Branquille Family

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Chapter one: Introduction

Underneath I'm writing down the results of my investigation into the Branquille family. There isn't much known of this family and it's history mainly is hidden behind much larger, wealthier and well known families. But still they are present, in the shadows of anonymity and silence. They seem to prefer it that way... But let's not be rude by not introducing myself. I'm Warren, a historian who has spent many of his time in observing great and wealthy families. Since recently I met Kratius, a commoner who claimed to be part of a wealthy family. The Branquille family. Is he a fraud, a fantast, or is there some truth in what he said? Normally I wouldn't care, but he had something that raised my interest in the matter, yet I don't know what it was... The most part of what I write down here is what has been told to me by Kratius Branquille, as he calls himself. While doing this I will try to objectify this and try to get closer to the truth that can be proven. So in the meanwhile, if things aren't correct please notify me but do not accuse me of fraud by purpose.

Chapter two: The Branquille family and it's filosofy

They are a thin spread family, with bondings between the family members not worth mentioning. They don't see themselves as family members in the sense of holding festivities together or calling each other aunts, uncles, fathers, etc... They see themselves more as a group with a common goal: enrich the family, which includes all the people who have their name 'Branquille', and serve the realm they belong to to the bitter end. When this serving the realm means to kill another Branquille then this will be done when the gain for the family is greater than the loss of losing a member.They are silent people, hesitant in communicating when the subjects doesn't involve active orders given to them by their superiors. This means not many Branquille members are actively known. Once a Branquille child has reached the age of 17 years old they are sent out to a realm his or her parents have chosen for him or her. Some of them get to become nobles to bring in gold, others are set out as common people with the goal to aid the realm by cleansing it from monsters and undead and searching their lairs for uncovered treasury. (Note from the author: When I asked Kratius how they succeeded to become nobles he refuses to answer. Therefore I presume gold is involved, maybe as an investment?) It seems the distinction between noble family members and commoners in the family members isn't of much importance to them. The serve a common goal, that's all that matters to them. If a noble family member has problems with monsters or undead, he will contact a commoner in the family and he will perform his duty by eliminating them. If a commoner has a problem, he will ask help from a noble Branquille. Further contact between them is limited if not absent at all.

Chapter Three: Kratius Branquille

Although confusing, this Kratius isn't the Kratius with whom I was talking... This is a 20 years old commoner, who 'retired' on the 16th november of the year 2013. Not many things were known from him, besides he was an overconfident man who disappeared when searching out a monsters' lair. According to the Kratius I was talking to there are two versions of his disappearance. The first of him being slaughtered by those monsters, the second of him slaying the monsters and disappearing with the treasure and thus holding it back for the family. (Note from the author: Knowing the families' filosofy it better be the first...)

Chapter four: Kratius Branquille

This Kratius is a 21 years old man I first met and who unveiled the existence of his family, although he had had to much drank. Therefore I'm not sure this is a fantasy tale or a little unveiled piece of truth. Kratius is a blond man, quite small and with a skinny appearance. He seems cool and relaxed as if he doesn't know stress. But when triggered he becomes overheated very fast, showing strength one wouldn't expect. I even saw him assault a much bigger man in a bar brawl and coming out of it alive while the bigger man lay unconscious on the floor. It also revealed to me he hasn't has honour in a fight and disregards his own safety as if he has eternal life. He jumped on a table and then atop of the man, hitting him with a broken bottle quick and furious. The bigger man, armed with a dagger, didn't even had time to aim. Afterwards Kratius just stood up and walked away, with the man's purse, as if nothing had happened and he had never lost his temper. This is a dangerous and unpredictable man. Although he is a commoner, clothed in simple clothing and using simple weaponry, his choices are... done with thought. The clothing is simple indeed, but shows a fabric and craftsmanship that suggests being made by a professional. The same goes up for his sword and shield. He acts with honour when not in a fight and doesn't seem to blend in in the crowd as one should think of a commoner. Maybe that's why he has triggered my attention?

Chapter five: Kalgar Branquille

Kalgar Branquille is some years younger then Kratius and found his path set to nobility. He has taken up the position of knight of Echiur in the duchy of Berserk Bear in the realm Asylon. He first arrived there with his troops, named Branquille Guards, and within the first week half of them already died in a heavy fought battle, his captain among the fallen. He again has lead his Branquille Guards into war, this time in Sabadell. His unit lost 60% and were forced to retreat with the rest of the Asylon army and he ended up into the Mountains of Woe. On his journey from those mountains towards Kosht to claim title of earl, he lost another unit and got himself captured by rogues. After this he is been seen leading a cavalry unit and a drunken sailor told me Earl Branquille has travelled with a unit of archers from Via back to Kosht to travel from there to Gonophor to fight on the side of Earl Hengist against a horde of monsters outnumbering their own numbers. be continued...