Blakeshadow Family/Cailin/a day in the past...

From BattleMaster Wiki

a day in the past...

Cailin smells the air, just like when he lead his legion down the mountain into the human city. He thought some beasts how to use a siege engine. The mountain air, he remembers the scent of the tree he stood on. the smell of fireplaces from the city wafts in.

Cailin remembers every man, woman, and child. And the air of the mountain the most. Second to the children he spared. He knows each of their faces, and gave them his word that his legion would not harm them in any ways. He just never mentioned that he lead rouge legions of beasts into the city... So each face he still remembers, because they still are in that city. Children forever. Just like Cailin wishes for, being a child forever. but his family's cursed illness claims them at a mid-life age. Cailin has found ways around this illness. And He exploits the benefits the illness gives. His Yellow eyes. They stared down from the walls in Alluran, the night it fell. Epic seen the eyes, and knew that their was a worthy ally on the walls. Epic told him this himself.

The only truly worthy human to lead a legion. Cailin, The Beast of Cteduul. When he was with Alluran, He was known as the Beast of Alluran. Always the beast, even the old king knew that he was a monster. With Destruction watching his back. The Beast to Forever come.

This Beast has gotten all he ever wanted once before, and now with a new mission, he will shred what ever stands in his way, even if it stands over him.

The Beast always comes down from the mountain, with the air, always the same. Nothing changes that, not even false mercy to children already dead. The Air on the mountain will always smell the same to the Saint and the Beast.

(OOC: To give you a taste, of what kind of monster Cailin really is.)