Highvale Family/Gareth/Fourth Battle of Dulbin

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Battle in Dulbin

message to all nobles participating in the battle in Dulbin

1A Arden BowsKenricCaligus52 Archskirmish  463
2A Craterhoof KnightsRujvikCaligus25 Cavwedge  462
3A Gun Powder PlottersFendorCaligus46 SFskirmish  1088
4A Huntress’ ArrowSerenaPerdan38 Archline  495
5A Liding Rance ReagonGuyCaligus87 Cavwedge  1142
6A Liluian RangersBenjaminPerdan62 SFskirmish  1276
7A Meuse BattalionJeroenPerdan62 SFskirmish  1470
8A NeedlesFredirkCaligus66 Archskirmish  902
9A Swansong ArchersSeanCaligus48 SFskirmish  1188
10A The Light BrigadeEnderPerdan71 Infline  692
11A The SlingshotsKoloyokCaligus15 SFskirmish  491
12A Toren BallistaeGodric TórrarinCaligus51 SFskirmish  970
13A VaingloryVidranPerdan64 SFskirmish  1448
14DCrimson LionsAlarinShadowdale67 SFskirmish  1220
15DGhost WatchEtainShadowdale56 SFskirmish  1232
16DHis ShadowLorenzoShadowdale73 SFskirmish  1445
17DHollow GuardsGenevieveShadowdale5 Infline  106
18DKrimml's GuardAhmadkin ImadShadowdale68 Archskirmish  833
19DPorcupine CompanyEverhardShadowdale67 Infline  780
20DThe Emerald BladesGarethShadowdale16 Infline  280
21DThe GreysTzedvierShadowdale25 Cavwedge  449
22DThe Rose GuardRosaline ElizabethShadowdale38 Infline  491
23DX CorpsColinShadowdale99 Infline  1056

13 attackers (71 Inf, 156 Arch, 112 Cav, 348 SF)
10 defenders (225 Inf, 68 Arch, 25 Cav, 196 SF)
Total combat strengths: 12087 vs. 7892

The forces from Shadowdale brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Caligus and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Perdan troops attack because they are at war with Shadowdale.
The Caligus troops attack because they are at war with Shadowdale.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.

Shadow Queen Etain Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Sturdy Suit of Balkeese.
Duke Vidran Konran is spotted wearing the Elemental Chain Mail of the Lords.
Shadow Queen Etain Dubhaine is spotted wielding the Ebony Mace of Erik Eyolf.
Margrave Ender Fate is spotted wielding the Whispering Scythe of Doom.
Margrave Sean Dixon is spotted wearing the Legendary Jacket of Caligus.
Benjamin Pryde, Baillivus, Imperator of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Golden Lions takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Etain Dubhaine, Shadow Queen of Shadowdale, Royal of Shadowdale, Duchess of Spider's Throne, Margravine of Negev takes command of her army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  5 (87-C)
12 (51-S)
2 (25-C)
3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
10 (71-I)
11 (15-S)
13 (64-S)
1 (52-A)
4 (38-A)
8 (66-A)
  16 (73-S)
17 (5-I)
18 (68-A)
14 (67-S)
15 (56-S)
19 (67-I)
20 (16-I)
21 (25-C)
22 (38-I)
23 (99-I)

Crimson Lions (14) fire on Needles (8), scoring 118 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on His Shadow (16), scoring 207 hits.
Arden Bows (1) fire on His Shadow (16), scoring 114 hits.
Needles (8) fire on His Shadow (16), scoring 334 hits.
Krimml's Guard (18) fire on Huntress’ Arrow (4), scoring 278 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on His Shadow (16), scoring 136 hits.
Ghost Watch (15) move closer to get better shots.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on Hollow Guards (17), scoring 268 hits.
Toren Ballistae (12) fire on His Shadow (16), scoring 230 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on Hollow Guards (17), scoring 339 hits.
His Shadow (16) fire on Needles (8), scoring 489 hits.
The Slingshots (11) fire on Hollow Guards (17), scoring 98 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on His Shadow (16), scoring 323 hits.
Liluian Rangers (6) fire on Hollow Guards (17), scoring 598 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 885, Defenders: 2647
Craterhoof Knights (2) and Liding Rance Reagon (5) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
The Greys (21) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
The Light Brigade (10) advance towards the enemy.
The Emerald Blades (20), The Rose Guard (22), Porcupine Company (19), Hollow Guards (17) and X Corps (23) advance towards the enemy.

