Felsenbach Family/Eisenritter/Tournament in Isadril 9-24-21

From BattleMaster Wiki

Tournament Report message to everyone at the tournament grounds in Isadril - 5 minutes ago Welcome to the tournament in Isadril. 54 nobles from 8 realms paid their 10 gold entrance fee and visit the tournament grounds today to claim the winner's honours and 1000 (gold) for swordfighting (500 for second place swordfighting) and 1000 (gold) for jousting (500 for second place jousting). This is a tournament of both, jousting and swordfight. Let's begin with the swords:

Round 1, 54 participants:

  1. Fabian from Shadowdale -beats- Callius Augustus from Yssrgard
  2. Vic from Shadowdale -beats- Tanya from Eponllyn
  3. Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Guy from Eponllyn
  4. Latínã from Alexandria -beats- Maximilian from Shadowdale
  5. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Guldor from Eponllyn
  6. Faridithous from Perleone -beats- Periurium from Sirion
  7. Ulric from Perdan -beats- Seaglass from Perdan
  8. Lorne from Sirion -beats- Alarin from Shadowdale
  9. Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Julian from Eponllyn
  10. Foxen from Shadowdale -beats- Saraph from Perleone
  11. Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Vladimir Von from Eponllyn
  12. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Yuuji from Perleone
  13. Lemric from Perleone -beats- June from Yssrgard
  14. Gerard from Caligus -beats- Jafaria from Shadowdale
  15. Octavia from Yssrgard -beats- Moergan from Shadowdale
  16. Jericho from Perdan -beats- Moxie from Yssrgard
  17. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Fredrick from Yssrgard
  18. Titus from Caligus -beats- Greatjon from Perleone
  19. Behemoth from Perleone -beats- Paige from Perleone
  20. Maremma from Perleone -beats- Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard
  21. Ubin from Sirion -beats- Lucius from Eponllyn
  22. Delphine from Perdan -beats- Jacques from Eponllyn
  23. Azer from Caligus -beats- Josh's from Sirion
  24. Dawson from Shadowdale -beats- Esmaralda from Yssrgard
  25. Eliza from Shadowdale -beats- Berwin from Perdan
  26. Lima from Caligus -beats- Andreas from Perleone
  27. Jaques from Shadowdale -beats- Gaheris from Perleone

Round 2, 27 participants:

  1. Vic from Shadowdale -beats- Lemric from Perleone
  2. Ulric from Perdan -beats- Octavia from Yssrgard
  3. Maremma from Perleone -beats- Latínã from Alexandria
  4. Behemoth from Perleone -beats- Eliza from Shadowdale
  5. Ubin from Sirion -beats- Delphine from Perdan
  6. Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Azer from Caligus
  7. Fabian from Shadowdale -beats- Flavia from Shadowdale
  8. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Lorne from Sirion
  9. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Hendrik Renodin from Perdan
  10. Titus from Caligus -beats- Jaques from Shadowdale
  11. Foxen from Shadowdale -beats- Lima from Caligus
  12. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Jericho from Perdan
  13. Dawson from Shadowdale -beats- Gerard from Caligus
  14. Faridithous - wildcard

Round 3, 14 participants:

  1. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Maremma from Perleone
  2. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Fabian from Shadowdale
  3. Vic from Shadowdale -beats- Dawson from Shadowdale
  4. Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Foxen from Shadowdale
  5. Ulric from Perdan -beats- Faridithous from Perleone
  6. Ubin from Sirion -beats- Titus from Caligus
  7. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Behemoth from Perleone

Round 4, 7 participants:

  1. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Doranthir from Sirion
  2. Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Ubin from Sirion
  3. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Vic from Shadowdale
  4. Ulric - wildcard

Semifinal round:

  1. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Vidran from Perdan
  2. Tsingu from Perdan -beats- Ulric from Perdan

Final Round:

  1. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Tsingu from Perdan

Winner: Eisenritter

In the second part of the tournament, the traditional jousting contest is being held:

Round 1, 54 participants:

