Blakeshadow Family/Lullaby/Sweet Lullaby

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Sweet Lullaby

Welcome to the stage Lullaby.

Lullaby was born, a small, red haired baby, from her Father Fern Blakeshadow and Mother Haley (last name is something unimportant to the story). Lullaby grew up as a charming and gifted child. Quickly they found out she was a beautiful musician. She was displayed to many people as a wonderful child.

She Did eventually escaped that life, to begin her own, as some thing she wanted to be. She wanted to become rich, and to be a princess! Like any other young girl. She made many friends along her old life style, which brings her Here. To the Realm of Assassins.

She is the only one of her family to attempt to live here.

And now begins her story.