Delsantos Family/Apotheosis

From BattleMaster Wiki

OOC: Numerous people have seen various parts of this series of events, but I don't think that anyone has seen the entire thing before, all in one place. I would guess that anything not contained in a "personal" message is probably open for public knowledge by now.)

Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)
For the first time in many months, Sherilynn had one of her "dreams", as her mother used to call them. The past three the longest she had been without them since her 14th birthday. She had thought that maybe this time, just maybe, she had finally escaped them in her flight to Beluaterra. But no, it seems they had caught up with her once more.

This dream wasn't quite the nightmare of fire and pain as her previous dreams. Oh, the fire was still there. And some of the pain, as well. But while they were there, they weren't the central focus of the dream like they had been nearly every time before.

In this nights dream the fire wasn't afflicting her. It was almost as if she was fire. But that made no sense. A person couldn't be fire. Yet who could say what a person could or could not be in a dream?

One thing that hadn't changed was that when she awoke, she couldn't remember much of the dream at all. She grabbed the dream journal she kept by her table and frantically scribbled down all that she could remember, though there was precious little of it. Maybe some day, when she read through it all once again, some of it would finally make sense.

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
(Personal message to Cimmerian)
Lord Cimmerian,

This blasted and ruined city of Reeds has brought upon me a strengthening of the visions I have been having. Not only that, but they have begun to change as well. They begin to take up the theme of a transformation, or a rebirth.

One other thing, though, has begun to emerge. As I hide out in this ruin I begin to get feelings, as well as visions. There is a feeling of ... rightness to this devastation. As if the city deserved that which was delivered unto it. But how can that be? This was a thriving city of humanity. What could the people of Reeds, or of Heen, have done to deserve such as this? Whatever it was, it must have been monstrous.

Could I have done something to prevent it? Could the people of Heen have been convinced to take a different path? Perhaps, if I could somehow convince the Heenites to renounce their ways. Could they then be saved?

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)
Sherilynn woke early in the morning. It had been a rough night, the worst since she had been through since she returned to Wudenkin from her journey to the north. Out of many years of habit, she reached for her dream journal to record what she could remember from the night's visions. There was nothing very clear. There often wasn't. Even so, she recalled a few things. There were visions of lands wracked with diseased vegetation, horrible drought, and unable to support life. These wastelands spread, encompassing more and more land as she watched, powerless to stop it from happening. All she could do was watch as it spread endlessly.

She picked up the journal and the quill, flipping pages to get to the end. What she found there shocked her.

The page on which she would have recorded the night's dreams was already written on, but the handwriting was not her own. It was a deep red ink. She didn't have any red ink. She was pretty sure there wasn't any red ink in the entire house. She looked at the quill. The last inch or so of the tip was red. But it wasn't red ink at all. It was blood.

Sherilynn dropped the quill and looked around the room. There was no one here but her. The door was still locked and barred. But the white sheets were stained with blood on the left side of the bed. She looked down at her left arm. There was a cut on the inside of her left elbow. It was straight, clean, and shallow, as if cut by a surgical scalpel. Blood still gently oozed out, and down her arm.

Sherilynn had no idea how this had happened. It had never been like this before. Her dreams were horrible, but they had never reached out into the waking world and actually done something to her. Shaking, she lifted the book and read the entry that someone, or something had written for this night.

You must awaken. There is no more time. It has begun. You must choose. You must ascend. Cimmerian was right. It is your fate.

Sherilynn let out a small frightened gasp, practically a squeak of terror. Her hand jerked and the book fell to the floor. She turned and fled tot he door. Her hands scrabbled at the bar, frantically trying to remove it. But in her fumbling panic she just couldn't get it to move. Her left hand was leaving bloody streaks on the door. Small drops of blood splattered to the floor.

She felt the world begin to spin around her. She dropped to the floor as the world faded. It didn't fade to black, but to red. The red of blood, and of fire. The last thing she saw was a pair of burning golden eyes staring at her. Waiting for her.

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
There was sudden rumbling and a huge explosion could be heard near the volcano. Despite the explosion, there seemed to be no damage to the region. Within moments, the air shimmered, seemingly a floating liquid.

As the air cleared, the surrounding appeared changed to everyone in Jobo's. In fact, all the living beings in Jobo's were not in Jobo's anymore at all but had been magically teleported to Binoaramet.

