De La Fere Family/Louis

From BattleMaster Wiki

Louis on the web(older version with shiny pictures)


Second son of Charles and Louise.He got his name after his mother.He started his carreer on east continent in Caligus.Caligus is where his loyalty lies.He was a Baron of Scio and now he is a marshal of “Summa Cum Laude”army,he also holds position in Caligus council.

His personality is a bit followed by heart.But he is a truly honest man.He was a mentor but after he got a question from one of his students about trading he became a trader. He tried the trading but changed his class back to knight but still he moves food to Caligus ally.

He is in Academy of knowledge.
He wrote a book and brought fame to the family.
He was the Count of Mulhouse and the marshal of SCL until the acts of Doombringer...

Recently Louises nobility was Questioned by Doombringer Deathkiller King of Caligus. Details are here: De La Fere Family/Insult

After that incident Louis left for Light of Fountain after being insulted to death. He was elected as General of this realm and tries to save it from total destruction. Which is very unlikely to happen as LoF has only one region remaining. Akesh Temple.

Soon Louis joined Fontan as he saw his brother Cato leaving it. He had family ties there. Now he is a man of the shadows.

Louis lived a life of shadows in Riombara on Beluaterra. He was executed by Igor of Enweil. Now his son Nigel will make sure that Enweil shall receive its revenge.