Highvale Family/Gareth/Second Battle in Braga

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Battle in Braga

message to all nobles participating in the battle in Braga

1AArmsworth 1st InfantryWilliamShadowdale130 Infline  1643
2ABattlethunderFlaviaShadowdale47 Cavwedge  920
3ABlack RidersGuldorShadowdale105 Cavwedge  1747
4ABringers of HopeDanteShadowdale31 SFskirmish  812
5AGhost WatchEtainShadowdale72 SFskirmish  1591
6AHis ShadowLorenzoShadowdale70 SFskirmish  1435
7AKrimml's GuardAhmadkin ImadShadowdale100 Archline  1165
8AMeldic GuardsCynericShadowdale72 MIline  995
9APorcupine CompanyEverhardShadowdale151 Infline  1650
10AStout ArchersMarcohShadowdale36 Archskirmish  530
11AThe Emerald BladesGarethShadowdale75 Infline  1073
12AThe GreysTzedvierShadowdale98 Cavwedge  1623
13AThe Wind CuttersJusteShadowdale72 Archskirmish  1059
14AWinged HussarsDirkShadowdale97 Cavwedge  1608
15D 13th LegionAzerCaligus61 SFline  1354
16D Akesh LoyalsKenricCaligus91 MIbox  990
17D Akesh rangersAuthurCaligus62 MIline  716
18D Blood GriffinsBaeliarCaligus57 Infbox  786
19D Craterhoof KnightsRujvikCaligus56 Cavwedge  940
20D EISENRITTEREisenritterCaligus150 MIbox  1468
21D Fire of the DragonNorthSirion212 Archline  1587
22D For the RepublicReardenSirion201 Archskirmish  1987
23DGood ArchersActronCaligus64 Archbox  882
24D Gun Powder PlottersFendorCaligus67 SFline  1424
25D Hillmarians Honour GuardsBrockSirion75 SFskirmish  1703
26D Kiene FrumentariiThaneCaligus42 Infbox  584
27D LongshotsKoloyokCaligus50 MIbox  694
28D Men's Right ActivistsHanneloreCaligus121 Archskirmish  1119
29D Mounted TorenGodric TórrarinCaligus77 Cavwedge  1149
30D NeedlesFredirkCaligus110 Archline  1326
31D Razor EdgeAnastassiaCaligus58 Infbox  750
32D RunebladesHamilton limbCaligus80 Infline  932
33D Swansong ArchersSeanCaligus69 SFline  1468
34D the Black LegionAchillesSirion100 Archline  929
35D The Golden HordeBjornCaligus50 SFline  1208
36D Your Very Special FriendsFredrickCaligus79 SFline  1630

14 attackers (356 Inf, 72 MI, 208 Arch, 347 Cav, 173 SF)
22 defenders (237 Inf, 353 MI, 808 Arch, 133 Cav, 401 SF)
Total combat strengths: 17851 vs. 25626

The forces from Caligus brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Shadowdale and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Shadowdale troops attack because they are at war with Caligus.
The troops from Sirion join the defense because of their alliance with Caligus.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.

