Ecclesial Sanguiastroism/Ecclesial Sanguiastroism Initiation

From BattleMaster Wiki

Ritual of Initiation

You ascend the dirt path to the temple. The Arch of the Gate is in the distance, on it hang the jeweled ruby Blood Stars gazing towards you like eyes. The White and Black Pillars of initiation flank the gate on its right and left. An acolyte beckons you forward and in. He is robed in black. He carries a staff, and a lantern for seeing in the night.

You come before a basin in front of an altar in the middle of a stone path leading to the temple. An Acolyte robed in red holds a white candle by the water. He is the Master of Ceremonies who will perform the initiation ritual.

The Master bids you look into the waters in the basin. In the reflections, you are to see yourself as you are.

"Who comes here?" The Master of Ceremonies issues the question as a challenge.

((Candidate Replies))

"Do you enter of your own free will and accord, being worthy and duly prepared to enter the mysteries of Ecclesial Sanguiastroism that you may better serve your fellow man?"

((Candidate Replies))

The Master holds the white candle aloft in his left hand and opens his right palm to you. I bid you welcome (candidate). By the light of the Stars and the Blood of the Earth I hereby incorporate you into the body of the Holy Church of Ecclesial Sanguiastroism. You feel power coursing through your veins. Your mind is focused. Your will is sharpened. Your heart pumps with strength and vigor. Your hands feel ready for any task.

Bread and wine are brought to you and you are toasted for your initiation and good fortune.