D'Saferate Family/Corwin/Journal/5

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Chapter 5 : Perdan

We traveled across the mountains west of Ubent and descended into a thick forest. Soon we found signs welcoming us to Perdan. Apparently I had just missed a Viking wedding to my dismay. That would have been a sight to see! A man named Maelg greeted me and showed me the fastest route to Perdan city as well as informing me of the finer points of Perdanese mead. I made my way to the capital and signed the documentation that officially made a part of the realm, afterwards I started asking around about the state of things here, especially the state of the islands to the north. I talked with a lot of good people; ][osferatu, Magnus, Screndt, Tabatha and Johann just to name a few. The ruler of Perdan, Evangeline, was very helpful and offered to put a good word in for me with the other nations if I should need one. Perdan is a very friendly and exciting place. Some of those who took the time to write me letters or share drinks with me (those Vikings can drink!) informed me that the islands to the north were in terrible shape after the crusade and that Perdan and Old Rancagua were helping to sow the fields and aid the shattered lands. When I heard this I set out north to do what I could to help. At first I wasn’t very excited about taking another voyage on a ship, considering that the last one I was on ended with me losing all my friends and leaving me stranded in a foreign land. Then I thought of the people in the burned out ruins of the isles and I gathered my strength and braved the ocean again.

Luckily the journey was uneventful and I was staring up at the largest mountain I’d ever seen. The volcano was indeed a formidable sight and the everywhere the land was scorched by it’s fire or the even crueler malice of war. There was a lot of work already done, the Perdanese had definitely been busy, but there was still much to do. Within hours of landing in the wasteland, I had a shovel in hand and was digging irrigation trenches and breaking soil for crops. The peasants, their faces locked with grief, toiled side by side with us. Their spirits rose seeing dozens of nobles digging and planting with them. After a long days work, we made a large camp and we all shared a well-earned rest, regardless of social stature. The work went fast as the days passed and soon the only thing left to do was let mother nature do the rest. I left the islands and braved the seas once again. Soon I found myself in Perdan City once again.

Perdan is a very open realm, rich in culture, history and entertainment. Quite frankly, I can hardly wait to be done my journey and travel back there someday.