Battle Reports
Addendum by Gabanus
The below pieces have formed the inspiration of what I will share here, but were already outdated again. Nonetheless respect and thanks to Peter Kolak in particular for posting the original piece.
If you want to take a battle report and post it on a website (or the wiki), here's what you have to do:
A. Open a new Microsoft Word File
B. Make sure you have developer mode enabled and preferably added to your ribbon
site on how to do this
- Click on the developer tab
- Click on Visual Basics
- Click on insert - Module
- Copy following code inside the module
- File - Save document -> As File type below the name, pick 'Word Macro - Enabled Content' (both file and the Macro code will be saved together)
C. To make the battle report
- you must view a battle report via your scribe report
- Click on "View Source" (Paginabron for you Dutchies)
- Select the entire source by mouse or use "Ctrl A"
- Copy the source by either right clicking and pressing "Copy" or using "Ctrl C"
- Open the word document you created earlier
- Right click and select "Paste text only" --DON'T JUST NORMALLY PASTE IT, HAVEN'T FIXED THAT PART YET--
- Click on the 'Developer tab' in the word document
- Click on Macros (next to Visual Basics)
- Select the 'BattleConverter' Macro (should be your only one anyway) and click on run
- Select all text in the document by mouse or use "Ctrl A"
- Open the Wiki page where you want to show the battle report
- Copy the text by either right clicking and pressing "Copy" or using "Ctrl C"
Code to paste in module:
Sub BattleConverter() Application.ScreenUpdating = False '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------Part I: Converting layout from HTML to wiki friendly code--------------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Remove first section of the text Dim s s = ActiveDocument.Content ' Selects everything (ctrl 'a' basically) Dim SearchWord1 As String ' Sets/Defines variables needed for the indexOfThey formula. Easier to change when needed SearchWord1 = "</center>" Dim IndexOfSW As Long ' Returns the location (as number) where the SearchWord1 is first seen IndexOfSW = InStr(1, s, SearchWord1) ' Deletes everything from start untill first letter of search word + length of word (which includes a potential space after the word)_ ' _ + 3 because the 4 characters after the words must be removed as well ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=IndexOfSW + Len(SearchWord1) + 3).Delete ' Remove the last section of text that's not needed s = ActiveDocument.Content ' Resets s to include only the content that remained Dim SearchWord2 As String SearchWord2 = "<script" IndexOfSW = InStr(1, s, SearchWord2) ' Returns the location (as number) where the SearchWord2 is first seen If IndexOfSW <> 0 Then ' Deletes everything from first letter of search word (- the first letter and <br/> before it) untill the end of the document ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=IndexOfSW - 6, End:=Len(ActiveDocument.Content)).Delete End If ' Create a 2 dimensional Array which holds all values which needs_ ' _ to be replaced + their replacement values Dim ReplaceArray(0 To 15, 0 To 1) ReplaceArray(0, 0) = "<Char" ReplaceArray(0, 1) = "<" ReplaceArray(1, 0) = "</Char" ReplaceArray(1, 1) = "<" ReplaceArray(2, 0) = "< " ReplaceArray(2, 1) = "<" ReplaceArray(3, 0) = "<p>" ReplaceArray(3, 1) = "<br>" ReplaceArray(4, 0) = "#000032" ' Background First table with general overview from dark blue to light gray ReplaceArray(4, 1) = "#DEDEEA" ReplaceArray(5, 0) = "#FFFFFF" ' White text to black (note to self: If you highlight own char as white, it's also changed making it harder to read) ReplaceArray(5, 1) = "#000000" '#9696FF blue ReplaceArray(6, 0) = "color: white" ' Some text color wasn't assigned by Hex colors, but through this code (mixed within the code) ReplaceArray(6, 1) = "color: black" ReplaceArray(7, 0) = "<P>" ReplaceArray(7, 1) = "<br>" ReplaceArray(8, 0) = "<>" ReplaceArray(8, 1) = "" ReplaceArray(9, 0) = "</FONT<" ReplaceArray(9, 1) = "</FONT><" ReplaceArray(10, 0) = "> " ' Some sentences started with a space because there was a space after certain parts of the code. Looked weird ReplaceArray(10, 1) = ">" ReplaceArray(11, 0) = "#004000" ' Background color of the combat tables (the green, making it lighter) ReplaceArray(11, 1) = "#116811" ReplaceArray(12, 0) = "#DDDDDD" ' Change the light color for woundings/captures to bright red ReplaceArray(12, 1) = "#FF0000" ReplaceArray(13, 0) = "#E0E0FF" ' Change the light color for 'banners visible' to darker readable color that's not exactly black ReplaceArray(13, 1) = "#AD6557" ReplaceArray(14, 0) = "#C0FFC0" ' Change the light green for defenders victory to bright green ReplaceArray(14, 1) = "#00FF00" ReplaceArray(15, 0) = " " ReplaceArray(15, 1) = " " ' For each Value loop through it and replace it with it's replacement text Dim i As Long, j As Long For i = LBound(ReplaceArray) To UBound(ReplaceArray) Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find .Text = ReplaceArray(i, 0) .Replacement.Text = ReplaceArray(i, 1) .Forward = True .