Shadow Queen Etain Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Beasthide Helm of Sparky.
Cauldron Master Everhard Brennaborg is spotted wielding the Twice-Blessed Aegis of Minas Leon.
Knight Gareth Highvale is spotted wielding the Screaming Hammer of Battle.
Shadow Queen Etain Dubhaine is spotted wielding the Faewood Guard of the Netherworld.
Shadow Queen Etain Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Battered Girdle of Hireshmont.
Everhard Brennaborg, Cauldron Master of Shadowdale, Earl of Commonyr, Marshal of the Shadowdale Homeguard takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
North Estrall, High Commander of Sirion, Marshal of the Army of the Red Dragon takes command of his army.
Eisenritter Felsenbach, Patriarch, Dux Militum of Caligus, Royal of Caligus, Duke of the Lion's Mane, Margrave of Akesh Temple, Marshal of the Wings of Retribution takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 2 (47-C)
 3 (105-C)
7 (100-A)
11 (75-I)
12 (98-C)
14 (97-C)
1 (130-I)
4 (31-S)
5 (72-S)
6 (70-S)
8 (72-M)
9 (151-I)
10 (36-A)
13 (72-A)
   22 (201-A)
25 (75-S)
32 (80-I)
16 (91-M)
20 (150-M)
27 (50-M)
15 (61-S)
17 (62-M)
18 (57-I)
19 (56-C)
21 (212-A)
23 (64-A)
24 (67-S)
26 (42-I)
28 (121-A)
29 (77-C)
30 (110-A)
31 (58-I)
33 (69-S)
34 (100-A)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 222 hits.
Akesh Loyals (16) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Hillmarians Honour Guards (25) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 883 hits.
the Black Legion (34) move closer to get better shots.
Longshots (27) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Fire of the Dragon (21) move closer to get better shots.
Meldic Guards (8) fire on For the Republic (22), scoring 138 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Ghost Watch (5), scoring 217 hits.
Stout Archers (10) fire on For the Republic (22), scoring 181 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) fire on For the Republic (22), scoring 218 hits.
His Shadow (6) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 505 hits.
Needles (30) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
For the Republic (22) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 747 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25), scoring 324 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25), scoring 351 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on Ghost Watch (5), scoring 124 hits.
Akesh rangers (17) move closer to get better shots.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on Ghost Watch (5), scoring 414 hits.
Good Archers (23) move closer to get better shots.
13th Legion (15) fire on His Shadow (6), scoring 124 hits.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 574 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
EISENRITTER (20) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2731, Defenders: 2291
Craterhoof Knights (19) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Black Riders (3), Battlethunder (2), Winged Hussars (14) and The Greys (12) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Mounted Toren (29) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Razor Edge (31) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Kiene Frumentarii (26) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Blood Griffins (18) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), The Emerald Blades (11) and Porcupine Company (9) advance towards the enemy.
Runeblades (32) advance towards the enemy.

Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) take 883 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Hillmarians Honour Guards (25) take 675 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
Runeblades (32) take 1079 hits from archer fire, which cause 25 casualties.
His Shadow (6) take 124 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
For the Republic (22) take 537 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Porcupine Company (9) take 969 hits from archer fire, which cause 16 casualties.
Ghost Watch (5) take 755 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2731 (0 from close combat and 2731 from ranged), Defenders: 2291 (0 from close combat and 2291 from ranged)
Total casualties: 47 attackers, 58 defenders

Turn No. 2

   2 (47-C)
7 (100-A)
4 (31-S)
5 (58-S)
6 (67-S)
8 (72-M)
10 (36-A)
11 (75-I)
13 (72-A)
1 (116-I)
3 (105-C)
9 (135-I)
12 (98-C)
14 (97-C)
32 (55-I)
22 (183-A)
25 (60-S)
29 (77-C)
16 (91-M)
17 (62-M)
20 (150-M)
21 (212-A)
23 (64-A)
27 (50-M)
34 (100-A)
15 (61-S)
18 (57-I)
19 (56-C)
24 (67-S)
26 (42-I)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
31 (58-I)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

The Wind Cutters (13) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 863 hits.
Good Archers (23) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 348 hits.
the Black Legion (34) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 259 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 415 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 341 hits.
Akesh rangers (17) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 204 hits.
EISENRITTER (20) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 473 hits.
Akesh Loyals (16) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 273 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 873 hits.
13th Legion (15) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 283 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 600 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 446 hits.
Needles (30) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 226 hits.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 325 hits.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 443 hits.
For the Republic (22) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 938 hits.
Stout Archers (10) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 350 hits.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 788 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 142 hits.
His Shadow (6) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 454 hits.
Meldic Guards (8) fire on Runeblades (32), scoring 355 hits.
Hillmarians Honour Guards (25) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 1158 hits.
Longshots (27) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 189 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 6463, Defenders: 4283
Craterhoof Knights (19) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Battlethunder (2) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
The Greys (12), Black Riders (3) and Winged Hussars (14) charge forward.
Mounted Toren (29) charge ahead, into the attackers\' ranks.
Kiene Frumentarii (26) stay behind their camp fortifications.
The Emerald Blades (11) advance towards the enemy.
Razor Edge (31) and Blood Griffins (18) advance towards the enemy.
Porcupine Company (9) and Winged Hussars (14) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
9 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) score 1773 hits on Mounted Toren (29).
The Emerald Blades (11) score 733 hits on Mounted Toren (29).
Battlethunder (2) score 719 hits on Mounted Toren (29).
Mounted Toren (29) score 582 hits on Battlethunder (2).
Mounted Toren (29) score 714 hits on The Emerald Blades (11).
Mounted Toren (29) score 1313 hits on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2609, Defenders: 3225

