Greybrook Family/Godfrey/Father to one, stranger to another

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The fateful meeting between the pseudo father of one martyred Greybrook, a stranger to the young Godfrey.

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian woke with a start, he was drenched in sweat and he lay bare chested on a stone slab in a cave. Baldwin sat hunched in a corner talking in hushed tones to a strange looking hermit. Vahanian sat up, rolled over and immediately vomited. Baldwin hurried to his side and handed him a cup of water before trying to push him back down. Vahanian shrugged him off and croaked out "how long?" Baldwin tried to placate his lord, worry written all over his voice. "My lord, such things need not be tended to until you're well again."

Vahanian eyed his oldest friend and said "How long?" Baldwin's head dropped and he said "About a week, you've been stripped of the ducal seat due to your absence." Vahanian wiped his mouth on his wrist drained to the goblet of water, swishing it around in his mouth before spitting it out. "Write Ferdinand, have him reinstate me."

Baldwin hesitated. Vahanian stood and moved to the makeshift table that was in the middle of the cave, he began taking stock of his weapons and clothes. "What is it? Speak plainly now." "My Lord, Ferdinand is dead.. Killed in action while you were..unavailable." Vahanian's knees buckled and he barely caught himself on the table. "No.." he whispered. "Your Grace, that is not all. Duke Erheas was slain by rogues and Lord Kethan was killed in battle as well - but it seems, as with Marcus, Lord Kethan lives due to magic..." The last words were lost in the storm that was Vahanian's rage.

"NOOOOOO!" He yelled, flipping the table, sending it's contents scattering. Baldwin retreated, he knew his master was furious and he'd never been more afraid of Vahanian then when he was furious. "NO!" Vahanian yelled again.

"Get me to Grehk." Vahanian commanded.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian had summoned Godfrey to the White Citadel days ago. He'd just received word that young man had arrived within the city walls and was making his way towards the Citadel as he walked towards his study. His ribs were still sore and it hurt when he coughed. He wore all black with a subtle grey trim in the linings of his cloak, tunic, and trousers. It was evident they were mourning clothes. It had taken the servants a day or two to realize that when Vahanian was speaking about the loss of his son, he was in fact referring to the slain Grandmaster, Ferdinand.

Vahanian's mood had soured even further in the last hour or two, he'd just finished reading the reports of the tortures Kethan had overseen and saw news of the outburst, and an account of what had been said, by Lord Marcus a week prior. It irritated him, it was not how a warrior, nor a priest should act. It was the actions of a scared child and Vahanian would not abide such behavior.

He stormed into his study and commanded "Pour a brandy!" Baldwin materialized and dismissed the servants. A grave look on his face. "My lord, surely now is not the time to throw away the years of sobriety..." Vahanian took a moment and every ounce of self control not to hurl something at Baldwin's head. "It's not for me, Baldwin, pour brandy for the Greybrook boy."

Baldwin's shame was evident on his face, doubting his lord was something he'd not done in decades. He poured the brandy and made to retreat from the room. "Bring me the latest scout reports and maps, a fresh pot of tea, and my least favorite tobacco pouch." Baldwin hurried off to do just that, as he was returning he heard servants mutter that Godfrey had arrived at the citadel. Baldwin took charged, and ordered them to see the young noble up to the study.

He returned to Vahanian moments later with the requested items. Vahanian poured the tea, packed his pipe, and unfurled the maps and reports before scanning them over as he puffed away on his pipe. He traced supply lines and scouted routes with his finger, muttering to himself. But his mind was elsewhere.

