Four Is Better Than Five Initiative/Parable of the Bunny Rabbit

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Parable of the Bunny Rabbit

One day, a rabbit was living in his burrow when a rock fell through and put a hole in his roof. The rabbit was startled by the event, but continued to keep with his day to day routines. As the days went on, the weather changed and it often rained. Because of the hole in the rabbits burrow, the rabbit was frequently flooded out of his home. When the sun was shining, birds of prey would scoop down and try to pluck the rabbit out of his house to eat him. More than this, spiders would crawl into the hole and try to make cobweb homes in his burrow. The rabbit hated cobwebs and was terrified of the big birds, and the water made him very cold, but, he was not sure what to do. He had grown comfortable with the rock in his home, making it a part of the fixtures. But the hole remained. Then, the rabbit decided to get advice from the other rabbits living in his part of the forest to see what they would do in this situation.

The first rabbit he spoke to was a small rabbit, short teeth and tiny ears. This rabbit told our rabbit that he best pack his things and move to another burrow; once a hole is made it can never be fixed. The second rabbit was a bigger, stronger rabbit with longer teeth and ears so tall they flopped over themselves. This rabbit told our rabbit that the best thing to do would be to use the rock to cover the hole.

Our rabbit thought about the advice these rabbits gave him and made his decision. He first decided that he did not want to move from his burrow. It was close to a stream that he liked to drink from every morning, and where a cute female rabbit often visited. This he could not abandon. Also, he thought it impractical to cover the hole with the rock because the rock would then fall right back into his home and nothing would be accomplished. He then decided that though he was used to the rock being in his home, its presence made it difficult for him to fix the hole and so it would have to be removed. Once that was done, he was determined to cover the hole with twigs and dirt and fix his roof, thereby keeping out all of the dangerous elements of the great big forest.

Comparing the situation of this little rabbit to our very own, we can see the obvious solution. We must first remove the rock in our home before we can fix the hole in our roof. In other words, we must destroy the Confederacy of Fontan before we can attack our enemies full scale.