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
12 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Runeblades (32) score 248 hits on Black Riders (3).
Runeblades (32) score 267 hits on The Greys (12).
The Greys (12) score 4919 hits on Runeblades (32).
Black Riders (3) score 4605 hits on Runeblades (32).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 515, Defenders: 9524

Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) take 3258 hits (1313 in close combat, 1945 from archer fire), which cause 53 casualties.
The Emerald Blades (11) take 714 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties.
Battlethunder (2) take 582 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Runeblades (32) take 13807 hits (9524 in close combat, 4283 from archer fire), which cause 55 casualties, wiping the unit out. 7 more soldiers die on the field.
Hamilton limb Hall, Knight of Mashhad has been wounded by Stout Archers (10).
Mounted Toren (29) take 3225 hits in close combat, which cause 77 casualties, wiping the unit out. 13 more soldiers die on the field.
Porcupine Company (9) take 802 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
The Greys (12) take 1330 hits (267 in close combat, 1063 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties.
Black Riders (3) take 1322 hits (248 in close combat, 1074 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties.
Winged Hussars (14) take 1579 hits from archer fire, which cause 32 casualties.
Dirk Kalamar, Earl of Braga has been wounded by For the Republic (22).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 9587 (3124 from close combat and 6463 from ranged), Defenders: 17032 (12749 from close combat and 4283 from ranged)
Total casualties: 176 attackers, 132 defenders

Turn No. 3

   7 (100-A)
4 (31-S)
5 (58-S)
6 (67-S)
8 (72-M)
10 (36-A)
13 (72-A)
1 (63-I)
9 (122-I)
11 (63-I)
3 (77-C)
12 (72-C)
14 (65-C)
22 (183-A)
25 (60-S)
16 (91-M)
17 (62-M)
18 (57-I)
20 (150-M)
21 (212-A)
23 (64-A)
27 (50-M)
31 (58-I)
34 (100-A)
15 (61-S)
19 (56-C)
24 (67-S)
26 (42-I)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

Hillmarians Honour Guards (25) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 821 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 354 hits.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on For the Republic (22), scoring 334 hits.
Good Archers (23) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 406 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on For the Republic (22), scoring 305 hits.
For the Republic (22) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 1186 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 302 hits.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 469 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25), scoring 440 hits.
Stout Archers (10) fire on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25), scoring 185 hits.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 640 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) fire on For the Republic (22), scoring 337 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 557 hits.
13th Legion (15) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 255 hits.
Akesh Loyals (16) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 469 hits.
Meldic Guards (8) fire on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25), scoring 199 hits.
Needles (30) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 497 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 370 hits.
His Shadow (6) fire on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25), scoring 350 hits.
Akesh rangers (17) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 257 hits.
EISENRITTER (20) fire on Winged Hussars (14), scoring 653 hits.
Longshots (27) fire on Black Riders (3), scoring 298 hits.
the Black Legion (34) fire on The Greys (12), scoring 223 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 7757, Defenders: 2150
Craterhoof Knights (19) leave their fortified positions and attack the enemy
Winged Hussars (14), The Greys (12) and Black Riders (3) charge forward.
Kiene Frumentarii (26) stay behind their camp fortifications.
The Emerald Blades (11), Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) and Porcupine Company (9) advance towards the enemy.
Razor Edge (31) and Blood Griffins (18) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
9 Caligus banners are visible in the melee.
21 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Hillmarians Honour Guards (25) score 667 hits on Winged Hussars (14).
Winged Hussars (14) score 1610 hits on Hillmarians Honour Guards (25).
Winged Hussars (14) score 1970 hits on Blood Griffins (18).
For the Republic (22) score 308 hits on Black Riders (3).
The Greys (12) score 2053 hits on Craterhoof Knights (19).
The Greys (12) score 1944 hits on Razor Edge (31).
Razor Edge (31) score 465 hits on The Greys (12).
Black Riders (3) score 3460 hits on For the Republic (22).
Craterhoof Knights (19) score 2736 hits on The Greys (12).
Blood Griffins (18) score 529 hits on Winged Hussars (14).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 4705, Defenders: 11037