"By the Veil I miss Rania." He whispered, more to himself than anyone else. Baldwin cleared his throat to indicate that Godfrey was arriving and Vahanian nodded absently. He rolled the maps and reports back up and left them on his desk, taking his tea and pipe to an armchair by the window. "Show him in." He commanded and waited for Godfrey to arrive.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Godfrey Greybrook
The city of Grehk itself was not as splendid and inspirational as he once dreamt of. Godfrey knew this was the city which Ferdinand lived most of his life here in Obia'Syela and the city was taken over by his cousin as well. The stone layed streets were fairly worn and there were only two real places of interest Godfrey recognised compared to the well researched Holy City. The small Heralds of Obeah temple was adorned with a few panes of stained glass, it was intimate and practical, again much like the city. What was interesting was the sheer number of followers whom attended sermons by the clergy here which intrigued him. Beside that, the Templar Nexus was also an estate he was told about by one of his attendants, the centre of the Templar Order and the military in a time gone. The exploration of the guild would have to wait another day as his meeting with Duke Vahanian took place in the lord's quarters.

Arriving and then guided by an attendent, he was ushered into what appeared to be the Duke's office. Within this, by a armchair near a window, the Duke sat puffing on what seemed to be an antique pipe. Remembering his manners, Godfrey bowed and announced himself:

"Duke Vahanian, thank you for having me... My name is Sir Godfrey..."

He wasn't met with a reply or acknowledgement as the Duke continued to analyse the young man. Of only 17 years of age, the rather senior general intimated Godfrey more than anything else which was imitated by his nervous reply and slight sweat. Compared to the martial and dark tones of Vahanian, Godfrey wore practical travelling clothes with a coat with fur stitched around its hood, with a few hints of the traditional Or and Azure of Family Greybrook. Clean shaven for the occasion, he perhaps personified inexperience.

An empty chair loomed with a tumbler of some form of alcohol decanted within its glass form. Taking his coat off, he cautiously sat down opposite the Duke. As he sat down, the chair felt it swallowed Godfrey whole. While the 17 year old had drunk before, it was only ale he was given on his majority. Not really sure what was the right thing to say, the knight anxiously awaited for Vahanian to begin.
Godfrey Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Smoke wafted around the old duke's face as he puffed on his pipe, his keen hazel eyes scanned the young boy's face. Clearly nervous and probably scared out of his mind, the lad looked like he'd be swallowed by the chair in which he occupied.

Vahanian nodded to the glass of brandy next to Godfrey and said "Please, enjoy as much or as little of the libation as you like. Don't take offense to my lack of partaking, I've not had liquor in several decades and I don't intend to resume anytime soon."

Godfrey took a nervous and polite gulp and Vahanian could see the boy almost immediately regretted it. Fighting back the urge to break out into a coughing fit, and eyes brimming with tears from the burning liquor, Vahanian stifled a chuckle. He nodded to Baldwin who stood off to the side and the man approached with a tray of a mug of ale and a goblet of water. "Perhaps something a little less...abrasive?" Vahanian sipped at his tea as Baldwin placed the mug and goblet on the side table next to Godfrey.

He placed his cup down and puffed once more on his pipe before saying "I'm sure you're weary from travel and confused as to why you're here. Allow me to be blunt to save time. You're here so I can determine what to do with you.. You're here because your kin, a cousin I believe, a man who was more like a son to me than my own flesh and blood, is dead." Vahanian paused, fidgeting with his pipe before continuing. Godfrey was all too happy to listen. "Ferdinand was my friend, my brother in arms, my student, my son. And as I have vowed to you in writing and to my soldiers stationed outside, I will vow to you know. The noble or nobles involved with his death will be caught, made to suffer beyond imagination, and systematically killed without regret. Were that it feasible, and I had the time and resources to do so, I would hunt those families to extinction." If Godfrey was shocked or intimated further by the Duke's sudden ferocity, he did a marvelous job at hiding it.

"Now, as I once asked your cousin, I shall ask you. What do you want from your time here among the faithful? Who are you today, and whom do you wish 'Godfrey' to become?"
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Godfrey Greybrook
With the burning sensation of the alcohol still in his throat, Godfrey attempted to understand the message that was being portrayed to him. There was so much history in the hazel eyes of the Duke and the young knight wasn't sure it would of been wise to question. Yet, he appreciated the blunt nature of his words. He was asking for his commitment to the cause, not just to tell him old stories.

What did this mean to him?