Needles (8) take 607 hits from archer fire, which cause 16 casualties.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) take 278 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Hollow Guards (17) take 1303 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Genevieve Hollow, Dame of Commonyr has been wounded by Swansong Archers (9).
His Shadow (16) take 1344 hits from archer fire, which cause 32 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Lorenzo Falconi, Knight of Karbala has been wounded by Huntress’ Arrow (4).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 885 (0 from close combat and 885 from ranged), Defenders: 2647 (0 from close combat and 2647 from ranged)
Total casualties: 25 attackers, 37 defenders

Turn No. 2

  12 (51-S)
3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
13 (64-S)
1 (52-A)
4 (29-A)
5 (87-C)
8 (50-A)
10 (71-I)
2 (25-C)
  15 (56-S)
18 (68-A)
21 (25-C)
14 (67-S)
19 (67-I)
20 (16-I)
22 (38-I)
23 (99-I)

The Slingshots (11) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 77 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 116 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 241 hits.
Crimson Lions (14) fire on Craterhoof Knights (2), scoring 308 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on Krimml's Guard (18), scoring 312 hits.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on The Greys (21), scoring 355 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 38 hits.
Needles (8) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 150 hits.
Arden Bows (1) fire on Krimml's Guard (18), scoring 62 hits.
Krimml's Guard (18) fire on Craterhoof Knights (2), scoring 214 hits.
Ghost Watch (15) fire on Craterhoof Knights (2), scoring 309 hits.
Liluian Rangers (6) fire on The Greys (21), scoring 231 hits.
Toren Ballistae (12) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 831, Defenders: 1582
Craterhoof Knights (2) and Liding Rance Reagon (5) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
The Greys (21) charge forward.
The Light Brigade (10) advance towards the enemy.
The Rose Guard (22), Porcupine Company (19), X Corps (23) and The Emerald Blades (20) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
Craterhoof Knights (2) score 418 hits on The Greys (21).
The Greys (21) score 871 hits on Craterhoof Knights (2).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 871, Defenders: 418

Krimml's Guard (18) take 374 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Ghost Watch (15) take 622 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
Etain Dubhaine, Shadow Queen of Shadowdale, Royal of Shadowdale, Duchess of Spider's Throne, Margravine of Negev has been wounded by The Slingshots (11).
Craterhoof Knights (2) take 1702 hits (871 in close combat, 831 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Rujvik Fylkir, Margrave of Viseu has been wounded by The Greys (21).
The Greys (21) take 1004 hits (418 in close combat, 586 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1702 (871 from close combat and 831 from ranged), Defenders: 2000 (418 from close combat and 1582 from ranged)
Total casualties: 25 attackers, 53 defenders

Turn No. 3

   3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
12 (51-S)
13 (64-S)
1 (52-A)
4 (29-A)
8 (50-A)
10 (71-I)
5 (87-C)
 15 (41-S)
18 (55-A)
19 (67-I)
20 (16-I)
22 (38-I)
23 (99-I)
14 (67-S)

Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 105 hits.
Ghost Watch (15) fire on Liding Rance Reagon (5), scoring 339 hits.
Krimml's Guard (18) fire on Liding Rance Reagon (5), scoring 413 hits.
Liluian Rangers (6) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 266 hits.
Needles (8) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 199 hits.
Toren Ballistae (12) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 127 hits.
Arden Bows (1) fire on The Rose Guard (22), scoring 137 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 310 hits.
Crimson Lions (14) fire on Liding Rance Reagon (5), scoring 368 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on Krimml's Guard (18), scoring 254 hits.
The Slingshots (11) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 162 hits.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on The Emerald Blades (20), scoring 314 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 363 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1120, Defenders: 2237
Liding Rance Reagon (5) charge ahead, into the defenders\' ranks.
The Light Brigade (10) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
15 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
X Corps (23) score 1101 hits on Liding Rance Reagon (5).
The Emerald Blades (20) score 271 hits on Liding Rance Reagon (5).
The Rose Guard (22) score 489 hits on Liding Rance Reagon (5).
Ghost Watch (15) score 422 hits on Liding Rance Reagon (5).
Krimml's Guard (18) score 122 hits on Liding Rance Reagon (5).
Porcupine Company (19) score 636 hits on Liding Rance Reagon (5).
Liding Rance Reagon (5) score 835 hits on X Corps (23).
Liding Rance Reagon (5) score 228 hits on The Rose Guard (22).
Liding Rance Reagon (5) score 374 hits on Krimml\'s Guard (18).
Liding Rance Reagon (5) score 423 hits on Porcupine Company (19).
Liding Rance Reagon (5) score 248 hits on Ghost Watch (15).
Liding Rance Reagon (5) score 124 hits on The Emerald Blades (20).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3041, Defenders: 2232

