Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/December '06

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Price: 1 gold Creator: Medium December '06

Territorial News
Hedonistic heretics lost temple in Heen

December 13

For several months, the forced religion of Vice and Varyamo Nolvo, called Hedonism -- the cause of Heen's secession -- had been preached in the regions of Heen by priests of both realms. A small temple was also built in the past in Heen, and several attempts to close down the temple had failed in the past. Several priests from other religions like the Path of the Great Dragon, the Valentic order and even Qyrvaggism from the other side of the continent had come over to Heen to convert the citizens to no longer believe in Hedonism. And their preachings had effect: the amount of Hedonists in Heen was slowly but surely decreasing.

Earlier today, Duchess Celia has gathered some of her most loyal civilians for a special mission -- the beginning of the end for the Hedonistic heretics. She and the citizens stormed the Hedonistic temple and swiftly closed it. The indignation in Heen was still large, but they did not rise against the government, and so the temple of Hedonism was succesfully closed, and the amount of Hedonists in Heen was soon ot decrease even quicker.

Due to the interrupted travels, the production in Heen dropped. However, our King Scion the Skilled was soon there to repair that and boost the morale of the Heenites. Thanks to Duchess Celia and King Scion the Skilled we are now liberated from the Hedonistic heretics. (MTS)

Annexation of Kif

December 14

With the help of High Marshal Martana and Madness, Royal treasurer Medium has succesfully attacked Kif and beaten the rogue monsters that had been terrorrising the region of Kif, then still under control of Heen's enemy Varyamo Nolvo. Due to unlucky preparations on the battlefield, both Martana's and Madness' units were wiped out by the monsters, but Medium's unit remained untouched. He ordered his men to quickly spread out and seek the 13 remaining villagers of Kif that had survived the terror of the monsters, and they tried to convince them to join the realm of Heen instead of staying under the control of Varyamo Nolvo that let the Kif villagers starve and suffer from the monsters.

Martana and Madness then returned to Heen to recruit some new soldiers, and Erin then came to Kif to support the takeover of Kif, and later on Marshal Tarajist came as well. (MTS)

Militia raid in Latlan

December 16

Early in the morning, a squad of monsters has grouped in Latlan and was preparing to attack the militia in Latlan. High Marshal Martana has decided to take advantage of the significant force of monsters and ordered the army to join in in the battle on the monsters' side and damage Latlan. Both battles were lost by the attackers, yet they have reached their goal: a large amount of the militia in Latlan was killed, the fort took a serious beating and the local production suffered good damage. With a relieved heart, the army can return to Heen now. (MTS)

Takeover still running

December 17

After three days, the takeover in Kif is still running. One would have expected that it wouldn't take that long to convert 13 peasants, but the conditions are also not very normal: the peasants in Kif still think that there are rogues in Kif, or coming to Kif from the neighbouring region of Hcallow, and thus they do not dare to come out of their hideout. As such, they are unfindable for the troops of Medium and cannot be converted.

One of the villagers of Kif has come to Medium with a message that they demand full protection against the monsters or they will not comply. Medium has responded to the messenger that there are no rogues in Kif, nor are there any coming to Kif, and if there would be, the villagers of Kif would have the protection of the troops of Heen against the rogues. There are even more troops from Heen underway to Kif, to protect the peasants even more and speed up the convincing process. Now let us pray that that will please the peasants of Kif. (MTS)

Horrifying view in Joppo

December 17

A few days ago, knights from Joppo started joining Heen. Their realm was fading away as they couldn't oppose to the pressure of the army of Mesh. According to a scout report that Martana received earlier today, the army of Mesh is obviously not the biggest threat to the city of Joppo. The scout report unvealed that no less than 3 complete squads of undead creatures were rampaging in the brave city. More than 1500 undead creatures were attacking the local population and the troops inside Joppo. Not even the army of Mesh has the power to defeat those troops. The poor population of Joppo is subjected to the wrath of the undeads. All we can do now is either pray for the Joppo citizens and hope that the undeads will leave soon, or for a change hope that the army of Mesh will grow strong enough to defeat the undeads. May the gods be with the citizens of Joppo. (MTS)

Takeover completed

December 19

After a long takeover of more than five days, this morning Kif was succesfully converted to the realm of Kif. Morale necessarily dropped because of the change in the government, but not as much as was expected. Kif still liked us from earlier times, and thus the loyalty to us was soon once again very high. But with the low population, it was hard to increase the production.

With some courts from Arch Priest Kagurati and a magnificent police force operation by High Marshal Martana, Kif was back core in no time.