No one knew why or how the event occurred. No one except perhaps Cimmerian and Seer. Soon after, any human wishing to enter Jobo's Mouth found it impossible to breathe the air. It was like the region had been connected to the true netherworld, the home of the Daimons. The air like liquid ash which filled and blocked one's lungs. The heat terrible, a place where no living being survived.

From that moment on, Jobo's Mouth became inaccessible to any human.


Roleplay from Seer

Seer did not quite realize what was happening. With a sudden pain in her left arm, the surroundings began to swirl right before her eyes. It wasn't long before she lost consciousness. Later she realized it wasn't a trance but she had actually fainted.

Similar to Sherilynn, Seer dreamed of a pair of burning golden eyes set on an ephemeral shape alternating with Sherilynn's face. The dream hardly lasted for a few minutes. Seer remained unconscious for the next two days before she was roused by her guards.

Weak from her ordeal, Seer immediately asked her troops to find out about Sherilynn and wrote a letter to Cimmerian about her dream.


Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in your realm (30 recipients)
Sherilynn regained consciousness slowly. She levered herself up into a sitting position and looked around the room. There was her dream journal lying open on the floor next to the bed. The sheets were stained with blood. She looked down at her left arm. The cut was still there, but the bleeding had stopped, and the blood dried. With shaking knees, she got to her feet and headed for the wash basin. She needed to clean herself up before she could go anywhere. She wet the towel in the lukewarm water still sitting in the basin and began to wash her face. As she looked up into the mirror on the wall behind the basin, her hands froze.

Her eyes had changed. Where once had been her bright green eyes there was now ... gold. Not yellow, but pure gold. Even the whites of her eyes had started to take on a golden sheen. It was the gold of the eyes in her dreams. Cimmerian had once told her Seer had seen this in her visions, too. That had been, what, two weeks ago? Three? After a moment she closed her eyes and looked away. Quickly she finished washing her face and her arm. When she was done she picked up her journal, unbarred the door, and left the bedroom to go downstairs.

Downstairs in the parlor she noticed a stack of correspondence that a messenger had deposited on her writing desk. She quickly leafed through it. She was confused for a moment by the dates. Some of them seemed to be dated for ... tomorrow. But that couldn't be right. Had she really been unconcious for two days? She must have been. That was the only explanation for dates on letters that said they hadn't even been sent yet.

There was only one note of interest, from Chamberlain Mordred of Riombara, sent through the Western Alliance. It was a description of some events that had occurred in Jobo's mouth. According to the date ("Not tomorrow", she reminded herself, "yesterday!"), it had happened the day after her dream. One phrase in particular caught her eye: "From that moment on, Jobo's Mouth became inaccessible to any human."

That was what she had dreamed. The death of the region, unable to support true life of any kind. So blasted and ruined that no human could even survive the journey into it. She had dreamt of it the night before it had happened. In her dreams the blight had spread. Would this happen again, and curse the island with unending death?

While her mind reeled with the pain sadness of the death of Jobo's Mouth, there was a part of her that rejoiced. Somewhere deep inside her, in the darkest reaches in the back of her mind, there was a horribly sickening feeling of triumph. She looked at the journal that lay open on the desk. The words written in what could only be her own blood looked up at her, mocking her pain and confusion.

"There is no more time. It has begun."

Sherilynn lowered her face into her hands and wept.

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian (4 days, 15 hours ago)

Soon after the events in Jobo's Mouth, Cimmerian immediately sent a messenger carrying to Seer containing just one line:

Seer, head to Bara'Khur. Meet Sherilynn there. She might be the one

Immediately following the first messenger, Cimmerian dispatched another messenger to Sherilynn

Sherilynn, are you aware of the events which occurred in Jobo's Mouth? Do you have any information about it?

Seer is on her way to meet you. It is imperative that you meet her. She is my sister. You will not have anything to fear from her.


Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
(Personal message to Cimmerian)
Lord Cimmerian,

The night before the ... event ... in Jobo's Mouth, I had a dream in which the lands were being destroyed. That they were made unable to sustain life. While I do not know why this happened, I know that it seemed to be spreading.