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Format = False .MatchCase = False .MatchWholeWord = False .MatchWildcards = False .MatchSoundsLike = False .MatchAllWordForms = False End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll Next i '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------------------Part II.a: InfoBox basic filling---------------------------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = ActiveDocument.Content 'The following segment searches and stores the data needed to fill in an InfoBox to automatically be added to the cleaned up _ 'Source Code text so it automatically shows the military InfoBox next to the battle report when posting on the wiki Dim FindRange As Range Dim Find1 Dim Find2 Dim ffind1 Dim ffind2 'Image; Caption; = N/A '0 = Conflict; 1 = partof; 'conflict Dim Conflict As String Find1 = InStr(s, "<hr>") + 13 Find2 = InStr(s, "<br>") - 1 If Find1 <> 13 Then Conflict = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find2).Text End If 'PartOf Dim PartOf As String ffind1 = InStr(s, "The region owner") + 16 ffind2 = InStr(s, "and their allies") - 1 If ffind1 <> 16 Then If ffind2 <> -1 Then PartOf = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=ffind1, End:=ffind2).Text End If End If 'place Dim Place As String Place = "[[" + Conflict + "]]" 'Date Dim DateToday As Date DateToday = Date 'Weather Dim Weather As String If InStr(s, "There is almost no wind today, archers will be deadly") <> 0 Then Weather = "No wind" ElseIf InStr(s, "A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers") <> 0 Then Weather = "Calm wind" ElseIf InStr(s, "It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully") <> 0 Then Weather = "Quite windy" ElseIf InStr(s, "Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck") <> 0 Then Weather = "Strong wind" ElseIf InStr(s, "The battle takes place in the middle of a storm, archers will be almost worthless") <> 0 Then Weather = "Storm" Else: Weather = "Error" End If 'Territory Dim Territory Territory = "None" 'Result Dim result If InStr(s, "Attacker Victory") <> 0 Then result = "Attacker Victory" ElseIf InStr(s, "Defender Victory") <> 0 Then result = "Defender Victory" Else: result = "Draw" End If 'Commander1 Dim CommanderAttack ' *Commander name*, titles, titles, takes command... ' When searching from begin document to turn no. 1, add this to the personal info array (NobleStats) so it can also be checked if he's attack or defender 'strength1 (attackers) Dim StrengthAttack As String Find1 = InStr(s, "attackers (") + Len("attackers") '"attackers (" is uniquely found only just before all the strength of attacking army Find2 = InStr(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find1 + 58), ")") '+58 because that's the max additional chars possible in between brackets StrengthAttack = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find1 + Find2) ' _of "attackers (# of characters max 48 + margin)" Find1 = InStr(s, "Total combat strengths:") + Len("Total combat strengths:") '"Total combat strengths:" is unique like 'Total combat strengths x vs. x' Find2 = InStr(s, " vs. ") StrengthAttack = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find2) & "cs " & StrengthAttack 'strength2 (defenders) Dim StrengthDefense As String Find1 = InStr(s, "defenders (") + Len("defenders") '"defenders (" is uniquely found only just before all the strength of defending army Find2 = InStr(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find1 + 58), ")") '+58 because that's the max additional chars possible in between brackets StrengthDefense = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find1 + Find2) ' _of "attackers (# of characters max 48 + margin)" Find1 = InStr(s, " vs. ") + Len(" vs.") '" vs. " is unique like 'Total combat strengths x vs. x' Find2 = InStr(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find1 + 20), "<br>") - 1 'Find first <br> which comes after the defenders' cs number StrengthDefense = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Find1, End:=Find1 + Find2) & " cs " & StrengthDefense 'rounds Dim NrTurns As Integer NrTurns = (Len(s) - Len(Replace(s, "Turn No.", ""))) / 8 'Counts the number of battle turns (/8 because Turn No. has 8 letters). s = ActiveDocument.Content ' Resets s to include all remaining text in document 'The next segment deals with the casulties dealt per turn and adds them to a total casulties per battle Dim CasualtiesAttack As Integer Dim CasualtiesDefense As Integer Dim Turn1 As Long Dim Turn2 As Long Dim TurnRange As Range Dim Find3 As Long