Codex Lex Fallangard
Section 01: Noble Rights
Section 01-01: Right to open trial All nobles of Fallangard have the right to request a trial be opened against another noble for breaches of the laws held within The Codex. Such request must be made directly to the Arch Priest(ess) and sufficient evidence must be provided in such correspondence. The Arch Priest(ess) will make a public decree of the opening of a trial and provide the evidence provided against the accused to the public. The Arch Priest(ess) reserves the right to dismiss a trial as excessive or consolidate multiple requests into a single trial at his or her discretion.
Section 01-02: Right to Defense Any accused noble that has a trial open against him or her will be given 24 hours from the trial being opened to mount a counter defense of his or her accused actions. After this period the Arch Priest(ess) will deliberate and make a decision on guilt or innocence, as well as an appropriate course of action should the guilt of the accused be established by the evidence provided.
Section 02: Noble Conduct
Section 02-01: Harassment Harassment will be defined as a deliberate and continued attempt to demean and or lower the relationship of a target noble with the realm with malicious intent. While it is understood that we as nobles will have disagreements there is a line between disagreeing with and targeting another noble of the realm for sustained unwarranted personal attacks in order to separate them from the realm. The punishment for Harassment will be considered a Level 3 or a Level 4 offence given the severity of the actions and thoroughness of the evidence.
Section 02-02: Conduct Unbecoming a Noble CUN will be defined as any act in public or private communications which crosses the line from simple disagreement to degradation. Degradation will be defined for this purpose as crude or directly insulting remarks made in an attempt to bait another noble into a heated argument. We as nobles are allowed to disagree, but when we cross the line from arguing our point to arguing against a person, that is where this law comes into effect. Examples of such distinction are as follows. (Please try to refrain from moving into an area that is infested with undead when you have a small unit that was not very intelligent and is a waste of realm resources and time.) Vs. (You Sir are an incompetent fool. You will stop wasting our time and resources by doing things wrong.) The second example is conduct unbecoming a noble.
Section 02-03: Treatment of Commoners Commoners are a resource of the realm. As such we generally frown upon nobles killing commoners outright unless they are given a slight upon their honor which cannot be allowed to stand. Otherwise commoners have no rights under The Codex and can be detained at any noble’s whim, do keep in mind that when detained commoners cannot fulfill their role as monster and undead fodder and thus we ask nobles to kindly keep this to a minimum as best as possible.
Section 03: Common Law
All violations of common law will be punished with an appropriate offense level 1-3 based on prior violations made by the accused. Excessive violations may warrant a Level 4 punishment.
Section 03-01: Looting All nobles will refrain from looting unless directly ordered to do so.
Section 03-02: Police Work vs. Hanging Rebels Do not hang rebels unless specifically ordered to do so, conduct normal police work only.
Section 04: Wartime Law
See Generals Bulletin
Section 05: Trade Law
See Bankers Bulletin
Section 06: Royal Decree
Section 06-01: Dereliction of Duty
Should a member of the council be it General, Treasurer, or Arch Priest(ess) be found to be making continual decisions that put in danger the authority of such a position, The King or Queen may open a trial against, or in the case of Arch Priest(ess) start a referendum to remove, said member of the council. This request must be made on the open forum of realm wide communication and must include the evidence against the accused. The Arch Priest(ess) will allow the accused double the standard trail timeline to mount a defense, 48 hours to be specific. (Or being the accused of such an action) will defend him or herself before the King opens a referendum after such time to remove him or her from the seat of Arch Priest(ess).
Section 06-02: Zero Tolerance policy for entering Caligian Lands The King has made it quite clear that our nobles are to remain outside of Caligus. There is no good reason to be in Caligus. Entering Caligus will result in an instant ban from the realm in order to keep the delicate peace. Entering Caligus is worse than high treason at this time.
Section 07: Travel Abroad
Section 07-01: Rule on Travel Please don't leave our own lands unless ordered to by your superiors, or permission has been granted by request to the King, Treasurer, or General. Penalty for breaking this law can range from a Level 1 offense to a level 4 offense depending on the severity of the action and its outcomes.
Section 08: Insubordination
Section 08-01: Insubordination Insubordination will be defined as the willful neglect of duty under the relevant chain of command. To prove Insubordination is not to prove failure to act, but rather to give proof of acting contrary to orders that have been given. For example a noble who chooses to sit in a region doing other things when given an order to march without proper explanation or justification, not one who does nothing at all after such orders (i.e. inactive) If accused of insubordination a proper defense is paramount if the accused wishes to avoid being charged as guilty. Insubordination is most often a level 1 to level 3 offense but a level 4 offense may be given if substantial evidence is shown that the accused is harming the realm.
Section 09: Treason
Section 09-01: Treason Treason includes but is not limited to, engaging in a rebellion, participating in the underground, ceding a duchy to another realm or creating an unauthorized new realm out of one or more of our duchies. Treason also includes attempted assassination of a fellow Lord, Noble, or one of the Royal Line. The punishments for treason are an instant Ban and future execution should the traitor become recaptured.
Section 10: Enemy Agents
Section 10-01: Assassins Enemy Assassins will be immediately banned and executed upon recapture as they are not protected by the laws of The Codex.
Section 11: Offense Levels
Section 11-01: Offense Level 1 This consists of a public reprimand and a warning to reread and obey the laws of The Codex.
Section 11-02: Offense Level 2 This consists of a public reprimand and a small fine not to exceed 100 gold.
Section 11-03: Offense Level 3 This consists of a public reprimand and a larger fine of gold fitting the severity of the crime.
Section 11-04: Offense Level 4 This consists of a public condemnation and a ban spoken upon the Guilty.
Section 12: Execution and Torture
Section 12-01: Execution Execution will be used on all banned nobles who fall into custody unless deportation seems a more cruel fate.
Section 12-02:Torture Torture will be used when required to glean information from enemy combatants captured in war. Enemy nobles have no rights under The Codex.