X Corps (23) take 1368 hits (835 in close combat, 533 from archer fire), which cause 27 casualties.
The Emerald Blades (20) take 438 hits (124 in close combat, 314 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.
The Rose Guard (22) take 365 hits (228 in close combat, 137 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.
Ghost Watch (15) take 738 hits (248 in close combat, 490 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties.
Etain Dubhaine, Shadow Queen of Shadowdale, Royal of Shadowdale, Duchess of Spider's Throne, Margravine of Negev has been wounded by Gun Powder Plotters (3).
Krimml's Guard (18) take 628 hits (374 in close combat, 254 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties.
Ahmadkin Imad Khader, Knight of Krimml has been wounded by Vainglory (13).
Porcupine Company (19) take 932 hits (423 in close combat, 509 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties.
Liding Rance Reagon (5) take 4161 hits (3041 in close combat, 1120 from archer fire), which cause 87 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4161 (3041 from close combat and 1120 from ranged), Defenders: 4469 (2232 from close combat and 2237 from ranged)
Total casualties: 87 attackers, 104 defenders

Turn No. 4

   3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
12 (51-S)
13 (64-S)
1 (52-A)
4 (29-A)
8 (50-A)
  10 (71-I)
 15 (24-S)
18 (33-A)
19 (47-I)
20 (7-I)
22 (29-I)
23 (72-I)
14 (67-S)

Toren Ballistae (12) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 223 hits.
Ghost Watch (15) fire on The Light Brigade (10), scoring 399 hits.
Needles (8) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 251 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on Krimml's Guard (18), scoring 289 hits.
Liluian Rangers (6) fire on The Rose Guard (22), scoring 280 hits.
The Slingshots (11) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 92 hits.
Arden Bows (1) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 77 hits.
Crimson Lions (14) fire on The Light Brigade (10), scoring 348 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 160 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 88 hits.
Krimml's Guard (18) fire on The Light Brigade (10), scoring 404 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on The Emerald Blades (20), scoring 186 hits.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 500 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1151, Defenders: 2146
The Light Brigade (10) advance towards the enemy.
Porcupine Company (19), X Corps (23), The Emerald Blades (20) and The Rose Guard (22) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
9 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Porcupine Company (19) score 491 hits on The Light Brigade (10).
X Corps (23) score 721 hits on The Light Brigade (10).
The Light Brigade (10) score 248 hits on X Corps (23).
The Light Brigade (10) score 131 hits on The Rose Guard (22).
The Light Brigade (10) score 188 hits on Porcupine Company (19).
The Light Brigade (10) score 24 hits on The Emerald Blades (20).
The Emerald Blades (20) score 161 hits on The Light Brigade (10).
The Rose Guard (22) score 442 hits on The Light Brigade (10).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1815, Defenders: 591

Porcupine Company (19) take 939 hits (188 in close combat, 751 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties.
Ghost Watch (15) take 165 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
X Corps (23) take 723 hits (248 in close combat, 475 from archer fire), which cause 14 casualties.
The Light Brigade (10) take 2966 hits (1815 in close combat, 1151 from archer fire), which cause 71 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Krimml's Guard (18) take 289 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
The Emerald Blades (20) take 210 hits (24 in close combat, 186 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
The Rose Guard (22) take 411 hits (131 in close combat, 280 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2966 (1815 from close combat and 1151 from ranged), Defenders: 2737 (591 from close combat and 2146 from ranged)
Total casualties: 71 attackers, 62 defenders

Turn No. 5

   3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
12 (51-S)
13 (64-S)
1 (52-A)
4 (29-A)
8 (50-A)
  19 (27-I)
22 (19-I)
23 (58-I)
15 (20-S)
14 (67-S)