The images of the desolation and destruction of the lands brought many feelings and impressions. While they horrified me, these were just instinctive surface feelings. Deeper inside me, from where I do not know, came stronger, more primal feelings. Feelings of a "rightness", a triumph, and of ... a beginning of something monumental. A turning point in history.

Will Seer know more of this? Will she be able to help me figure out what is happening, or what all of this means?

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian

How much could Cimmerian tell the girl? Was Cimmerian right? What if Cimmerian's gues was wrong and the girl was not the one? It was a difficult and tricky matter.


I cannot say. I have an intuitive feeling but I am uncertain at this time. Seer is on her way to meet with you. She is different from me and Argent. She.. She can see things that we cannot. You must meet her. It is important.

You are right that it is a turning point in history. The events in Jobo's Mouth herald the arrival of someone. However, I am not certain.

Tell me, where should Seer meet you? And your realm must not attack her or there will be retribution. Seer is my sister and she comes in peace.


Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
(Personal message to Cimmerian)
Lord Cimmerian,

I am eager to meet Seer. I am currently in Wudenkin. If necessary, I can journey somewhere else that is more convenient for Seer.

I have informed the council of Bara'Khur that Seer will be journeying to Wudenkin, and that she must not be harmed.

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Letter from Cimmerian

Sherilynn, Seer is searching for you. I do not want her harmed. Move into Sint lands. Ircymbar. Meet Seer there. It is important for Seer to speak to you, to see you, to interpret your visions


Roleplaying Event
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Ircymbar (38 recipients)

Soon after her arrival in Ircymbar word arrived from the newly joined human that the girl was also in the region. Instructing the guards assigned to her by Cimmerian, she dispatched them to search for the girl. Then she called Aur to come to her tent and for Renfield to wait outside. She would need Aur for the time coming.

Seer could hardly wait. It was a special moment. Had she really arrived on this realm? Had she made the journey. Was the Goddess ready to takeover?


Roleplay from Renfield Immortals
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)

"Alright, we move out towards Lady Seer's camp right away. Her unit is searching for a person so we need to maintain security around her camp while she talking to Commander Aur" ordered Renfield.

Once they reached the campsite, Renfield planted himself outside Lady Seer's tent with this twin axes ready to fly into action and ordered his men "Spread out around the camp and keep patrolling regularly. Anyone who comes near has to go through us before they come near the tent."

Renfield Immortals (Knight of Qonnor)

Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in your realm (31 recipients)
Sherilynn looked in the mirror for what seemed like the twentieth time today. The process that had started the night of her last dream in Wudenkin had continued ever since. Slowly, but inexorably, her eyes continued to change color. The irises were almost completely golden now, with just a slightly darker golden color where the pupils should have been. The whites of her eyes were almost completely gone, giving way to the same golden shade.

One thing she hadn't noticed that morning nearly a week ago was her hair. Whatever caused her eyes to change was affecting her hair. Once a light brown, it had begun to lighten until it was now almost the same golden yellow as her eyes.

She shouldn't have been surprised, really. She'd seen something like this in the last dream. The golden eyes looking back at her from the flames. Now her eyes were nearly the color of her dreams. And her hair nearly matched her eyes.

Sherilynn shook herself a bit, and looked away from the mirror. She only had a short time to get ready. Seer's daimons would no doubt be here for her soon. Finishing up her preparations quickly, Sherilynn headed for the door. She picked up a cloak and threw it around her shoulders, making sure that the wound in her left arm was covered. Almost as an afterthought, she also picked up her dream journal and tucked it under one arm.

Sherilynn paused and gathered her thoughts and her nerve. Then she opened the door and stepped outside. Waiting for her were several daimons. Sherilynn recognized them as being of the same general breed as the daimons that accompanied Cimmerian.

Taking a deep breath, Sherilynn stepped forward and addressed the daimons. As she did, a confidence and a commanding presence welled up from within her. Her formerly hesitant voice took on a richer, commanding tone.

"Take me to Seer."

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)

Moving quietly through thick grass so as not to be spotted, Ramuh looked at the large gathering. The scout had reported a being similar to the one he had in a dream, or something close to a dream. As he moved about trying to avoid unneeded contact, he tried to find the tall blue-skinned being.

Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

The guards formed a circular perimeter, wide enough to give Sherilynn a lot of space but close enough to each other to form a Daimonic fence.