Dim Find4 As Long Dim b As Integer CasualtiesAttack = 0 CasualtiesDefense = 0 'Main loop -> deals with # of turns For b = 1 To 2000 Turn1 = InStr(s, "Turn No. " & b) 'Returns the location (as number) where the Turn No. x is first seen Turn2 = InStr(s, "Turn No. " & b + 1) 'Returns the next one, so we can select text in between these two If Turn2 = 0 Then Turn2 = ActiveDocument.Range.End ' Sets the upperbound of the range to the end of the document End If If Turn1 = 0 Then ' If the search in InStr can't be found you get a value of 0; Exit For ' Once there's no more higher number, stop the loop End If Set TurnRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Turn1, End:=Turn2) 'Sets range between two turns 'casulties1 (attackers) Find1 = InStr(TurnRange, "Total casualties:") + Len("Total casualties:") 'Searches for the beginning of the number needed Find2 = InStr(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Turn1 + Find1, End:=Turn1 + Find1 + 20), "attackers") - 1 'Searches for the end of the number needed CasualtiesAttack = CasualtiesAttack + CInt(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Turn1 + Find1, _ End:=Turn1 + Find1 + Find2).Text) 'Converts the range into text and then to integer. This way they can be added up 'casulties2 (defenders) Find3 = Find2 + Len("attackers,") 'Starts where the other ended + 10 for "attackers," Find4 = InStr(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Turn1 + Find1, End:=Turn1 + Find1 + 40), "defenders") - 1 'Searches for the end of the number needed CasualtiesDefense = CasualtiesDefense + CInt(ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Turn1 + Find1 + Find3, _ End:=Turn1 + Find1 + Find4).Text) 'Converts the range into text and then to integer. This way they can be added up Next b '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------Part II.b: Fill unit stats from beginning table---------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s = ActiveDocument.Content ' Resets s to include all remaining text in document Dim NobleCount As Integer Dim LocationUnit As Long Dim LocationUnit2 As Long Dim NobleStats() ' Will end up holding all the info 'Number in battle = 0; Dim FindTDRange As Range 'Attacker or defender = 1; Dim FindTD As Long 'Army logo = 2; Dim FindTDSub As Long 'Unit Name = 3; Dim TrimText As Range 'Noble Name = 4; Dim TrimText2 As Range 'Realm = 5; Dim TrimText3 As Range 'Unit Type = 6; Dim TrimText4 As Range 'Unit Setting = 7; 'CS = 8 For i = 1 To 2000 LocationUnit = InStr(s, ">" & i & "<") 'Returns the location (as number) where the >i< is first seen LocationUnit2 = InStr(s, ">" & i + 1 & "<") 'Returns the next one, so we can select text in between these two If LocationUnit2 = 0 Then LocationUnit2 = InStr(s, "</table>") ' Sets the upperbound of the range to the end of the Table once we reach the last noble End If If LocationUnit = 0 Then ' If the search in InStr can't be found you get a value of 0; Exit For ' Once there's no more higher number, stop the loop End If NobleCount = i - 1 ' Adds the highest number in between "> <" which is the number of nobles in the battle ReDim Preserve NobleStats(0 To 8, 0 To NobleCount) For j = 1 To 9 'Starts a loop to go through the table <td> and trims all the different elements per noble Set FindTDRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=LocationUnit, End:=LocationUnit2) 'Sets FindTDRange to total in between the first and second noble FindTD = InStr(FindTDRange, "<td*>") ' Searches for "<td*>" in that range FindTDSub = InStr(FindTDRange, "</td>") ' Searches for "</td>" in that range Set Test1 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=LocationUnit + FindTD, End:=LocationUnit + FindTDSub - 1) 'Sets range to start after "<td*>" ' 4x trimming of the text which is found. Removing the "td>" part; the "img>" for banners which remained; then ";" which ends spaces twice Set TrimText = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=LocationUnit + FindTD + InStr(5, Test1, ">"), End:=LocationUnit + FindTDSub - 1) Set TrimText2 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=LocationUnit + FindTD + InStr(5, Test1, ">") + InStr(TrimText, ">"), End:=LocationUnit + FindTDSub - 1) Set TrimText3 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=LocationUnit + FindTD + InStr(5, Test1, ">") + InStr(TrimText, ">") + InStr(TrimText2, ";"), End:=LocationUnit + FindTDSub - 1) Set TrimText4 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=LocationUnit + FindTD + InStr(5, Test1, ">") + InStr(TrimText, ">") + InStr(TrimText2, ";") + InStr(TrimText3, ";"), End:=LocationUnit + FindTDSub - 1) NobleStats(j - 1, i - 1) = TrimText4 LocationUnit = LocationUnit + FindTDSub Next j Next i Dim Commander1 'Marshals of attacker Dim Commander2 'Marshals of defender Dim Formation1 'Formations for attackers Dim Formation2 'Formations