Blint Family/Selena

From BattleMaster Wiki

Selena is the sister of Ilena. They looked almost the same aside from the eyes and nose. Ilena had dark greyish greenish eyes for the most part though they were subject to change color depending on her mood and the weather. Selean however had dark hazel eyes and midnight black hair, as did her sister. Ilena had a sleek angular face where Selena had a slightly more hooked nose.

She was outcast from the family due to her attempts to try to further her own ambitions and self interests by using the blint family name, which she could only claim title to due to the fact that her sister married into the family. Once outcast by Kylar, who was the general of Itorunt at the time, she tried to make her life as a sell sword hired out to kill monsters and the undead that plagued the land. While out hunting she ran into a large group of undead and monsters and was overrun and killed.