Hillmarians Honour Guards (25) take 2784 hits (1610 in close combat, 1174 from archer fire), which cause 60 casualties, wiping the unit out. 12 more soldiers die on the field.
Winged Hussars (14) take 3953 hits (1196 in close combat, 2757 from archer fire), which cause 65 casualties, wiping the unit out. 19 more soldiers die on the field.
Dirk Kalamar, Earl of Braga has been wounded by Good Archers (23).
For the Republic (22) take 4436 hits (3460 in close combat, 976 from archer fire), which cause 148 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
The Greys (12) take 5690 hits (3201 in close combat, 2489 from archer fire), which cause 72 casualties, wiping the unit out. 16 more soldiers die on the field.
Razor Edge (31) take 1944 hits in close combat, which cause 42 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 2 Caligus banners fall.
Black Riders (3) take 2819 hits (308 in close combat, 2511 from archer fire), which cause 59 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Craterhoof Knights (19) take 2053 hits in close combat, which cause 56 casualties, wiping the unit out. 9 more soldiers die on the field.
Blood Griffins (18) take 1970 hits in close combat, which cause 44 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 12462 (4705 from close combat and 7757 from ranged), Defenders: 13187 (11037 from close combat and 2150 from ranged)
Total casualties: 196 attackers, 350 defenders

Turn No. 4

   7 (100-A)
4 (31-S)
5 (58-S)
6 (67-S)
8 (72-M)
10 (36-A)
13 (72-A)
 1 (63-I)
9 (122-I)
11 (63-I)
  16 (91-M)
17 (62-M)
20 (150-M)
21 (212-A)
23 (64-A)
27 (50-M)
34 (100-A)
15 (61-S)
24 (67-S)
26 (42-I)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

the Black Legion (34) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 571 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 546 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on The Emerald Blades (11), scoring 372 hits.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 790 hits.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on EISENRITTER (20), scoring 589 hits.
Good Archers (23) fire on The Emerald Blades (11), scoring 444 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 342 hits.
Akesh Loyals (16) fire on The Emerald Blades (11), scoring 523 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on Fire of the Dragon (21), scoring 315 hits.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 817 hits.
Longshots (27) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 505 hits.
Meldic Guards (8) move closer to get better shots.
His Shadow (6) fire on Akesh rangers (17), scoring 700 hits.
Akesh rangers (17) fire on The Emerald Blades (11), scoring 393 hits.
EISENRITTER (20) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 1145 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) move closer to get better shots.
Needles (30) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 554 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on Akesh Loyals (16), scoring 358 hits.
13th Legion (15) fire on The Emerald Blades (11), scoring 399 hits.
Stout Archers (10) move closer to get better shots.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on The Emerald Blades (11), scoring 490 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 7891, Defenders: 1962
Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), Porcupine Company (9) and The Emerald Blades (11) advance towards the enemy.
Kiene Frumentarii (26) advance towards the enemy.

Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) take 2259 hits from archer fire, which cause 37 casualties.
William Armsworth, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale, Royal of Shadowdale, Duke of Al Amarah, Margrave of Al Amarah has been wounded by Your Very Special Friends (36).
Porcupine Company (9) take 3011 hits from archer fire, which cause 49 casualties.
Everhard Brennaborg, Cauldron Master of Shadowdale, Earl of Commonyr, Marshal of the Shadowdale Homeguard has been wounded by Fire of the Dragon (21).
Fire of the Dragon (21) take 315 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Akesh Loyals (16) take 325 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Akesh rangers (17) take 700 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
EISENRITTER (20) take 535 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
The Emerald Blades (11) take 2621 hits from archer fire, which cause 45 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 9 Shadowdale banners fall.
Gareth Highvale, Knight of Karbala has been wounded by Akesh rangers (17).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7891 (0 from close combat and 7891 from ranged), Defenders: 1875 (0 from close combat and 1875 from ranged)
Total casualties: 131 attackers, 51 defenders

Turn No. 5

    4 (31-S)
5 (58-S)
6 (67-S)
7 (100-A)
13 (72-A)
8 (72-M)
10 (36-A)
 1 (26-I)
9 (73-I)
16 (83-M)
20 (138-M)
21 (201-A)
23 (64-A)
26 (42-I)
27 (50-M)
34 (100-A)
15 (61-S)
24 (67-S)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