for defenders s = ActiveDocument.Content 'This part creates a double loop that first checks for the start of the marshals taking command of their armies and then checks their names_ 'in the table loop created above to see if the marshal is an attacker or a defender and then places them in the correct commander1 vs commander 2_ 'the same then goes for formation1 and formation2 which is the formations of attackers and defenders respectively so they end well in the infobox Dim CommanderRange As Long CommanderRange = InStr(s, "Total combat strengths: ") Dim CommanderRange2 As Long CommanderRange2 = InStr(s, "Turn No. 1") Dim FinalRange As Range Dim FinalRange2 As Range Dim NameCommander As Range For i = 1 To 30 Set FinalRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=CommanderRange, End:=CommanderRange2) LocationUnit = InStr(FinalRange, " />") + 2 If LocationUnit = 2 Then Exit For Else CommanderRange = CommanderRange + LocationUnit Set FinalRange2 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=CommanderRange, End:=CommanderRange2) LocationUnit2 = InStr(FinalRange2, ",") - 1 Set NameCommander = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=CommanderRange, End:=CommanderRange + LocationUnit2) FormationUnit = InStr(FinalRange2, "They deploy in") + Len("They deploy in") FormationUnit2 = InStr(FinalRange2, "formation.<br") - 1 Set NameFormation = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=CommanderRange + FormationUnit, End:=CommanderRange + FormationUnit2) CommanderRange = CommanderRange + LocationUnit2 'This second and third loop are to loop through a 2 dimensional array (NobleStats) For j = 4 To 4 For y = LBound(NobleStats, 2) To UBound(NobleStats, 2) If InStr(NameCommander, NobleStats(4, y) & " ") <> 0 Then 'Checks if the noblename as given in the table above corresponds with the marshal name If NobleStats(1, y) = "A" Then 'Checks if the noble name is an attacker or defender to place it accordingly If Commander1 = "" Then 'Otherwise we get "" <br> before the first commander. This handles the first occurance Commander1 = NameCommander Formation1 = NameFormation Else Commander1 = Commander1 + "<br>" + NameCommander 'Adds all marshals of attackers together and "<br>" so they appear on a new line_ Formation1 = Formation1 + "<br>" + NameFormation '_on the wiki, same for marshals of defenders End If Else If Commander2 = "" Then Commander2 = NameCommander Formation2 = NameFormation Else Commander2 = Commander2 + "<br>" + NameCommander Formation2 = Formation2 + "<br>" + NameFormation End If End If End If Next y Next j End If Next i Dim RealmList Dim Combatant1 Dim Combatant2 'This part loops through the realm collumns in the NobleStats array and will make a list of all unique realm names and add them to the appropriate_ '_attacking and defending side of things For j = 5 To 5 For y = LBound(NobleStats, 2) To UBound(NobleStats, 2) If InStr(RealmList, NobleStats(5, y)) = 0 Then 'Checks if the realmname has been dealt with before RealmList = RealmList + "," + NobleStats(5, y) If NobleStats(1, y) = "A" Then 'Checks if the noble name is an attacker or defender to place it accordingly If Combatant1 = "" Then 'Otherwise we get "" <br> before the first realm. This handles the first occurance Combatant1 = NobleStats(5, y) Else Combatant1 = Combatant1 + "; " + NobleStats(5, y) 'Adds all realms of attackers together End If Else If Combatant2 = "" Then Combatant2 = NobleStats(5, y) Else Combatant2 = Combatant2 + "; " + NobleStats(5, y) End If End If End If Next y Next j '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------Part II.c: Fill out the actual infobox---------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Fills out an infobox. Structure of infobox comes from the battlemaster wiki. This code only takes the variables as defined above and fills them in _ 'In the correct places. Kept the general layout of the infobox itself to make it nicer on the eyes. Dim InfoBox As String InfoBox = "{{Infobox Military Conflict" & _ "|conflict=" & "Battle of " & Conflict & _ "|partof=" & PartOf & _ "|image=" & _ "|caption=" & _ "|date=" & Date & _ "|place=" & Place & _ "|weather=" & Weather & _ "|territory=none" & _ "|result=" & result & _ "|combatant1=" & Combatant1 & _ "|combatant2=" & Combatant2 & _ "|commander1=" & Commander1 & _ "|commander2=" & Commander2 & _ "|strength1=" & StrengthAttack & _ "|strength2=" & StrengthDefense & _ "|formation1=" & Formation1 & _ "|formation2=" & Formation2 & _ "|rounds=" & NrTurns & _ "|casualties1=" & CasualtiesAttack & _ "|casualties2=" & CasualtiesDefense & _ "}}" & _ "__NOTOC__" Dim InfoBoxRange As Range Set InfoBoxRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0) InfoBoxRange.Text = InfoBox End Sub
By: Peter Kolak
If you want to take a battle report and post it on a website, here's what you have to do:
