Grand Lodge News

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grand-lodge-banner.png The Grand Lodge News
1 silver crown News of interest to the serious student! Issue no. 1: 29 April 2006
Available at finer criers and doorways throughout the Realm.

The Grand Lodge news presents the finest reports in all of the Far East.We strive to bring you all the reports that matter in one handy bitesize issue.


Brian Fionn-Former Pontifex and Fiduciary.Founder of the Grand Lodge news,and an active student of the diplomacy of the Far East.

Top Stories

The Grand Lodge News founded

A new era has dawned in reporting in the Far East.No longer will you have to put up with the substandard reporting of the other leading "Newspapers".Currently the Grand Lodge news is rolling off the press and the excitement can be felt all over the continent.

Local News

Ethialan Press said to be "a great bit of journalism"
A leading maniac today stated the benifits of the Ethialan Press.In an exclusive interview with this paper Stabby Joe(who did not want to be named) stated his love for that most prestigious of toilet paper,The Ethialan press.

This Reporter visited him at his luxurious pool of vomit in the capital of Ethiala.

BF:"So,Mr stabby Joe.You have been a vehement supporter of the Ethialan press in the recent past.What is your reason for this?"

SJ:"I love the Ethialan Press.It really clears up the moisture."

BF:"The moisture?"

SJ:"Yes,I have tried out all the leading papers and this one really offers maximum absorption.Whenever I am caught short I can be sure Im safe with this great paper.It can sometimes get messy,but the press is great for cleaning up the afters."

BF:"So,Would you consider reading it?"


Our reporter ran from the scene soon afterwards.

Soliferum visit Ortedail
No one would have ever thought that three leading members of Soliferum would ever have entered Ortedail unless they were at the head of an Army.In the last day Conan,Renquest and Dagger entered the gates of the greatest city in the south to meet with the new pontifex Ziode.

The three recently spoke to the gathered nobles of Lunaria about the future of the relations between the two nation.Relationships have been frayed between Soliferum and their vastly superiour neighbours in the west.

Prime minister Conan has made this dramatic move in the face of mounting aggression by Svunnetland in the north.Soliferum have acted falsely in the past,this reporter is holding his breath.More details to follow.