  1. Julian from Eponllyn -beats- Saraph from Perleone 3 to 0
  2. Moxie from Yssrgard -beats- Lorne from Sirion 3 to 0
  3. Jafaria from Shadowdale -beats- Vic from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  4. Alarin from Shadowdale -beats- Fabian from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  5. Octavia from Yssrgard -beats- Guldor from Eponllyn 2 to 1
  6. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Lucius from Eponllyn 3 to 0
  7. Lima from Caligus -beats- Moergan from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  8. Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Faridithous from Perleone 3 to 0
  9. Guy from Eponllyn -beats- Latínã from Alexandria 3 to 0
  10. Jericho from Perdan -beats- Fredrick from Yssrgard 2 to 1
  11. Periurium from Sirion -beats- Tsingu from Perdan 3 to 0
  12. Berwin from Perdan -beats- Paige from Perleone 3 to 0
  13. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Greatjon from Perleone 3 to 0
  14. Behemoth from Perleone -beats- Andreas from Perleone 3 to 0
  15. Foxen from Shadowdale -beats- Maremma from Perleone 2 to 1
  16. Vladimir Von from Eponllyn -beats- Jacques from Eponllyn 3 to 0
  17. Titus from Caligus -beats- Seaglass from Perdan 3 to 0
  18. Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Esmaralda from Yssrgard 3 to 0
  19. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Azer from Caligus 3 to 0
  20. Maximilian from Shadowdale -beats- Eliza from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  21. Ubin from Sirion -beats- Jaques from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  22. Ulric from Perdan -beats- Gaheris from Perleone 3 to 0
  23. Callius Augustus from Yssrgard -beats- Dawson from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  24. Yuuji from Perleone -beats- June from Yssrgard 2 to 1
  25. Josh's from Sirion -beats- Lemric from Perleone 3 to 0
  26. Delphine from Perdan -beats- Gerard from Caligus 3 to 0
  27. Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Tanya from Eponllyn 2 to 1

Round 2, 27 participants:

  1. Moxie from Yssrgard -beats- Josh's from Sirion 3 to 0
  2. Julian from Eponllyn -beats- Berwin from Perdan 3 to 0
  3. Jericho from Perdan -beats- Yuuji from Perleone 2 to 1
  4. Ubin from Sirion -beats- Vladimir Von from Eponllyn 3 to 0
  5. Maximilian from Shadowdale -beats- Guy from Eponllyn 3 to 0
  6. Alarin from Shadowdale -beats- Octavia from Yssrgard 3 to 0
  7. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Titus from Caligus 2 to 1
  8. Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Callius Augustus from Yssrgard 3 to 0
  9. Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Behemoth from Perleone 3 to 0
  10. Lima from Caligus -beats- Jafaria from Shadowdale 2 to 1
  11. Hendrik Renodin from Perdan -beats- Foxen from Shadowdale 3 to 0
  12. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Ulric from Perdan 3 to 0
  13. Periurium from Sirion -beats- Delphine from Perdan 3 to 0
  14. Doranthir - wildcard

Round 3, 14 participants:

  1. Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Maximilian from Shadowdale 2 to 1
  2. Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard -beats- Ubin from Sirion 2 to 1
  3. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Alarin from Shadowdale 2 to 1
  4. Vidran from Perdan -beats- Jericho from Perdan 3 to 0
  5. Periurium from Sirion -beats- Moxie from Yssrgard 3 to 0
  6. Lima from Caligus -beats- Hendrik Renodin from Perdan 2 to 1
  7. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Julian from Eponllyn 2 to 1

Round 4, 7 participants:

  1. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Vidran from Perdan 2 to 1
  2. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Periurium from Sirion 2 to 1
  3. Flavia from Shadowdale -beats- Godric Tórrarin from Yssrgard 3 to 0
  4. Lima - wildcard

Semifinal round:

  1. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Lima from Caligus 2 to 1
  2. Doranthir from Sirion -beats- Flavia from Shadowdale 2 to 1

Final Round:

  1. Eisenritter from Eponllyn -beats- Doranthir from Sirion 3 to 0

Winner: Eisenritter

That was the tournament in Isadril. Congratulations to the winners and to all participants.

Tournament Gains

  • (Personal message) - 5 minutes ago
  • You gained 13 honour and 4 prestige during the tournament.
  • Your jousting skill has improved.
  • You also won 2000 gold.