A. Taking the scribe report and putting it in Word.
- First, you must view a battle report via your scribe report.
- Click on "View Source".
- Copy the source by either right clicking and pressing "Copy" or using "Ctrl P".
- Open up a Word Document.
- Right click and select "Paste" or simply type "Ctrl V".
B. Editing the text for the web page. Use "Find and Replace" and follow the next 13 steps.
- Replace "<Char" with "<".
- Replace "</Char" with "<".
- Replace "<_" with "<". (Where as "_" is equal to ONE blank space.)
- Replace "<^#^#^#^#^#>" with "". (Meaning, don't replace it with anything, just leave the replace section blank.
- Replace "<^#^#^#^#>" with "".
- Replace "<^#^#^#>" with "".
- Replace "<^#^#>" with "".
- Replace "< p >" with "< br >" (There are no spaces between the "<" and the "p".
- Replace "#DDDDDD" with "#00FFFF".
- Replace "#FFFFFF" with "#FFDD11".
- Replace "#E0E0FF" with "#FF00DD".
- Delete top several rows that contains header information.
- Delete very last info: "</Body></HTML>".
C. Preview and make sure it looks good.
Addendum by RubyDragon
Having used these steps quite often in the Falasan Inquirer, I found them to be incredibly useful, but here are some modifications which will help fix some of the bugs I found.
A. -no change
B. Editing the text for the web page. Use "Find and Replace" and follow the next 13 steps.
- Replace "<Char" with "<".
- Replace "</Char" with "<".
- Replace "<_" with "<". (Where as "_" is equal to ONE blank space.)
Replace "<^#^#^#^#^#>" with "". (Meaning, don't replace it with anything, just leave the replace section blank.- Replace "<^#^#^#^#>" with "".
- Replace "<^#^#^#>" with "".
Replace "<^#^#>" with "".(never found any of these myself)- Replace "< p >" with "< br >" (There are no spaces between the "<" and the "p".
- Replace "#DDDDDD" with "#00FFFF".
- Replace "#FFFFFF" with "#FFDD11".
- Replace "#E0E0FF" with "#FF00DD".
Delete top several rows that contains header information.Delete everything above and including the following phrase found near the beginning "Scribe Note, X turns old:"- Delete very last info:
- "
- </BODY>
- </HTML><script language='javascript'>postamble();</script>"
RubyDragon's Additions
After doing B (with modifications, carry out the following:
- Replace "<>" with "".This removes all those odd "<>" speckling the report
- Replace "</FONT<" with "<" I noticed that if this weren't done, after a certain point all writing became yellow)
- Preview the battle report. You should notice a near the top. It is located after the "Scribe Note: Battle in XXXYYY", immediately behind "FormationCS"
C. Preview, make sure it looks good, and edit out anything that looks weird.
Addendum by Ceorl
- Replace "</FONT<" with "<".
- Replace "< p >" with "< br >". (There are no spaces between the "<" and the "p".
- Replace "< /p >" with "". (There are no spaces between the "<" and the "/p".
- Replace "<Char" with "<".
- Replace "</Char" with "<".
- Replace "<_" with "<". (Where as "_" is equal to ONE blank space.)
- Replace "<>" with "".
- Replace "white" with "black".
- Replace "#DDDDDD" with "#DC143C"
- Replace "#FFFFFF" with "#00008B"
- Replace "#E0E0FF" with "#A52A2A"
- Replace "#C0FFC0" with "#00008B" (This is for Defender Victory)
- Replace "#FFC0C0" with "#DC143C" (This is for Attacker Victory)
- Replace "#E0FFFF" with "#00008B"