Cagilan Tribune/Issue 2

From BattleMaster Wiki
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Senior Editor: Antonio Brutonis
Scribe: Marcus the Scribe
Editor: Positions available! Inquire with Senior Editor!

The Fall of Barad Gardor!
The armies of the Cagilan Empire, Coria, Suville, Talerium, Tara descended on Falasan's last haven. The battle was truely epic, the loses were extensive. Soldiers wearing the colors of five nations scalled the walls, engaged and ultimately defeated the enemy. Reports say the allies had 92 troop leaders commanding over three thousand soldiers against the enemy's fifteen hundred. It was early in the morning, as the sun rose, the glare from the thousands of shields must have been blinding to the defenders. The drums sounded a steady cadence as the troops squared away the ranks. As the ranks were set the drummers suddenly silenced. Soon after the Cagilan Empire and her allies advanced towards the walls. Not soon after the sky filled with arrows intended to slow the attakers advance, perhaps thin their ranks. Dozens of soldiers fell from the hail of arrows, but it did little to discourage the massive army - finally they reached the walls! As countless ladders rose, the climbers were met with fierce resistance, Falasan defenders fought with the ferocity of caged animals. However the numbers were too many, and the perservearance of the allies was difinitive. Once the allies gained the momentum it was like a small boat broached on the rocks - the waves pounded it into a thousand splinters - the enemy was defeated.

It has been many days and the enemy fights an unconventional war. They are determined to cling to a sinking ship. Some nobles have departed, in search of greener fields and a more honorable way of life. Some however have entrenched themselves in houses and chuches intent on fighting to the last man. The end is inevitable but the defenders fight on. There is no telling how long this will last, but it wont be forever.

Elroth Secured. Coria Institutes a Governor.
After much effort, the combined efforts of the alliances has secured Elroth. Corias influence and prosperity can now be seen by the poor souls suffering in Barad Gardor. As the government of Coria is governed by a system similar to Cagilan's, the Lords and Ladies voted and chose Lachlan MacDuff to govern to people of Elroth. About a week ago Viscount Lachlan oversaw the finishing of fortification on the coastal region. It will take time, but this coastal region will be a great asset to out friends in Coria.
Submit Your Story!
The CT would like to hear from you. We are blessed to have such a diverse and cultured realm, share your story with us and let our culture gain from your experience. We would like to hear about your region! What do you love about it? Let us hear about your conquests and adventures. Tell us about the fire that fuels your faith - if you have one.
This Week We Look At: Alaise!
We are pleased to share with you Viscount Celestial's feelings on the land and people of his region of Alaise.

"Alaise lies in the heartland of the central mountain range of Atamara. Legend has it that there were once dragons that made these mountains their abode from where they would swoop forth from their caves to desecrate the lands and carry of plunder. There were also rumours of a dragon cult that foolishly worshipped such creatures but all have been lost in the mist of time.

In the present, the only evidence of such stories are the polished stones - diamonds, rubies, emeralds and the like - that occasionally turn up in the rock chippings of the miners of Alaise. Such discoveries are jealously guarded as a secret for fear that outsiders would turn up in droves to claim a share. Already claim jumping is an occasional problem although the seasoned and hardened people of the region sort it out rather curiously with a challenge called 'Fire in the Hole'. The aggrieved parties will go deep into the mines and set alight a primitive looking device called a dyno-might (another closely guarded secret) that the ancient alchemists of the region used to work the mines. Then they would both stare each other down until one lost courage and ran for the hills.

Food is scarce here and meets the needs of the populace with a small surplus after each harvest. 'Hard Rock', buns baked in the sun with spring water from the mountains is a staple diet here with the rough and tumble folks of Alaise shunning the delicacies that are so readily devoured by city folks. While not destitute - Alaise being one of the richer mining regions of the area - the people tend to horde their gold and some would say it was a curse by the dragons of old that they would pass on their ancient disease of 'dragon fever'.

Do you want to share your realm? Please send us a letter, we would be proud to share it."

"Well, um, congratulations to Prime Minister Salvador!" - Duke Weylin MacDuff
That about sums it up! Our honorable Prime Minister Shanka Foonfa Courcelle has been unable to fulfill his duties and responsibilities as Prime Minister - though threw no fault of his own! Who will take his place? Thankfully, we have many prestigious nobles in the Republic ready to answer the call. By default, former Duke of Nida, Salvador Zond immediately assumed the role as Prime Minister. This leaves Nida without a Duke, an already nobles are lining up for the position. It has already been an interesting couple of weeks, this last minute event barely made it to the presses.
We Talk To: Romanos Angelus - Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles
This week we meet with the Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles, Viscount of Ravening, Sir Ramanos Angelus.

What makes a good Marshal?

"A good marshal should be a good judge of character. He should be able to make the best of his men. A marshal's greatest responsibility is to make his knights act as a single man. This task is not so challenging for me since I was blessed with eager and loyal men who always follow orders."

What role does the Cagilan Empire have in Atamara?

"Being perhaps the most powerful realm in Atamara, the Cagilan Empire has a difficult part to play. The empire's role is that of a mediator and diplomat. We must make sure to keep a good number of allies around us at all times. Our diplomats and leaders should also try to keep the empire out of any wars that make our lands the direct target of other kingdoms."

What advice do you have for any one wishing to lead an army?

"A marshal should never forget that he is leading knights or even nobles. He is the first among equals. You should never lose your temper with them. If they do something wrong reprimand them but never insult them. Another important thing is to be available to your men. Make sure that they ask you when they have questions. And always respond to their questions or requests. Your men will react better to your orders as a result."

Do you wish be any more than Marshall of one of the finest armies? Not that the position isn't kingly in itself.

"Perhaps in a few years I would like to try my hand at a position of greater responsibility. However at the moment I am more than content with being the marshal of the Eagles."

What is your favorite unit type and why?"

"Every unit has its uses. Every unit was made with a specific goal in mind and an army needs balance in its composition. If I had to choose one above the others though it would be the infantry. The reason is that the infantry is the most crucial element around which an army is built. The infantry holds the line and protect the archers and the infantry storms the strongholds that are inaccessible to the cavalry."

Marcus the Scribe etched from memory when two Viscounts, Ramanos and Antonio were discussing "tactics" inside the walls of Barad Gardor:
*The Marshal and Antonio discussing tactics (I didn't mean to make myself so small, I was just more particular about the marshal. I'll fix it in the future though. For some reason I remember being a good artist not long ago when I was in grade school =] )