grin and moved off, swaying seductively.

"Three more!" One of the Legionnaires called from a nearby table, one of the girls draped across his lap, writhing and giggling as his hand explored her plump belly. "I'll need at least three more to be able to handle this sow, and five minutes after that!"

Alois kicked the chair from under them, and soldier and woman sprawled onto the floor. "I said two, you god blessed whoremonger!" He shouted in mock anger, bringing a wave of laughter and cheer from the men.

The woman squealed in surprise as she scrambled to her feet, face flushed bright red, embarassed. The soldier simply laughed as she ran off, and raised his empty mug to her back. "Well, boys, it looks like I'm finished for the night!" he called as she dissapeared into the back.

Alois giggled and raised the wooden mug to his mouth, draining the thick meade in three chugs. The alcohol burnt his mouth, setting his tongue and lips afire.

"Finish them quick, 'cause we're marching soon."

"Home!" the men screamed as one, draining their mugs just as quickly.

He turned to find Pate setting across from one of the women, grinning from ear to ear, entertaining her with tales of battle and campaign.

"Pate!" he screamed at the boy, who looked at him with a startled surprise, "Finish that drink and get outside. We march soon."

The boy stood up quickly and drained his cup. The woman took him in her arms and pulled him close against her soft body, giving him what was most likely the greatest embrace of his short life. She broke the hug quickly, bent to place her soft lips gently against his for a fraction of a second and moved off.

"I like this city," the Squire said as they marched out into the cool night, a wide grin across his lips.

"Aye," Alois agreed. He knew he'd hear about this night for the rest of his life.