Since Heen still had the claims over Kif, King Scion the Skilled was able to appoint a Count in Kif. He chose for Erin, who had already served Heen for a long time. Together with the newly trained bureaucrat Thrydwulf, he is now bringing Kif to the perfect state again, taking over the task of Arch Priest Kagurati who held courts until then. (MTS)

Ju beaten by Medium

December 21

About a week ago, when the army of Heen was once again in Latlan, a discussion between Royal Treasurer Medium and Pontifex, Paladin Primus and Baron of Apokh Ju -- holding so many titles just demands for measurers. Hereupon Medium challenged Ju for a duel till death. Ju however cowardly rejected the duel till death, but a few hours later he said that he "would challenge Medium if he had enough hours to do so". We all know how cowardish those Vicers are, Ju just didn't have the guts.

Yesterday, however, with the army of Vice in Ling, Medium offered him a second chance to prove his courage and settle this conflict for once and for all. Now Ju did accept the challenge, and the duel was fought early this morning. Medium decided to use some tricky moves, trying to confuse Ju who was using a strategy to overrun Medium. Medium's tricky moves were very effective against Ju's strategy, Ju just couldn't get a hold on him. It didn't take long before Medium sank his blade in Ju's body, seriously wounding him. Then Medium approached Ju who was laying on the ground, took some sand to clean the blood from his sword, and said "Don't mess with me, Ju."

It wasn't the first time that Medium has fought a duel till death - and won. About a month ago, Lady Skadhi, Paladin Primus of Vice, also duelled with Medium. The result of that duel was the same as the duel today: Medium won, the Paladin Primus was seriously wounded and out of business for a long time. (MTS)

Shanir III defeated as well

December 22

After the defeat and serious injury of Ju, precedessor of the current Pontifex of Vice Badai, in a duel against Medium, today it was Vice's Haruspex Maximus Shanir III that had to witness and feel Medium's fine duelling skills. In another duel until death, Shanir III was no match against Medium, although her strategy prove to be fairly useful against Medium's trick moves. In fact, right before she passed away from the large lesion in her shoulder, she even managed to wound Medium - lightly.

With Medium's two duels till death - against Ju and Shanir III, he on his own has caused some drastic changes in the council of Vice. Pontifex Ju was replaced by Pontifex Badai, Paladin Primus Ju was replaced by Paladin Primus Slyther, and Haruspex Maximus Shanir III still hasn't been replaced yet. (MTS)

Monster disappeared: Thrydwulf's story

December 18

On the 17th of December, there were no less than 31 monsters and 270 undead in Hcallow, a region of Varyamo Nolvo. The day after, one of the monsters had misteriously disappeared from Hcallow, leaving 30 monsters behind - could there be anything more logical than 31 minus 1 being 30? Questions rose as to how that monster had disappeared. Noble Thrydwulf of Heen was willing to tell us how it happened:

"I have heard on the grapevine, that due to the impressive population of 185 peasants in Hcallow - most of which have actually managed to find hiding places amongst the sand, due to a fortunate sandstorm last night - all the undead and monsters started quarreling amongst themselves.

At first they were working together, humans do taste better after all (or so they say). When it became clear that monsters and undead alike were not very capable of walking, let alone digging in the sands around Hcallow, they started arguing about how they were going to find the peasants they so wanted to serve for tea.

Well, it went back and forth for a while, until one of the monsters shouted so hard at an undead zombie that his lungs flew out of his mouth, and he collapsed dead on the sand.

The zombies and undead weren't going to complain - but this started another argument over who could eat the body of the dead monster, as the undead claimed they had killed him, while the monsters said he was a monster and so belonged to them.

Of course, I wouldn't trust the peasants of Hcallow, but one who managed to escape did tell me this. I wouldn't have believed him, if it weren't for the sand pouring from his hair, and the scared look in his face - but that could just be the reaction I get from all peasants, and I don't know what the Hcallowians do with their shampoo." (MTS)

Monster disappeared:

Martana's story

December 18

To the question "How did that one monster disappear from Hcallow without any non-rogue troops there?" Martana, High Marshal of Heen, provided us of another explication:

"The monster, a hidious creature indeed, responded to the grump 'Fart', because he -logically- farted a lot. He did not like his name, as other monsters tended to laugh about it. And the humans that he caught didn't wet their pants out of fear but out of laughter.

None-the-less, he tried to look mean and -well- hidious. He had tried to break into a local store, but his fart woke the owner and he was chased away with pitchforks and needles -ow what did he hate needles-. He had tried to scare a little girl by jumping from the bushes and grabbing her, but some priest beat him to it.

At last, he had tried to set fire to a storehouse, but his anal fumes proved to much of a test to the torch and he had set himself on fire.

We will always remember the -now dead- monster called 'Fart'." (MTS)