External Services and Tools
BattleMaster provides an API for some game data that can be used by external tools, either programs or web services.
The API is described in the /API Documentation page.
The use of our data by these tools is subject to a special License. Part of that license is that all such tools must list themselves on this page:
Tools Registered
Lemuria Discord Bot
- Location: BattleMaster Discord Server
- Status: Fully Functional
- Source:
- Written in Python using the Discord.py Framework
- Source code to be released Soon:tm:
- Requires a database, ideally MySQL or PostgreSQL, but can also run on SQLite.
- Description:
- A Discord Bot, capable of associating users with BM families, looking up BM Realm or Region Data, linking to the wiki, and a bunch of other things.
- Also supports server moderation and auditing, with high customizability.
- Invite her to your server today: Invite Lemuria
Mneme IRC Bot
- Location: #battlemaster
- Status: Defunct, as of Dec 2021 -- Repository still online.
- Source:
- Coded with Java using the PircBot framework.
- The source code is hosted on Assembla here
- Requires a MySQL database, although another RDBMS could be used with a small addition to the code.
- Description:
- An IRC bot that associates a user's IRC nickname with a given Battlemaster family name. Once associated, other users can then query the bot to find what family the user plays, and a link to the user's details page.
- It features basic anti-flooding protection to prevent abuse of its resources.
- Seeking someone with a server who could host the bot.
Wikimap Project
- Status: Defunct, as of Dec 2021 -- Assumed lost to time.
- Usage:
- http://tinyurl.com/BMWikimap/BMWorld($WorldID)_($RealmName)[_WithCapital].png
- Examples:
- http://tinyurl.com/BMWikimap/BMWorld1_Perdan.pnghttp://tinyurl.com/BMWikimap/BMWorld1_Perdan.png
- http://tinyurl.com/BMWikimap/BMWorld2_Minas%20Ithil_WithCapital.pnghttp://tinyurl.com/BMWikimap/BMWorld2_Minas Ithil_WithCapital.png
- Notice:
- Update on turnly basis. BMWorld6 (Colonies) unsupported.