As they approached Seer's camp, the human guards all turned alert. Renfield, who was personally stationed outside the camp eyed Sherilynn warily, his head filling with questions which he dared not ask at the time.

As Sherilynn came face to face, Renfield greeted Sherilynn and indicated to the guards that he would take over.

With a bow, he led Sherilynn into Seer's tent which was surprising sparse. A rug with a trunk at the center and a thin folded mattress towards a side.

Seer herself was seated on the rug, her eyes open but unfocussed, staring into space. Aur was pacing around Seer but stopped when the humans entered, staring at Sherilynn with interest.


Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

(In response to Ramuh's RP) There wasn't much that he could actually see except a mix of human and Daimonic guards patrolling around the camp. After a little wait, he noticed the girl being escorted by a Daimonic guard and Renfield taking her inside the camp.

With his interest obviously piqued, Ramuh inched forward trying to avoid the guards as much as possible.


Letter from Aur
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

Without looking at Seer, Aur called out to her

Seer... Seer!!

Fyga ib. Dra kenm ec rana. Lyh oui caa fryd E caa?

E lyh caa ran yiny. Ec cra dra uha?

He indicated to Renfield to leave the tent and Sherilynn behind. As Renfield turned, with a quick step Aur reached behind Sherilynn.


Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

The tent was too crowded to get too close, but Ramuh could hear some words. Words which were foreign to his ears, though he heard the word "Seer" repeated.

The human girl was not one of the Netherworld, so he listened intently to what was occurring inside.

Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

Seer's eyes snapped into focus at Aur's call and she stood up in a fluid motion. She smiled at the girl and spoke to Aur

Mad res cdyo. Ed femm pa yh ehdanacdehk aqbaneahla vun res

Changing back to the human tongue, she spoke again,

Renfield, remain here. You must watch this

Stepping forward to Sherilynn, Seer looked deep into her eye, which were changing color yet and put her hand forward, asking for Sherilynn's hand.


Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

More of that strange tongue, but what could it mean? Basing conjecture on the later statement to the one named Renfield, Ramuh concluded that the voice that uttered the foreign speech wished Renfield to stay to observe. Perhaps the same was rendered in the speaker's other tongue as it had been in the human language?

Interest getting the better of him, but caution not fully discarded, Ramuh cautioned to gain a position that would give him an angle to look inside an opening in the tent.

Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)
Sherilynn allowed the daimons to guide her to their destination. She ignored the man who met them at what must be Seer's camp, not even acknowledging his bow. Instead she went directly into the tent.

Sherilynn immediately recognized the blue-skinned Seer seated in the center of the tent. The daimon lord that paced around her was unfamiliar, though. The daimon lord spoke in some gutteral tongue that she didn't know. But she felt that she should know it. It sounded familiar, yet it also sounded completely and utterly foreign. While she pondered this, the human apparently known as Renfield and the unknown daimon moved around her toward the entrance of the tent, yet they did not leave.

Seer stood and stared directly into Sherilynn's by now almost completely golden eyes. In what was unusual for Seer, she spoke a phrase that was clear, unambiguous, and completely comprehensible: "Give me your hand".

Without a word, Sherilynn complied. She lifted her right hand, with the palm turned up, and held it out toward Seer.

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Benton Aelradir
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (8 recipients)

Benton stood at the edge of his small travel encampment, swarms of horsed patrols kept the scenery alive at this moonless light. Small fires burned, with the clatter of dishes and the silent laughter of men enjoying their food and time off behind him, Benton stared into the darkness in front of him.


'Sire,' his scout master said as he stepped into the light of Bentons guards 'I have news'. Benton turned to his man and nodded in acknowledgment. 'We have found the tracks of Seer again about a mile north of here, at the lower slopes of the Central Mountain. I've sent John to scout ahead and he returned having seen a large group of daimons in an encampment. Apparently a few humans are with them as well. He is the best skilled man I got, and though climbing a tree he could not take a good look, there were too many patrols. He estimates a presence of 80, but there was a lot of movement. It should be 20 miles from here'

'Good work.' Benton turned and stood there staring into the silence again. 'Captain, get 10 of my finest men ready. We move out in an hour.'

