Church of Estahsism/Secret Operations/Running
These missions are still running. (OOC: Not for IC/IG use)
Operation Close Eye
- Goal: To make sure the followers of the Order of the Golden Feather will not take control over Old Grehk. Also to protect our followers from these liars.
- Why: Their first temple is built in Vatrona, the most Holy Place. They have also lured some of our followers into heresy and paganism, and they shall be punished for this!
- People involved: N/A
- Happenings:
- Tracking down Silverhawk.
- Declared The Order of the Golden Feather misguided to limit their preachingcapacities.
- Tracking down knight of (former follower of the Estahsian Gods).
- Preventing the Order of the Golden Feather to take over Old Grehk.