Godfrey had spent some time reading the texts which the clergy at the Temple provided him, enlightening him on more of the intricate beliefs of the Heralds. The sense of purpose had sparked within him like a flint to drywood. Most of all, there was beginnings of faith:

"I was lost when I heard of Ferdinand's death, to be honest with you sir Duke, it was very hazardous, dangerous and perhaps immature to seek out a man whom I had not seen in nearly 12 years on the glimmer of hope that he could teach me something I did not know..."

Godfrey swirled what he thought was ale within the mug he was brought has he contemplated his next words:

"Yet, I am beginning to understand why Ferdinand came here. There is a sense of purpose... faith... even belonging among the nobility. If I am going to attempt to accomplish anything here Sir Duke, I wish to work on what could become Ferdinand's legacy, make a purpose to what he started so that he is not forgotten. I think there was more to him that perhaps we both knew..."

Remembering the item in his satchel, he brought out a object wrapped in old, very worn and damaged cloth. Unfolding the item's protection with the delicacy of an heirloom, Godfrey revealed a journal which he presented to the Templar:

"This is I think Ferdinand's preliminary thoughts on the Heralds of Obeah, back when he obtained these books in Dwilight before set sail. I believe he was 25 when he arrived so these notes must be over a decade and a half old. Please Sir Duke, have a read."
Godfrey Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian gently picked up the journal, the worn leather felt so fragile beneath his fingers. He thumbed through the pages, glancing at the all too familiar handwriting of his fallen pupil. He closed it and said "Thank you, I'll read through this carefully and return it to you once I've finished.." He sipped at his tea and was quite for a long time, regarding his young guest "Normally this conversation would end with us clashing blades in a sparring match." The fear on Godfrey's face at the mere thought of dueling the Duke was immediate. "-However, we've not the time and you haven't answered my question. What do you want from your time here? Who do you want to become? Cementing and following Ferdinand's legacy is all fine and good, but what path do you want for Godfrey of House Greybrook? You're more than a steward to a fallen noble's tale."
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Godfrey Greybrook
Once again, fear dawned on the young knight and he condemned himself on the basis he failed to answer the Duke's question.

He had to learn quickly.

After attempting to put some points together in-between gulps of ale, Godfrey finally answered:

"I apologise if I offended you Sir Duke. I want to learn more about the nature of Obeah and if I am worthy, to spread her word either by the word or by sword arm. Faith is what guides me ultimately, I was lost before and I am beginning to find that purpose. I want to save those whom are not as fortunate as we are here in the Theocracy. First, I am determined to prove myself as a capable warrior for Obia'Syela - it is the pathway to becoming a true noble and understanding the threats the realm and faith face. It would also be a way for me to... learn what the real world looks like, not just from academy or family instructors."

After a few moments and the waft of smoke filling the room, Godfrey filled the silence:

"I could use some guidance if you can graciously advise me Sir Duke, I have only been on these shores for a few short days and may be speaking out of turn."

Godfrey hoped that was an answer enough for the Templar lord. He had not even investigated what the Templar Order truly was beyond the bulletins outside their guildhall in Rines. Perhaps even looking into the Inquisition as a career path was also a choice - one he had not decided yet.
Godfrey Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Smoke wafted around the room as Vahanian's heavy gaze lay upon Godfrey for what felt like an eternity to the young knight. Vahanian's intent was not intimidation, he was rather choosing his words carefully, the young knight had asked for help and this was a crucial and perhaps formative moment for the young knight. "Guidance would require me, and you, knowing what you want your goal to be. Learning and serving Obeah is well and good, but you need to figure out how to do that. Could be through the Templar, as your cousin served, or it could be through the Inquisition, in which case I am not the guide for you. You must choose before I can help you, and I will not influence you one way or the other. The choice must be yours, and it must be genuine."
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Godfrey Greybrook
Godfrey sat there and took in the words of the Duke. It made sense that he needed more time to make sense of the realm he had now called his home, there was so much history that needed to be... discovered:

"Thank you Sir Duke. I will take the time to consider my path and when I am certain, I will return with my answer."

With a pronounced bow, Godfrey got off his chair and rather quickly left the room, not truly getting his head around the meeting, nor the alcohol.
Godfrey Greybrook