The thirteen men rode huddled into their thick coats, it had recently rained and the night was cold and wet. With the absence of the moon the scoutmaster rode in front the night of his lamp cutting through the darkness. Captain Edwin followed behind him, his eyes wearily searching the darkness. The cry of a crow broke the silence around them and the scout master replied. 'We are very close, just another mile at the foot of this hill further down the tracks,' said John as he slipped down the lower branch of a tree close by. 'Movement is very strong, it is very unlikely this group is not spotted by their guards. I have stayed out of sight so far.'

'There is no reason to fear our allies, I come in a small group, a token of respect. They will understand the gesture,' the Pontifex replied.

The Pontifexes men moved into a typical defensive and representative formation, each one lighting a torch and the progression started to move again. The eyes of daimons followed them on the edge of preception and a few hundred feet later, Benton could see a flicker of light through the trees, he could see the encampment from far. A young woman was entering a tent.


It had been long since Hemaglobe spoke to him so clearly, it always had a focusing effect on Bentons mind, the ringing of Hemaglobes voice slowly fading away. The slight anxiousness, only the closest to Benton could see, changed to a calm and ready expression. He was doing His work.

Benton and his men took a position in respectful distance to the encampment in plain sight and waited.

Benton Aelradir
Pontifex of Sint

Roleplay from Renfield Immortals
Message sent to all nobles in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

Renfield was a bit confused when he heard Lord Aur order him out of the tent and the order to be rescinded immediately by Lady Seer telling him to stay there and watch, wondering to follow which one when he remembered that his orders, given by Lady Cimmerian, were to escort Lady Seer and guard her and he stayed.

He saw Lady Seer take the hands of Sheilynn and wondered what would happen next, would she be eaten alive like those other hapless idiots eaten by daimons in the last couple of days and then he pushed away that thought immediately, they didn't need to search all over the place for a victim, pathetic humans were available all over the place, ready to be killed or eaten as and when needed. This must be something very important, he half hoped that this was a ritual where countless daimons could be summoned to this plane to kill everything that moves.

He finally managed to push all the thoughts away by telling himself that no matter how much he thought, he could never discern the method or the purpose behind the ritual and just waited and watched what would happen next.

Renfield Immortals (Knight of Qonnor)

Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

Give me your hand

As Sherilynn lifted her hand, Seer also realised that for the first time, her thoughts and speech were clear.

Taking Sherilynn's hand, and imperceptibly indicating to Aur to close the flap of the tent, Seer led Sherilynn to the chest and made her sit.

Her voice almost trembling with excitement, Seer spoke to Sherilynn in a soft voice: Close your eyes and think of your dreams. What is it that you see and hear. What do you dream of? Who do you dream of? Who are you? What are you?


Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)

The closing of the tent flap annoyed Ramuh only in the slightest bit. He had seen enough to catch a glimpse of the blue-skinned, tall, otherworldly beauty he faintly remembered seeing in some sort of altered mental state.

"What was the point of summoning me all the way out here then?" Whispered Ramuh to himself, puzzled at the result of the journey. He sighed softly into the grass.

"Mad res c...c...c..d..!?!?" Ramuh had decided to pass some time trying to imitate the speech he heard from within the tent, though he found that even the first statement the blue one had uttered was giving him difficulty. " Cud-yo? What a mess in the mouth. "Ed femm pa yh ...blargle blah blah vun res." The second sentence had been a bit better, at lest until a few words in, when the sounds Ramuh remembered were simply too alien for him to recall with any accuracy.

"So, I bet Mad res c-something means 'The human stays'. What do you think, mole?" But the mole that had thusfar been a frightened and silent witness to the events was no longer to be found.

Hoping he was clear of any detection, Ramuh began replaying what he remembered, trying to piece together the conversations. "E caa...oui caa? Uh, what else did that one say again?" And so he sat like that while he lay in hiding, somewhat attentive to his surroundings, but also bored.

Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (7 recipients)
Seer's hand was warm. Not quite hot, but warmer than what would have been normal for a human. But then, Seer wasn't human, was she? The skin was soft and smooth, like that of a rich noble woman.

Sherilynn let Seer guide her to a seat. The two women looked at each other. Sherilynn's nearly-golden eyes looking into Seer's daimonic eyes. Seer spoke in her soft voice.

Close your eyes and think of your dreams.

Sherilynn complied again with Seer's words. She began to think of the various dreams she had had over the past many years. And, especially, of the more vivid dreams she had been having for the past several months since her arrival on Beluaterra.

