D'Saferate Family/Corwin/Journal/9

From BattleMaster Wiki

Chapter 9: Old Rancagua

I took a ship East to Old Rancagua and arrived in Kazan, a rocky region on the peninsula jutting out from the mainland. I was immediately welcomed by Caitlin’s brother, and he invited me to stay with him during my visit. I was happy to see another realm bustling with activity, this time it was over the foundation of a new religion. There was much talk about the tasks of preaching and temple building. I was intrigued and spent a lot of time going from temple to temple watching the small folk worship.

I talked to many fine people in Old Rancagua, most notably Aleister, Tianna, Shina, and Fenix. Old Rancagua is defiantly named old for a good cause. Many of it’s noble had been there for decades and had many stories to tell. They welcomed me with open arms and it made me smile to know that there are good, solid people here in this world. I especially enjoyed the many history lessons I received. I am truly blessed to have had such a broad number of perspectives on the East Continent’s past. Perhaps one day I shall write a book on it one day.

Old Rancagua has a long and turbulent history. Her nobles are honest and open. She is a realm you can trust. I know I could write more, but this is what I found to be the consistent feel from all those who I spoke with. I will definitely visit Old Rancagua again. I wish them luck in all their future endeavors.