Gregor Relak's Collected Essays and Lectures on Leadership and Governance/The Positions of Governance

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The head of state, the dispenser of titles, and the office to which all things flow. The ruler is by definition a Royal and should be treated with respect and courtesy; a healthy dose of fear doesn't hurt either. The ruler of a realm controls its diplomacy with other realms, and can be reached by foreign nobles if they have enough prestige to warrant their attention. Rulers by and large have risen up through the ranks of a realm, though some few through grit and determination rebelled against their former lieges. Those rulers are especially dangerous, and should be largely avoided if possible. Rulers are capable of a great many things, not the least of which is influencing the opinion of the nobles across the realm. This is perhaps their greatest strength, as well as weakness. Some rulers choose to share power with their lords and nobles, other wiser ones understand that they have a duty to their realm which transcends all other obligations. I will not lecture you on how to rule, if you are elevated to such a role the deals and promises you have made are yours to keep or break as you see fit. Know only that I would be proud to stand at your coronation, one royal to another. The only wisdom I might offer to you is to know your people better than they know themselves and you will never fail.


Military men of vast experience, generals are either elected or appointed. In any event, they are, hopefully, no fool. Strategy is their game, and they execute it with ruthless abandon. When they are ordered to attack, they do so with gusto. A general is best leading at the front perhaps at the head of his own army as a marshal. Information is a generals best weapon next to their mind. The more information a general has the better he will be able to judge the situation at hand. As the saying often goes, better to lose a battle and win the war. The bigger picture is their game, whatever that may paint. Unfortunately for some generals they are painted into corners by inept rulers. As the leader of the armies it is often the general who steps forward first to protest against a hapless ruler. As a leader of men they would be wise though to be most certain of going against their ruler, for such a confrontation is not without its dangers.


The arbiter and judge of men, this council position has been empowered with the ability to lay down laws of the realm, and to dispense justice through fines and banishments. Recalcitrant regions may know justice through the judges holding court in lieu of a regional lord. In this way Judges have often become the managers of internal affairs and organize legions of bureaucrats to keep loyalty, morale, and production bustling. The grisly task of torture and execution fall to these men and rare women. As most who fall to them are still considered nobility by some, they often sacrifice much for their realm in the way of honor and prestige. To them much respect should be given during desperate times as their ability to take the golds of prisoners, or extract information from foreign enemies and agents is invaluable.


The counters of beans and bushels of wheat. These men are entrusted with the taxation of the lords and nobles. Often controlling shadowy and arcane knowledge of ledgers they are capable of manipulating a regions taxes to their great profit. Sitting at the head of the food distribution and trade networks of a realm they are often closely associated with the proper functioning of a realm's economy. Glorified to a fault they are often more trouble than benefit. If at all possible they should have weakened powers and be watched over closely lest the use their talents to fund a rebellion and grab power for themselves or their allies.


Holder of landed title a Lord is to be respected above all except the ruler. Being owed the fealty of their Knights or their own Lords if they are a Duke, they command respect of dozens of powerful nobles. To various extents some are more powerful than others based upon the wealth of their lands. Make no mistake, lordship is the first step towards real power. A fresh and young noble should quickly distinguish themselves and align with a Duke or ruler who will appoint them to this position. Some realms opt to elect their lords, in this instance making powerful friends and promises of larger tax shares can often entice those more hesitant electors. Above all else a would be lord should take care to press all claims to a region, and to strengthen their claims whenever possible. In many lands these claims give a special consideration towards a would be lord.


The tactical minds who carry out the grand strategy of the General. They sit at the head of their army and have opportunities for fame and fortune. Their command staffs organize the army for battle, and it is their skill at leading men which determines the sophistication of their possible battle plans. Along with lordship holding the position of marshal is often an easy way to win over the hearts of men. Beloved by many when they are victorious a Marshall can quickly find themselves a Generalship as often the burden of war wears on a man. The target of many assassination attempts marshals are instrumental to a profitable and beneficent campaign.