Blakeshadow Family/Cailin/The Relic Stories/What's in that Box?-Part one

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What's in that Box?-Part one

Cailin chuckles. in fact he could really even hold in his laugher. A few merchants come running down the Caravan path he just happened to be on. What was so funny was, that the merchants looked scared s---less and one was even wounded, lost their caravan to bandits? Cailin thinks yes, Sita thinks food.

Sita thought right, but Cailin made a deal with the local town hero swordsman guy he met a few days ago. No civvies get chewed, and no one will kill him while he slept. So Sita was right, just in the way of bandit chow, all the spicy little bugs included. (with pudding as a side dish of course) Best know where the bandits are, or were, so the scabs don't ambush him thinking it was the local police, with their puny daggers.

So when one of the fancy not covered in blood merchants came running by at full speed, Cailin just happened to stretch his arms and yawn. And Flop, roll, roll, skid. The merchant seemed to fly father then any man Cailin threw. The record was an archer "flying" off the walls in the siege of Cteduul. But this merchant was lucky Cailin was dressed in casual cloths, if he had his armor on, the man would have been decapitated. But the thorn Bracers Cailin was wearing must have felt like running into a wall of roses... who ever said the term "like falling into a bed of roses" didn't feel the thorns on the landing.

The other merchants running with the guy in the dirt, stopped, looked at Cailin, looked at Sita, looked at the man, looked at each other, then at Cailin.

Cailin stared back at them, at Sita (whose hood feel off) then at the man cuddling the dirt. Cailin put his finger on his lips and whispered to Sita "Maybe they didn't see your ears yet?"

The men started to run, and Cailin directed Sita to take up the chase.

Surly this must be those merchants Nightmare? being chased by a high-level monster and have their Caravan attacked in one night? But Chase is a sore work to use when Sita's chasing some thing. See,Sita was Cailin's messenger during his service to Epic. Meaning Sita is a S-level monster just like Epic, she how even learned to speak. She has the highest senses, speed, and strength, of all the monsters. Also the most intelligent of the whole lot... but Sita lacked a bit in that area... But more then the common Fodder Rank monsters. Who are so stupid they are cast out of even the monster realm, and run around as rouges, but they still out match the common man in a one-on-one fight.

Where was I? oh yes, Sita Sprints after the merchants and trips each one to the ground. How ever none of them beat Cailin's New record.