Blakeshadow Family/Cailin/The Relic Stories/This box of theirs

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This box of theirs

Sitting in the middle of the room of the warehouse, is a stool(the inn keeper won't miss it) upon the stool is the box. Cailin stares at it. And stares. Sita stopped staring by noon, but Cailin kept staring. He wanted to open it, but he also wanted to know who wants it so much. So much so that they have people trailing Him And Sita. No..Cailin nor Sita seen them, but like every thing on earth, it can be smelled. If the wind brings it to them of course.

The same smell, in empty hiding spots, places where the person could spy on Cailin and Sita, stalk them. Sita knows his Scent. As Sita knows the scent of the herbs Cailin rubbed on the box on their way to the warehouse. Cailin wonders of to the basement, to sleep. Because who ever takes the box, will leave a trail that cannot be hidden.

The box is protected more then it has ever been, or close.

Cailin just waits with Sita in the basement, they will talk to who ever Real soon, that is, if they grow a pair and take it already.