Bringers of Hope (4) fire on Fire of the Dragon (21), scoring 239 hits.
EISENRITTER (20) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 575 hits.
the Black Legion (34) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 373 hits.
Stout Archers (10) fire on Fire of the Dragon (21), scoring 314 hits.
Meldic Guards (8) fire on Akesh Loyals (16), scoring 476 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 952 hits.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 1728 hits.
13th Legion (15) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 1039 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 1025 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) fire on Good Archers (23), scoring 433 hits.
Longshots (27) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 327 hits.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on EISENRITTER (20), scoring 564 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 561 hits.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 1231 hits.
Akesh Loyals (16) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 383 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 819 hits.
Needles (30) fire on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1), scoring 1145 hits.
His Shadow (6) fire on Kiene Frumentarii (26), scoring 300 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on the Black Legion (34), scoring 486 hits.
Good Archers (23) fire on Porcupine Company (9), scoring 757 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 10915, Defenders: 2812
Kiene Frumentarii (26) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
2 Caligus banners are visible in the melee.
10 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Kiene Frumentarii (26) score 301 hits on Porcupine Company (9).
Kiene Frumentarii (26) score 142 hits on Armsworth 1st Infantry (1).
Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) score 506 hits on Kiene Frumentarii (26).
Porcupine Company (9) score 759 hits on Kiene Frumentarii (26).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 443, Defenders: 1265

EISENRITTER (20) take 513 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
the Black Legion (34) take 486 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Kiene Frumentarii (26) take 1565 hits (1265 in close combat, 300 from archer fire), which cause 34 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 2 Caligus banners fall.
Armsworth 1st Infantry (1) take 5644 hits (142 in close combat, 5502 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, wiping the unit out. 19 more soldiers die on the field.
William Armsworth, Grey Exarch of Shadowdale, Royal of Shadowdale, Duke of Al Amarah, Margrave of Al Amarah has been wounded by Kiene Frumentarii (26).
Porcupine Company (9) take 5714 hits (301 in close combat, 5413 from archer fire), which cause 73 casualties, wiping the unit out. 27 more soldiers die on the field.
Everhard Brennaborg, Cauldron Master of Shadowdale, Earl of Commonyr, Marshal of the Shadowdale Homeguard has been wounded by Kiene Frumentarii (26).
Fire of the Dragon (21) take 553 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Akesh Loyals (16) take 433 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Good Archers (23) take 433 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 11358 (443 from close combat and 10915 from ranged), Defenders: 3983 (1265 from close combat and 2718 from ranged)
Total casualties: 99 attackers, 105 defenders

Turn No. 6

    4 (31-S)
5 (58-S)
6 (67-S)
7 (100-A)
13 (72-A)
8 (72-M)
10 (36-A)
   16 (72-M)
20 (127-M)
21 (183-A)
23 (51-A)
27 (50-M)
34 (82-A)
15 (61-S)
24 (67-S)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

Akesh Loyals (16) fire on Meldic Guards (8), scoring 277 hits.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on Meldic Guards (8), scoring 612 hits.
Longshots (27) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 124 hits.
His Shadow (6) fire on EISENRITTER (20), scoring 695 hits.
EISENRITTER (20) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 307 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 266 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) fire on Meldic Guards (8), scoring 320 hits.
13th Legion (15) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 146 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) fire on Good Archers (23), scoring 702 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on the Black Legion (34), scoring 189 hits.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 616 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on Fire of the Dragon (21), scoring 255 hits.
Stout Archers (10) fire on Akesh Loyals (16), scoring 399 hits.
Meldic Guards (8) fire on the Black Legion (34), scoring 235 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Meldic Guards (8), scoring 499 hits.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on Longshots (27), scoring 316 hits.
Good Archers (23) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 334 hits.
Needles (30) fire on Meldic Guards (8), scoring 412 hits.
the Black Legion (34) fire on Stout Archers (10), scoring 277 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on Meldic Guards (8), scoring 295 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 4485, Defenders: 2791

Akesh Loyals (16) take 363 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Fire of the Dragon (21) take 255 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Longshots (27) take 287 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
EISENRITTER (20) take 632 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties.
Stout Archers (10) take 2070 hits from archer fire, which cause 36 casualties, wiping the unit out. 7 more soldiers die on the field.
Meldic Guards (8) take 2415 hits from archer fire, which cause 50 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 2 Shadowdale banners fall.
Cyneric Strudwicke, Knight of Negev has been wounded by Fire of the Dragon (21).
Good Archers (23) take 702 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
the Black Legion (34) take 424 hits from archer fire, which cause 16 casualties.
Achilles Shepherd, Senator of Oberndorf has been wounded by Bringers of Hope (4).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4485 (0 from close combat and 4485 from ranged), Defenders: 2663 (0 from close combat and 2663 from ranged)
Total casualties: 86 attackers, 75 defenders

