Carver Family/Isabelle

From BattleMaster Wiki

Isabelle is a kind women. Whilst she treats them fairly badly to keep her noble staus, she feels very slightly sorry for the lower classes of society; especially her young Stable boy, Beorn. She does not, however, let this show in any way and acts as noble as any man or women. She does not appear to have any qualities that are lesser than and mans but she contains a power that only women possess; seduction. While she has this, she is not a common whore and so only uses the power when serious things are at stake. For example, her beloved realm, Sartania. Isabelle's favorite saying is; 'It is not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog.' This couldn't fit Isabelle any better as she is almost as fierce as any man on the battle field and when commanding her men.

However, recently Isabelle lost many of her beloved unit in a hail of Arcaean arrows in her first real battle. They didn't stand a chance and Isabelle was lucky to survive unskathed. During that battle Isabelle underwent a mental change, she was sickened by the helpless destruction of her men and vowed to kill every last Arcaean archer as a payment of her lost men. She now has a deep hate for Arcaea and has made it her ambition to destroy them. The Arcaeans have sparked a fire, a fire that will likely rage through the lands of Arcaea.