D'Saferate Family/Corwin/Journal/8

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Chapter 8: Obsidian Isles

Giving Fontan a wide berth made it so I had to backtrack through Caligus and Perdan. It was nice to see some friends and rest my sore feet. A couple of them even begged me to stay, but I wanted to put distance between me and the Light of Fountain/Fontan farce. I eventually ended up in Venas after a short trip from the Perdan Mines. I had expected to see the same sight I first saw of the isles, a burned and ruined land, but instead there was green everywhere. The plant life thrived in the volcanic soil and the roads and ditches had been repaired. Where there were destitute and forlorn faces, now were smiles. I almost forgot about Light of Fountain.

I ended up spending the night in a kindly couple’s house. They offered me food and drink and a place to stay in the stable. It was new and the smell of freshly cut wood helped ease my mind. It was the first night since I escaped from Fontan’s prisons that I didn’t dream. After a couple days and another couple boat trips, I found myself in Kalamar. The people I met there were exceedingly nice, and more than a few had remembered me from when I was there not too long ago. I ate, drank and had many interesting conversations about the finer details of starting a realm from the ground up. One woman, Caitlin, I talked to was very in tune with nature and she claimed to hear the badlands speak to her. I was intrigued and I asked her many questions about her visions. I also heard more of the history of Yssaria and how necromancy may have been involved. Another person I enjoyed bumping into was Waylander. He was quite interested in reading what I written thus far, and he gave me a few pointers on the art of writing.

Time went by quickly in the Obsidian Isles, and before I knew it I was on a boat heading East, to Old Rancagua. The Obsidian Isles is a realm full of possibilities, it is hard to write much about the history and culture of such a new realm, but I believe that the people who are trying to make it work have good intentions, and that counts for quite a bit in my books.