Turn No. 7

    4 (31-S)
5 (58-S)
6 (67-S)
7 (100-A)
13 (72-A)
    16 (63-M)
20 (113-M)
21 (174-A)
27 (44-M)
34 (66-A)
15 (61-S)
24 (67-S)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on His Shadow (6), scoring 291 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on Fire of the Dragon (21), scoring 396 hits.
the Black Legion (34) fire on Ghost Watch (5), scoring 131 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on Krimml's Guard (7), scoring 261 hits.
Longshots (27) move closer to get better shots.
EISENRITTER (20) move closer to get better shots.
Ghost Watch (5) fire on EISENRITTER (20), scoring 1082 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on His Shadow (6), scoring 221 hits.
His Shadow (6) fire on Longshots (27), scoring 574 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on Longshots (27), scoring 660 hits.
Needles (30) move closer to get better shots.
Akesh Loyals (16) move closer to get better shots.
13th Legion (15) fire on Krimml's Guard (7), scoring 307 hits.
Men's Right Activists (28) move closer to get better shots.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 205 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Ghost Watch (5), scoring 160 hits.
Krimml's Guard (7) fire on Akesh Loyals (16), scoring 790 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1576, Defenders: 3502

The Wind Cutters (13) take 205 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Longshots (27) take 1234 hits from archer fire, which cause 27 casualties.
EISENRITTER (20) take 1082 hits from archer fire, which cause 24 casualties.
Ghost Watch (5) take 291 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
His Shadow (6) take 512 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Akesh Loyals (16) take 790 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties.
Fire of the Dragon (21) take 396 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Krimml's Guard (7) take 568 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1576 (0 from close combat and 1576 from ranged), Defenders: 3502 (0 from close combat and 3502 from ranged)
Total casualties: 37 attackers, 84 defenders

Turn No. 8

    4 (31-S)
13 (65-A)
   16 (43-M)
20 (89-M)
27 (17-M)
21 (161-A)
28 (121-A)
30 (110-A)
34 (66-A)
15 (61-S)
24 (67-S)
33 (69-S)
35 (50-S)
36 (79-S)

Men's Right Activists (28) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 335 hits.
13th Legion (15) fire on Bringers of Hope (4), scoring 137 hits.
Swansong Archers (33) fire on Bringers of Hope (4), scoring 293 hits.
The Golden Horde (35) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 178 hits.
Longshots (27) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 91 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (24) fire on Bringers of Hope (4), scoring 400 hits.
Needles (30) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 256 hits.
Fire of the Dragon (21) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 190 hits.
Bringers of Hope (4) fire on EISENRITTER (20), scoring 479 hits.
Your Very Special Friends (36) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 338 hits.
Akesh Loyals (16) fire on Bringers of Hope (4), scoring 85 hits.
EISENRITTER (20) fire on Bringers of Hope (4), scoring 324 hits.
the Black Legion (34) fire on The Wind Cutters (13), scoring 114 hits.
The Wind Cutters (13) fire on Akesh Loyals (16), scoring 391 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2741, Defenders: 870

Bringers of Hope (4) take 1239 hits from archer fire, which cause 24 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Akesh Loyals (16) take 391 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
EISENRITTER (20) take 479 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
The Wind Cutters (13) take 1502 hits from archer fire, which cause 53 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Juste Lamphear, Knight of Oporto has been wounded by Your Very Special Friends (36).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2741 (0 from close combat and 2741 from ranged), Defenders: 870 (0 from close combat and 870 from ranged)
Total casualties: 77 attackers, 21 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 26 %.


(Personal message)

You have been wounded during the battle in Braga.

Battle Results

(Personal message)

Your unit participated in a battle in Braga. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 2 hours.

You have gained 1 Honour.
You have improved your swordfighting skill.
21 of your men were killed and 36 were wounded in this battle.
Morale of your troops falls by 11 points. Your men's equipment suffers 11 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points.