What is it that you see and hear.

Sherilynn tried to put her dreams into words.

"I see fire. I see war and death. I see ruin and devastation. I see golden eyes of flame."

What do you dream of?

Sherilynn could barely hear Seer's words now. Her mind was full of ideas and concepts that she could not identify. They were pressing into her conciousness from areas of her mind she had not known existed until now. Even still, they were not totally alien. They were just ... previously unknown. Sherilynn closed her eyes and strove hard to focus her will on her dreams.

"I dream of a change and of a conquest. I dream of the glory of the battle, and the inevitability of victory. I dream of the ascension. Of the coming."

Who do you dream of?

The strange new ideas were weaving tendrils throughout her mind. It was growing even harder to concentrate. Had it not been for the constant ordering of her thoughts in the dream journal, of the reinforcement of those events, she would not have been able to continue.

"I dream of Her. Of the goddess. She is coming. There is no turning back."

Sherilynn's voice began to change as she continued. It grew deeper. Where her voice had once been an alto, it had deepened through a contralto, now nearly approaching a low tenor.

Who are you?

Drops of golden fire began to seep from her closed eyes. The liquid fire ran slowly down her cheeks, leaving golden trails. A burning sensation began in her arms. It started near her wrists, and traveled swiftly up her arms.

"I am ... Her."

What are you? The focusing power of Seer's will was powerful. The guidance she had given, the probing questions, all had done their task well. The transformation that had taken hold of Sherilynn was complete.

"You know who I am, Seer. Of all my children, only you could see the truth that had been hidden behind this humble form. For that, Seer, you have my eternal gratitude."

Sherilynn opened her eyes.

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Seer (10 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)

As Seer held on to Sherilynn's hands, she could feel a change come over the human girl. Literally drawing power from Seer herself, Sherilynn recalled all the dreams that had plagued her, the visions that Seer experienced.

As Sherilynn related the dreams, as the power of the goddess emerged through, her hair, earlier a mix of brown and gold turned into a rich lustrous gold.

Her pale skinned seemed to darken with engravings emerging on her skin, engravings of mysterious symbols and unknown, old magical marks. At the same time, her voice changed audibly. A rich deep voice, filled with authority and control, one which could command others to it's bidding simply by being heard.

And then she opened her eyes. They were no longer the eyes of a human, fully golden, shining like water flowing over golden orbs, they seemed to radiate light.

And with those final words by the Godddess, Seer realized her travel to the human realm was complete. Seer kneeled before the goddess and kissed the back of her palm.

My Goddess, it was my destiny to be a part of your arrival, your revelation on this world. That you chose to travel to this world in it self the good fortune of men. You have my pledge and allegiance as do all the other Daimons. There are some humans too who have chosen to pledge allegiance to you.

We are all at your bidding

And with those words tears filled Seer's eyes. For she had an inkling as to what she had been a part of.


Letter from Aur
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)

Aur watched in amazement as the human girl transformed. He had, at first, been puzzled by the need for them to come and meet a human. The human should have come. But he did not mind being with Seer.

When the girl was brought to Seer's camp, he was puzzled. What was going on? But as the ritual progressed, the transformation in the girl was very apparent. The voice, the eyes, the hair, all were that of the Goddess.

So far, all he had heard were rumours of her arrival. But they were not really rumours but the truth. As the Goddess opened her eyes, Seer kneeled in front of her. Immediately, Aur followed suit and lay his sword at her feet, pledging his allegiance to her once more,

Kuttacc, so cfunt ec ouin'c du femm yht du lussyht. So ymmakeyhla ec du oui yht ouin lussyht ec so kuym.


Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)
As Sherilynn opened her eyes, she saw Seer fall to her knees before her goddess. The touch of Seer's lips on the back of her hand was soft and hot. She saw Aur move to come in front her, and was pleased as Aur knelt and offered her his sword.

Things looked different now that her true persona had emerged. She could see the lines of power radiating from the daimon lords. "From my children", she corrected her thoughts. "These human feelings will take some time to overcome. I did not anticipate how deeply they would ingrained in this body." The power radiating from Seer was subtle, holding hints of arcane and obscure knowledge. Aur, on the other hand radiated a power that was strong and direct. Aur, after all, was a warrior.

