Dafayan Board Education

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OOC: Here will list the Board of DUSA's educational staff. No names are here yet, but many have already assured their teaching rights within DUSA.

For a hint...there will be both Nobles and royalty teaching in DUSA as professors. History seems to be a much sought after course to teach within...I have also some other things waiting in the myst to release once the school opens. A great idea or two that will need very inteligent and wise people behind its direction to drive it correctly towards what it seeks to be.

Dafayo will take Head of Art and Art theroy, as well as Founder. Other then that, He is looking for fuctional individuals who have great understanding of the branches of this schools courses to take control and lead that course to becoming a respected addiotion to the world's first University.

Send serious aplications to


All positions will be checked by king and Justicar of Eston before being given out to the correct individuals. DUSA stands for the benifit of Eston and the desire to bring a new level of culture and learning to the world.