Liluian Rangers (6) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 474 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 478 hits.
Arden Bows (1) fire on The Rose Guard (22), scoring 209 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on The Rose Guard (22), scoring 200 hits.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on X Corps (23), scoring 562 hits.
Crimson Lions (14) fire on Needles (8), scoring 146 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on The Rose Guard (22), scoring 286 hits.
The Slingshots (11) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 127 hits.
Needles (8) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 270 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on The Rose Guard (22), scoring 167 hits.
Toren Ballistae (12) fire on Porcupine Company (19), scoring 471 hits.
Ghost Watch (15) fire on Arden Bows (1), scoring 114 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 260, Defenders: 3244
X Corps (23), Porcupine Company (19) and The Rose Guard (22) advance towards the enemy.

Arden Bows (1) take 114 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Needles (8) take 146 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
X Corps (23) take 1036 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Porcupine Company (19) take 1346 hits from archer fire, which cause 27 casualties, wiping the unit out.
The Rose Guard (22) take 862 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 260 (0 from close combat and 260 from ranged), Defenders: 3244 (0 from close combat and 3244 from ranged)
Total casualties: 9 attackers, 66 defenders

Turn No. 6

   3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
12 (51-S)
13 (64-S)
4 (29-A)
8 (46-A)
   15 (20-S)
14 (67-S)

Ghost Watch (15) fire on Needles (8), scoring 50 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 191 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 91 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 263 hits.
Needles (8) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 134 hits.
Crimson Lions (14) fire on Needles (8), scoring 188 hits.
Toren Ballistae (12) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 107 hits.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 437 hits.
The Slingshots (11) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 75 hits.
Liluian Rangers (6) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 330 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on Ghost Watch (15), scoring 160 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 238, Defenders: 1788

Ghost Watch (15) take 1788 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Etain Dubhaine, Shadow Queen of Shadowdale, Royal of Shadowdale, Duchess of Spider's Throne, Margravine of Negev has been wounded by Toren Ballistae (12).
Needles (8) take 238 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 238 (0 from close combat and 238 from ranged), Defenders: 1788 (0 from close combat and 1788 from ranged)
Total casualties: 6 attackers, 20 defenders

Turn No. 7

   3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (62-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
12 (51-S)
13 (64-S)
4 (29-A)
    14 (67-S)

The Slingshots (11) move closer to get better shots.
Vainglory (13) move closer to get better shots.
Meuse Battalion (7) move closer to get better shots.
Liluian Rangers (6) move closer to get better shots.
Toren Ballistae (12) move closer to get better shots.
Swansong Archers (9) move closer to get better shots.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) move closer to get better shots.
Crimson Lions (14) fire on Meuse Battalion (7), scoring 66 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 66, Defenders: 0

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Meuse Battalion (7) take 66 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Crimson Lions (14) are shocked.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 66 (0 from close combat and 66 from ranged), Defenders: 0 (0 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 2 attackers, 0 defenders

Turn No. 8

    3 (46-S)
6 (62-S)
7 (60-S)
9 (48-S)
11 (15-S)
12 (51-S)
13 (64-S)
4 (29-A)
   14 (67-S)

Crimson Lions (14) fire on Huntress’ Arrow (4), scoring 299 hits.
Vainglory (13) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 429 hits.
The Slingshots (11) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 91 hits.
Gun Powder Plotters (3) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 146 hits.
Huntress’ Arrow (4) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 54 hits.
Swansong Archers (9) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 114 hits.
Liluian Rangers (6) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 247 hits.
Toren Ballistae (12) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 78 hits.
Meuse Battalion (7) fire on Crimson Lions (14), scoring 442 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 299, Defenders: 1601

Crimson Lions (14) take 1601 hits from archer fire, which cause 51 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Alarin Castillo, Margrave of Montijo has been wounded by Vainglory (13).
Huntress’ Arrow (4) take 299 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 299 (0 from close combat and 299 from ranged), Defenders: 1601 (0 from close combat and 1601 from ranged)
Total casualties: 10 attackers, 51 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 15 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.

Battle Results

(Personal message)

Your unit participated in a battle in Dulbin. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 2 hours.

You have gained 1 Honour.
You have improved your swordfighting skill.
You have improved your leadership skill.
4 of your men were killed and 9 were wounded in this battle.
Morale of your troops falls by 15 points. Your men's equipment suffers 15 % damage. Combat training increases by 1 points. Unit cohesion rises 1 points.