Sherilynn looked around the tent briefly, scanning what was in front of her, drinking in the arcane sights her new senses provided. It was as if she had been blind, and only now learned how to see. Her gaze returned to the two daimon lords still kneeling in front of her. When she spoke this time, her mouth moved to form the words in the language of the daimons.

"Neca, so lremtnah. Drana ec hu haat vun cilr ypycasahd. Fa ryja drehkc du tu. Lusa."

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)
When Sherilynn turned to leave the tent, her gaze fell on Renfield standing in her way. If his plain appearance was not enough of a tell-tale sign, Sherilynn's new sight made it blatantly obvious that this was a mere human standing before her.

Standing before her.

When the daimon lords themselves had knelt and offered their swords, this human was still standing in her presence. If it was one of those humans pledged to her service, as Seer had said there were, then it had plainly not learned any manners. Had her children been lax in teaching these humans the proper respect? Or was this one just particularly slow to learn?

Sherilynn looked at the human. She stared into his eyes with her own blazing golden eyes. In a voice as cold as ice she spoke: "And what might you be?"

Sherilynn Delsantos (Noble)

Letter from Renfield Immortals
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)
Renfield knelt with his axes on his palms facing the goddess and replied "My name is Renfield O great goddess and I have sworn allegiance to Lady cimmerian, sworn to serve her until my death and kill anyone who stands in our way and you are the great goddess of the daimons, my axes are at your service too, to be used as you see fit.

Please accept my apologies for not kneeling earlier, I was too dumbstruck by the situation unfolding before my eyes, mesmerized by your arrival. I am deeply sorry, I did not meant to insult you in anyway." He finished and looked up to see the goddess's reaction.

Renfield Immortals (Knight of Qonnor)

Roleplay from Aur
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)
Aur watched the scene unfold with amusement. The humans were not only weak in bodies but in mind too. This was one intelligent enough to correct his mistake immediately.


Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in the region Ircymbar (6 recipients)
At the Goddess' command, both Seer and Aur rose. The weakness Seer had felt during Sherilynn's tranformation into the Goddess was now gone. With the true goddess in front, Seer's thoughts were clearer and she could feel a surge of power within her.

The poor human, too stupefied to follow protocol had remained standing. Seer had forgotten all about him. Luckily for him, he kneeled before the Goddess upon her gaze. Quickly Seer spoke to the Goddess, He is a new one. Cimmerian only just recruited him and he is yet to learn the ways and superiority of our race. Forgive him goddess for he is a child

Then waiting for a moment, Seer continued, We have one last part of the ritual pending my Holiness. We must travel to Reeds. It is there that we can complete the ritual.


Roleplay from Benton Aelradir
Message sent to all nobles in the region Ircymbar (2 recipients)

Benton watched the Netherworld encampment from just a stone throw away. He had done so for a few hours sitting on a plain chair one of his men had brought along, his guards positioned in a half circle behind him. The air was still cold and wet of the night, but darkness faded and the start of a new day was in reach. He could feel godly presence, a tingling similar to what he felt when in contact with Hemaglobe, ever since he had begun waiting. He wasn't sure, but during that time it seemed to become ever more present, ever more 'real'. Maybe he was hallucinating things.


He was already five steps away from his chair before realizing he had already begun to follow His plans, so he turned back, called his scribe and captain and turned forward again. The encampment was in commotion, a few of the lesser daimons seemed to be getting ready for march, as the tents cloths opened. He recognized a or maybe two mortals accompanying two higher daimons, one of whom the description of Seer could fit. The other one was of greater statue, a fighter perhaps, a human warrior and a human girl. He walked the last five paces to talking distance respectfully, his two followers behind him. It was at this moment that the first ray of light broke the horizon and reflected off the girls hair, a dazzling shimmer of gold filled Bentons eyes. Everything seemed clear now, he was looking at a god, and with revelation in his heart he sank to his knees just a few steps away from the group.

"Goddess" He took a quick glance at the endless shimmer of gold and turned his eyes back to the ground. "I am Benton Aelradir, Pontifex of Sint," he said calmly, "friend to the Netherld. I have come to witness this day at the command of my God, Hemaglobe and I wish to renew my pledge of alliance."

"I can feel the exhilarating power, beauty, strength and wisdom of a true god, equal to that of my own."

Benton Aelradir
Pontifex of Sint