Calanar Family/Ziode

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Ziode is one of the members of the Calanar Family. He is a wise troop leader who puts truth, honor, and protecting his friends before his life. He is of paladin heritage, and uses what he knows of them to help promote the wisest decision for his homeland.

He was born in Todtpiz of the Grand Lodge of Lunaria. That is where he still lives today. With help and guidance from his friends he has found his place in a confusing world. One of his habits is taking the unsupported side in arguments, (do to what he learns from his contacts) and it tends to cause some disruption.

Several of his accomplishments include the near formation of the Southern Alliance in the Far East. It was declared an impossible task by some. To do this he worked with his brother Scion, and friends Brian, and Valius. However, thanks to Valius and his ~V~ Hall Guild a rough form has come into the world. He knows that the enemies of his family, the Chaos Requiem, are still alive, and he hopes to bring about a new age where Paladins are around to stop them once again.

Ziode is a Warrior of Legend in the ~V~ Hall, the Pretender to the Throne in the Lunara Order, and the Founder of The Twilight Fellowship. He works hard, but tends to suffer from stress due to the amount of work he does. He studies white magic and how to make potions with herbs, and is currently working to destroy the cursed sword Arkenine. To do this he is finally setting up the White Order.

He almost left his home and was about to work for its destruction. However, his heart was heavy and he remembered his promise he made with Valius and Brian. He decided to stay and is now working to put the Lodge back together after a bloody rebellion. The result of putting the Lodge together made him the Pontifex.

Ziode has had his moments from time to time of complete anger, or foolishness. Despite these he's made many friends, and most of them don't bother with the pontifex title anymore, which is a good thing to him. The newest of these friends is Marelda. He decided one day that it might not be a bad idea to put some trust in her, and see if she can help out. Now he is becoming good friends with her. He doesn't know if he has any other feelings for her, but tries to push thoughts of that away, as he knows what he is, and has done, and doesn't want to hurt anyone because of it.

As time passed a war to destroy the League of Anacan that had separated from the Antoza Commonwealth began. Starting here Ziode's life took a turn for the worse. Lunaria did help fight Anacan, but the cost was several old friends. Maltheo and Valius were both killed in duels, and Eirik II in his determination to kill Ziode was executed by Judge Thomahawk. A short while later, San left for the East Continent, and so did Brian where he was soon killed on the field of battle. After the war ended Ziode was promoted to the elder council in the ~V~ as the new Hand of Odin.

Things began breaking down, and eventually the alliance between Soliferum and Lunaria fell apart and tensions have risen risking war. Ziode has been forced to rely on a few people for support. Marelda, Excalibur, and Pierre Reynald are at the top of the list among Lunarians.

War erupted and Lunaria fought well, but eventually lost when it decided to help its ally against multiple foes and rejoined the war it had effectively left. The enemy, Soliferum, broke its own peace agreement. After it ended Ziode stepped down as Pontifex and boarded a ship to Talerium on Atamara. He was apparently escaping his mistakes.

Other Information


  • Height: 179cm
  • Build: A bit thinner than average
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Short
  • Hair Style: Short
  • Skin: White/Tanned

Unique Skills

Scale - Poor - Decent - Average - Proficient - Advanced - Expert - Master

  • Diplomacy - Advanced
  • Laws/Judicial - Advanced
  • Stealth - Proficient
  • Copying(Books/Scrolls) - Advanced
  • Medicines/Poisons - Expert
  • Throwing Knives - Expert
  • Sword Style (Twin Fang) - Advanced


  • Class - Warrior/Mentor
  • Rank - Knight
  • Honor - 54
  • Prestige - 16
  • Swordsmanship - 60%
  • Jousting - 15%
  • Leadership - 25%
  • Bureaucracy - 5%
  • Infiltration - /
  • Preaching - /


  • Haruspex Maximus of the Grand Lodge of Lunaria
  • Distingushed Executive (Lunarian Exchange)
  • Pretender to the Throne XVI (Lunara Order)
  • Founder (The Twilight Fellowship)
  • Hand of Odin (~V~ Hall of Blood and Battle)
  • Pontifex of the Grand Lodge of Lunaria
  • Avatar of Dawn (Guardians of Twilight - Religion)
  • Paladin (Not really revealed except to a few people)
  • Second-in-Command of the Company of the Golden Lion
  • High Chancellor of Cathay


  • 2 short swords - Dawn & Twilight -> Usual weapons of Ziode
  • 2 short swords - Unnamed ~V~ swords
  • Throwing Knives - Nameless -> Used on a rare occassion

Family Tree
